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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2023 in all areas

  1. Hopefully these pic will help relieve some of the winter blues some of you may be going through.
    3 points
  2. I've been saving seed and growing the same indeterminate heirloom Greek tomato for over thirty years now but I use a different method than you as I only grow one vine and pinch all suckers off. If they grew like yours I'd be overwhelmed with blight due to lack of air flow. They average over a pound each and my largest is over 2 1/2 lb. Best tomatoes I've ever eaten, all meat and a fantastic flavour. Last year I made salsa and the three people I passed a jar to all said it was the best salsa they'd ever had. They make an excellent tomato sauce as well, I can lots every year. Long wait yet though, they're maybe 8" right now under the lights.
    3 points
  3. I am thinking, whities to cure my blues.
    3 points
  4. Nice, have I had fisher or two over the summer they are cool. Below are my favorites from last year
    3 points
  5. These are Pontiac's, big potato flavor. I've been growing them for over forty years. This year I'm finally planting Idaho (russets) They are very versatile and make especially tasty and crispy fries. The blade on the clever is nine inches long. Would have made too much sense to put a tape measure next to the spud, too late smart as usual LOL.
    2 points
  6. The Main Street Restaurant on Buckhorn must use those for their English fish and chips ... 1 French Fry goes from one side of a plate to the other side in the middle,,,LOL !
    2 points
  7. That would be an XXXXL container of fries.
    2 points
  8. Won't be long I'll be getting my tomato plants and a few garden flowers.
    2 points
  9. There's another one here at the house that likes certain types of media. Anything to do with whistling, or chipping brings Aussie to life with his rendition of what he is hearing. I have had Aussie since he was a chick; just old enough to eat on his own. 23 years later he still loves sitting on my shoulder. He doesn't actually sing with what he hears; he just sort of screeches along with the tune. Drives the wife nuts!!! LOL Dan..
    2 points
  10. My dog Zoe is an absolute photo bomb ham. She has a "thing" for one of my fishing buddies...and just him, no one else. Whenever he catches a fish, and he asks me to snap a photo, she has to jump in and make sure she's included in the shot. To be fair to Zoe, she does feel that she's partly responsible for the catch. When my buddy sits up on the front deck of my boat, she has to be right there watching every cast...and will even growl disapprovingly if she feels it wasn't in the right spot. In her mind, it's like she's teaching him to fish. He's fairly new to fishing, so she's sees me helping him out, and feels that she has to do the same. Mind you, she has lots of experience...she's been my fishing companion for 8 years now.
    2 points
  11. Well not much on the cameras this time as I didnt expect there would be as there is about two feet of snow where I want to and usually put them and I dont have tracks for my Argo. But anyway here is a couple. Pine marten checking out the tennis ball, etc.
    1 point
  12. Now I can see the reason behind some calling them "shoestring" fries, long enough to tie your boots.
    1 point
  13. Now that is a baking potato!
    1 point
  14. I've been doing it a long time especially tomato's. It's my valium. I've never grown jalapeno peppers, I grow other's but never thought of them. I get three and a half pound tomato's every year. And lots of blue ribbons at fall fairs. I used to grow enough (over 200 plants) when I was a kid to supply three grocery stores and also sold them out of a booth. Every cent of it went towards fishing tackle. I actually made pretty good money for a kid not even in his teens yet. LOL.
    1 point
  15. Those are some solid looking tomatoes. I have to spread plants out pretty good or I get blight or some such thing. My thumb isn’t so green though. I’m better at catching than growing but I’d like to work on that. Im envious of these gardens! I love tomato, jalapeño and onion sandwiches! Jalapeños are one thing I can’t seem to screw up!
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Some bears to the mix
    1 point
  18. The wildlife do love to showboat for the cameras! I had one Tom take 42 pictures of himself strutting in front of one of my cams a couple weeks back LOL
    1 point
  19. WOW, That is very impressive.
    1 point
  20. No Dan you are not nuts, My Trooper will watch tv for hours and if he isn't you can be sure he' listening for a particular commercial and alot of times just go ballistic wanting to get at that critter he is seeing. We had to mount the tv up on the wall but the big bugger can still reach it. He's so smart as he looks behind the tv to see if the action is outside as the tv is mounted next to some big bay windows. We had another dog that would charge the tv screen so hard that he left teeth marks on the screen, you could see them and feel them, they were surprisingly deep, and that was an old school picture tube tv. As soon as the song came on the tv - who let the dog's out, well lookout, that was his favorite, or most unfavorite. It drove him nuts. There were times he hit the tv so hard he practically knocked himself out, poor bugger.
    1 point
  21. Really! You went there
    1 point
  22. Couple of ours. Sadly our poodle passed away earlier this year. Of course, the last one is after we fished her out of the drink. Thankfully, ours wear life jackets too when out on the water
    1 point
  23. Ah, Maggie looks awesome! Love Great Pyrenees, they're such gentle giants. Sorry to hear about your white Lab tho.
    1 point
  24. Our newest family member is Stax. He's a miniature Pinscher. Mini Pins were originally bred to be ratters. It used to be a very lucrative business back when owning a pack of these dogs. The pack owner would rent out the dogs to farmers. When the farmers were cleaning out their grain bins or hay/straw stacks they have the dogs on the ready. These little dogs are so fast and for their size very strong that as mouse or rat nests were uncovered. These Pins would go on the attack, chasing down and killing any rat it could catch. There are vids out on YouTube showing how affective it is having them for this job. Now our Stax doesn't seem to have that killer instinct anymore but he is very smart and as fast as fast can be. If he wants something here in the house you'd better lock it away or he'll figure a way to get it. LOL Dan...
    1 point
  25. This is Chiquita which we inherited from Maribeth's dying sister who could no longer care for her... The family figured we should be the ones to take her as we were home all day and have lots of room for her to run to lose weight... She was madly in love with the Burmese Mountain dogs across the road and every time she wandered off, sure enough that was where we would find her... Not too sure how long we had her but at about 12 years old we had to have her put down😪 I wanted to call her "Footstool" but didn't... (Maribeth wouldn't let me LOL) She loved to go for a ride in my old truck "To the dump, to the dump, to the dump dump dump "
    1 point
  26. 2 special friends no longer around. No more for us. Losing them is just to much. Tink Gizmo Edit to add Both were my best friends, until mom got home . Used and abused I was. LOL
    1 point
  27. Here's our 3, from left to right, Hope (8yrs) boxer, Cooper (3mths old) Mastif, Chewie (1 1/2yrs) Aus Sheppard/Mastif cross
    1 point
  28. My old bear cash is 15 years old, at the begining of the pandemic my parents moved permanently to cashes obvious favourite place in the world, the lake. Me living in a condo at the time thought it would be best for him to spend some time up there while we were locked down down here…cash has never come “home” he’s my mom’s daily bush walk companion (gets her up every morning to make sure they both walk), bear deterrent (treed a bear last year) both of our neighbors also had bear break ins last summer, we haven’t seen a single sign of a bear on our property and all around class clown. cash loves the boat, and loves swimming with anyone who will go with him. More importantly though, cash loves when my niece comes up to visit him, he follows the kids around all day and will not leave Ashley’s side. been a few weeks since I’ve been up north but I can’t wait to go for a walk and a boat ride with him when I get up there!
    1 point
  29. I'm telling you... Zoe knows where to find them...and her intentions aren't completely selfless...she loves a little leftover Walleye mixed in with her kibble.. Before Zoe, I had Winston...same breed, Vizsla, but a boy. Sadly passed at 12 years old. He was the same...a real "nose" for finding fish. I call the breed a "Fins & Feathers Pointer". Both Winston and Zoe were/are unbelievable Grouse dogs too... Nothing like "Cast & Blast" with my furry best buddy..
    1 point
  30. Gordie came to my attention as a 10 month old pup in need of a new home by way of OFC member and friend John's wife Barbara ( thank you Barbara 🥰 ). After our first meeting I knew he was the right dog for me and a few days later I brought him into his new forever home, which will have been two years already in mid May. He hates the van but boy he sure does love the boat.
    1 point
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