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  1. I was going to visit my sister this morning; it was about 11:30 and decided to grab a burger at Micky D's before heading to St. Thomas. This Mc Donald's shares the lot in a small mall. As I pulled into the lot, I saw a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk. He was holding a cardboard sign, that said "I'm hungry can you help?" I didn't think much of it and went on to the drive-through and ordered my burger and fries. As I was driving out I saw that this homeless man was now laying down, all curled up into a ball. I stopped and went over and asked him; if he was ok. He sat up and said that he was hungry. I went to my truck and gave him my burger. He gave me a very sincere thank you and a handshake. I have never even thought of doing this before, but it felt good that I may have helped someone. Dan...
    3 points
  2. It looks like there's not a lot of interest in this thread, and I understand. Homeless people have a stigma associated with them. They're all drug addicts or lazy assed people, but not all of them; we all could try and (IF they want help) help. I have to tell you about what my sister has been doing for the last 4 years. I didn't even know about it until yesterday; this is after I explained my parking lot deal with the homeless man. She and her husband have been going to thrift, secondhand, and places like Value Village stores buying knitted sweaters, blankets anything that the yarn can be pulled from and taken apart. With this yarn she makes toques, in three different sizes; baby, young kid, and adult. When done she places them in plastic grocery bags, with 50 hats in each. My brother (in-law) then takes the bags to places like the women's shelter, homeless, and the Salvation Army. This year's count hit 1500+ toques, other years were 1000-1200. My Sister Andrea never goes to make these donations, she's just happy seeing people wearing her toques. Toques that can be seen worn around St. Thomas. I am so proud of these two mid 70 year old's doing something to help others and not wanting any recognition for it. Thread dedicated to Andrea and Edgar. My family my heroes. Dan...
    3 points
  3. You know why they call it kinmount right? Cause they couldn’t put cousin____ on the sign! Hope you like banjos 😀
    3 points
  4. We all know those days when we say to self,I need this,that and ya,more if this. Well today was the day I finally figured out,I really do not need more,well I do,but will have to get another station to store it. When I started fly tying I had a small box given to me by Fisherman, a plain vice and some supplies. Just wanted to have something to do on those non fishing days .Once I realized there was so much to tie, well, I need to buy more of this,more of that and ya,some more of everything. About a week ago,I was told I had to get my mess cleaned up. Was not sure what she meant,as I knew where everything was lying around. HA HA HA. Well she was right,I had stuffed stashed here and there,bags of stuff here,box or 2,3,4 over there. Ok I get it now, so I picked up a new storage cart to go with what I already had bought to store my stuff. I started off with a small 3 drawer thing,then bought the multy drawer thing. Figured that was good enough,but now my new station with the addition of the 12 drawer seems to have gotten 3/4 of my stuff out of bags,boxes and off the floor.I have I have more stuff then I thought,but I need it ALL. 😂 When she gets home,I am sure she will be pleased,but shhhhhhhhhhh, she can not know I just bought a bunch more supplies today, that I need,want.
    2 points
  5. So the Mrs and I just purchased a re-sale home in Gooderham close to where the 507 and 503 meet up. I cannot wait to explore the fishing out there! I guess I now need more toys like an ATV, a tractor for snow removal as it's a 1.17 acres in size lot wise. And I may need to get a boat (again). Really not looking at getting a Ski-Doo but time will tell. At least the 507 and 503 are fun roads to travel on when on the motorcycles and I have a family room window view of the 503... I look forward to the next/new adventures out there!
    1 point
  6. Don't see 'em this big too often... not in Ontario anyways. Just 1.2 pounds shy of a record. A "HUGE" one through the ice captured on a short video. Link: One "HUGE"... LINK!!! Cool catch! Stoked. Bunk
    1 point
  7. I won't show you my guitar collection/music gear, gun collection, decoy collection, and we aren't even going to talk about fishing tackle and rods/reels. Nope, not even going there. I might need a hand building another shed.......:)
    1 point
  8. It started out like this and now it is a medium size pot of Lobster Bisque simmering away for tonight's Dinner.
    1 point
  9. Well, the gooderham LCBO is your new beer store. lol.....Its the first place I got served under aged haha.....use to be a tiny trailer. I think the next closest is kinmout, or wilberforce. Spent a lot of years in that neck of the woods. Get a skidoo. You won't regret it. If you like the bikes, a skidoo is next closest thing to riding a bike. You can go anywhere from your front door, and I mean anywhere. We were on grace lake for 26 years. I miss it every damn day. S.
    1 point
  10. Ok a few things from my experience. A 25 yammie will troll as slow as any other sized outboard, with ease, smooth as can be, and quieter than the water pumping out of it, ALL DAY, no problem. The digital troll control is SWEET! ALWAYS get the max HP. Did i mention ALWAYS? I opted to get the lift assist with my 40 yammy (also a 16ft boat). Like said, I don't want my engine locked down while I'm in shallow water, or running unknown lakes. The beauty of lift assist is I can hit neutral, and push down on the tiller handle with one finger, and up comes my engine, then I can lock it in shallow drive and idle along until I know I'm safe. I use it TONS. Especially duck hunting. You can't run at speed that way, but if your on plane, you don't want to be trimmed up that high anyways.
    1 point
  11. I totally agree Shag, What's the point if you are going to leave the bones in. I can fillet a perch a lot quicker the old traditional way. Not in ten seconds as he claims which as you mentioned is Bull but still quicker and easier and no bones. Who wants them?
    1 point
  12. Was all over the Alumacraft, Lund and StarCraft websites two nights ago looking at tillers and such. The StarCrafts are beauty boats and well priced by comparison.
    1 point
  13. That's an excellent point I never would have thought of having never owned a power trim engine, so my knowledge is limited. I never lock down my outboards unless I was back trolling into a good wind. Nothing bigger than 20hp. I definitely will admit to having more than once being forced to quickly lift it out of the water as an unexpected hump magically appeared while exploring new runs on windy days. Cheers
    1 point
  14. Your not the first guy with a hobby gone wrong pal! You won’t be the last! It’s like guns, the trick is to get it into the safe without getting caught. Then one looks just like the others. Hooks and feathers are no different!!
    1 point
  15. I wouldn’t have bought my last truck if I hadn’t had a big boat to pull. My commute is very short fortunately. Still, as I am starting to see the way the wind is blowing these days, I’m starting to consider moving it along in favour of a smaller rig. That means the boat is going to have to move along for a bit smaller rig. Bummer, but adaptability is key. The electric rigs aren’t readily available and just don’t have the range for someone that likes to travel!
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Saw this on FB bunk absolutely wild! reminded me of my childhood growing up on athapap and the annual burbot derby. The world record was actually caught there and it held up for a good number of years
    1 point
  18. Awesome man!!! Must be the year of huge Ling, my bud caught one on Simcoe that was 15.2-3 (something like that) 36", still looking to check them off my list.
    1 point
  19. Had a add some key details that were omitted. lol
    1 point
  20. Got ORDERS, from the grand daughter for popeye chicken, AGAIN. 4 boneless breasts made this bucket full. 50% off $16. Great deal.
    1 point
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