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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Just beautiful! Thanks for the report.
  2. SWEEEETTTT Fish! Welcome aboard.
  3. Not sure but the rumour is they have a great set of teeth because of all the flossing going on.
  4. Report one - Musky After chewing up the prop a few weeks ago I've been playing around with a couple of others. Phone calls to a couple of places and what to do to get the boat running better with the new props. After some tweaks it's finally there. Thanks to Andrew at the Prop Drop in Lindsay and John at Kawartha Prop repair. Now not being sure how much fishing I'd get in I went solo in hopes that not to much time would be spent on the prop. I managed to get a couple of hours in and went to one on my favourite Kawartha spots. In a couple of hours I had 1 one and lost it, 2 follows and then boated 2. I had just thrown a cast when I heard this big splash behind me. After working my bait back I fired a cast in the direction of the splash. Jerk, jerk, jerk - The bait not me! Fish on!! First one to the boat and the hook popped out nice and easy. I worked my way back on to the edge and fired my next cast. Jerk, jerk, jerk - don't even think it. SPLASH! I reel like crazy to catch up with the bait and set the hook! 2 casts, 2 muskies. The second one put on a bit of a show and after a couple quick shots it was back to be caught another day. I fished for a bit more and felt what I thought was some weeds but came in with this. I think it was trying to mate with my reefhawg. At this point there was a heck of a storm making it's way in so I called it a day. Report 2 - Bassin' Short and sweet. My flyin fishing trip buddies Ken and Gerry joined me for the day on Sunday. The bite was pretty good but all were smaller fish. We boat about 18-20 largemouth and smallmouth bass with Gerry smoking Ken and I with the secret bait - a mepps spinner. Note to self - find your mepps and bring them out next time. Here's Gerry with one of his buckets. That's all for now but the Mikwam flyin report is just about done. Just waiting on some pictures from the other guys. Stay tuned.
  5. I guess I should have left the grass cutting and laundry for another night and given you a call. CONGRATS on the PB Cliff, what a pig, and to you as well Bly on your 2 smallish ones.
  6. MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!!! I CAN'T SEE A THING!! Wait a second......NICE FISH! Thanks for the laugh, needed that today.
  7. Great report Cliff! As always, it was great to get out with you 2 again. Victor, my fish was pretty long but I'd like one long and FAT like Bly's monster. Congrats again on the PB Bly. Limeyangler - I've never heard of "Dynamite Marine Halibut Pellets" but I didn't even know what a boilie, feeder or a hair rig was until a month or so ago. Maybe one of the carp pros can help you out.
  8. Welcome aboard! Check this out.Fishing in Ottawa If your in the GTA check this out. Heber Down Conservation Area (Whitby) - Disabled access and fishing platforms are available along with plenty of streambank fishing along the Lynde Creek. The disabled fishing platforms are located at the Devil’s Den Pond and this Disabled Hunting and fishing And one more site I hope that these might be of some help to you.
  9. Great pics GCD! Even got Lew smiling!
  10. What an Wondering when the club will call that "emergency meeting" to deal with this clown. There were a couple of guys in a bass tourney a few years ago that got caught for caging fish. Banished from tournaments forever. This guy should be getting that and ousted from the club from his peers at the very least. As for the legal charges, not sure about jail time or not but several hours of community service with the MNR, lake/river clean up or stocking programs?? Loss of his fishing licence wouldn't be a bad idea as well.
  11. It wasn't the lenght but the thought of Lew keeping one of these big girls that was funny. I get the impression that he treats these muskies like they are family and would not want to see any harm done to them whatsoever.
  12. It's been many years since I've seen one of that size! Congrats on the PB and thanks for the report.
  13. You're a funny man Beans! GREAT FISH Lew! Thanks for the report.
  14. SWEET fish! Congrats to the winner and thanks for the report. Is that the biggest pike in the history of the OFC Pike Tourney??
  15. Good to know that you're home safe and sound. Looking forward to the pics.
  16. Great report Cliff! I've got to get to next years G2G and it's looking like that might work out.
  17. Terrible news Gary. Very sorry for your loss. Treasure the memories as they do live on forever.
  18. Thanks guys and of course there will be lots of pics . I'll try to check in later if I can but this will most likely be it till next week.
  19. No need to travel to the Kawarthas. Not to say that you shouldn't but being in the Haliburtons there is a great selection right there. Kashawigamog (sp) and the surrounding lakes in the area have a few in them.
  20. Yep, that would be my ride out of here. Heading up to fly with Cochrane Air into Mikwam for some trophy northerns and walleye. Stay tuned for the report! See you in a few days!
  21. Thanks for the replies. ccmt - We'll definitely get out for some carp when I get back. Was hoping to do it before I left but just too much stuff to get done before I go. HH - Sorry for not calling but with the running around I had to do I didn't want to drag someone along not knowing when I'd be on the water. JB - Yep, was working the weed edges breaking into 12ft of water in an area where I had many muskies before. For some reason they didn't want to say hi that day. The crappie would have made a nice meal for one. I've already had a good feed of them and decided to let it go to grow for another day.
  22. Have a look here HH. I was up there this past winter and it was very nice. Viamede
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