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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Great report Rich, well except for the onions. I just can't stomach those things. For some reason they give me an instant gag reflex.
  2. Thanks for the report UF. Some nice fish there too. As Wolfville said, pick up the phone and call will ya! I would like to know what the result is of the phone call. Keep us updated bud.
  3. Congrats on the new ride. The style of the boat looks similar to my old Sterling I had but not sure. As for the seats, when fishing on calm days you should be fine. Just use some caution because it will be a bit unstable do to the size of the boat. For running down the lake and rough conditions, even trolling, I'd want the seat closer to the floor. I'd also invest in a set of proper seat pedestals. Those office chair bases look like they'd guarantee you a trip into the lake at some point in time. Now fix it up and go get some fish.
  4. Great start to the season Lew, thanks for the report.
  5. After getting some things done on Saturday morning, I was on the lake by 10am. Threw for muskies for about 3 hours and not a sign. Decided to take a break for a bite to eat and threw out a jig and boated this 12 and 3/4 inch slab. Into the livewell in hopes of putting together a meal. Fished for couple more hours with only smaller fish willing to bite. Back she went for someone to catch another day. Off the water around 3 and headed to my nephew's 21st birthday. Talk about feeling old, not him! Me. The boat will be dry docked for a couple of weeks now but I'll still be fishing. We will be flying in to Mikwam with Cochrane Air on Friday morning. BIG report to come.
  6. Never really thought of it that way, more of a pucker in the wallet. Same feeling though. Bly was extremely kind enough to go and pick me up a new so I could get on the water this weekend. A BIG thanks to Bly!!! Thanks to everyone for the replies and hopefully another report next week. Joe, you just say the word and we're gone. Now to go get the new prop put on.
  7. Last weekend it was 56-62 depending on which part of the lake you were on. Should be past the 60's everywhere this weekend.
  8. After the previous week of slamming the fish on Simcoe we were hoping to get back out there and do it again. Once we got to Simcoe we noticed the winds and waves were a bit to much for us and headed to the Kawarthas for some walleye and panfish. Joe and I heading to spot #1 Once on the spot I explained what we were fishing and how to approach it. First cast I jig, jig, jig and got this one. We joked later in the day how I could host the One Fish Fishing show as I did a great little seminar and bang on the first cast nailed the targetted species. That would be the only eye of the day. We did end up getting a few panfish and some OOS species which kept out interest up. At the end of the day though the damage wound be revealed. Figured it happened right at the launch. Oh well, poop happens. A few for a snack. And the money shot! Once again a great day on the water with some great people.
  9. We may just have to try this on the fly-in trip this year. We will substitue the rock bass for walleye though.
  10. Beauty Pike! Looks like a good day on the water to me. Some good info as well, thanks for the report.
  11. Very cool. Perhaps what TJ said about taping off the area might be a good idea, maybe even a small fence to help keep the critters away. Or maybe let nature take it's course. No matter what, thanks for posting the pics!
  12. Send me a pm when you want to go, act surprised and Monique won't have a clue! Oh wait a minute, she does check in here. Busted. Guess you'll be cutting the grass TJ. lol!
  13. Great report Cliff as aways. What job do you need to get out of next week? Actually Bly gave her permission last week to get Cliff out so I was just following orders. DSN - not sure if the battle wounds are from spawning or not. I don't think they've started yet. Could be competing for partners? I'm just a rookie to this carp thing. Thanks for a great night Cliff and we will do it agian next week. Got to get out one more time before the fly-in. Just a week to go!
  14. Working OK now. I hate it when the lights go out.
  15. Just checking in and I'm not seeing any pics. Anyone else having the same problem? Good thing I know where the new topic button is even though I can't see it. LOL!
  16. Cliff, it's people like you who make this board what it is. Thanks for all your time and hard work that you put into making this video. Simply FANTASTIC!!
  17. LOL! Didn't even know that there was such a product ccmt. Might be worth giving it a shot. Does it say anything about not voiding warranties on new motors?
  18. I have a Magellan Meridian like Fish Farmer and have yet to have a problem with it. (Knock on wood) Given what is being said here it will be my last unit from them. If I should have a problem, I certainly don't need any headaches from their service (of lack of it) department. I can't believe that they want change a battery for ya Carp-Starter just because it's an older model. If you haven't already tried them, give Radioworld a call. 1-866-666-8600 or if in Toronto call 416-667-1000. Good luck.
  19. Shot of Headhunter releasing a nice whitey. A turkey in a tree because we've see a few turkey's come by here Wait a second you didn't ask for that. I 'll try to take a look to see what I have at home tonight.
  20. My understanding is that they are great when using a braided line. A bit of a shock absorber so to speak. May not be as necessary with mono.
  21. Always cool to find out about the family roots. Thanks for sharing Lew.
  22. You guys are too much! It certainly would have been cool if it was a greyling Brian. I haven't caught on of those in 20+ years now but we were a little to far south for them. That was however the smallest whitefish I've seen come out of the lake. TbayBoy, There are shrimp in Simcoe, really there are and pigs are well, notice the pork chops on the BBQ?! I wasn't even at the BBQ JB but it certainly looks like a meal that would satisfy Cronzy and he is no relation to myself or Lincoln. Thanks for the replies and hopefully we'll get them on Sunday HH.
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