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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2021 in all areas

  1. I love when the weather gets colder. Weeds out the fair weather anglers and a lot more river to fish. After yesterdays tough fish,I decided to start fresh. Down sized my float,weights and line and going with small bags and single eggs again. Also decided to fish deep frog waters and way inside seams of the fast. It was the right choice. 1st drift and had a fish on at my 1st spot. This usually means, the rest of the morning will suck. Only the one fish out of the 1st pool after a half hour, moved on to my next spot. This one turned out to be the only one I would have to fish for the rest of the morning . Single eggs took 4 of the fish, 1st was on a small chartreuse bag . One fish I lost as I thought I was dragging bottom,so just lifted the rod, but well,it was a fish that swam away. LMAO. All good,as I was laughing at myself as I know,hook sets are free. I fish alone,with no body else,and taking selfies when no one is around, is ok by me. LOL
    6 points
  2. Father in law and I did a boat run up in angus, had a great morning. We both limited out quick. Tons of action in the first 30 mins. Had a 6 pound hen on my first cast, 3rd cast had a 7 pound hen that jumped 5 times clear out of the water, amazing fight!
    5 points
  3. Water temp 45deg and level dropped 2 ft from last weekend. Went 1 for 2. I fished hard for this little guy. 1000 drift fish.LOL
    4 points
  4. They're just keeping an eye out for GBFisher....
    2 points
  5. They call it paint jail for a reason Dan!! You're welcome any time. I've got one closer to your vintage now, but still a good Mopar.. LOL
    2 points
  6. Interesting, wonder how long til they develop feet and exit the water
    2 points
  7. Absolutely Bud....as long as your paying LOL
    2 points
  8. Been helping a buddy (Cam) with a 67 Galaxy; nice car that has a ton of potential. Having trouble getting a decent brake pedal. I then looked at the badge on the car. I yelled to my buddy and said I see the problem and the manufacturer circled it for us. Sorry Cam; if you see this. LOL Dan.
    1 point
  9. Yea you're right; but I have had pike sitting on the ice while ice fishing for a number of hours. They sure seemed frozen and looked dead. Get home from the day's fishing and put the 3 or 4 fish in a tub of water allowing them to thaw before cleaning. My son (then 8 or 10) stayed in the garage where the fish were; no doubt mucking around with the fish. About 20 or so minutes go by and he comes running into the house as if his ass was on fire. Dad Dad the fish are alive!!!! Sure enough there was one that was swimming upright and circling the 50 gallon water trough. True story. All the guys that were there got pretty hammered having a few cocktails watching this pike swimming and splashing in the tub. Dan.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Beautiful cars. Keep history alive.
    1 point
  12. The sound of those mamouth Rolls Royce engines screaming low enough in the sky to see the colour of the pilots eyes, or close, never gets old. I'm sure they aren't all RR's but most are especially if the aircaraft is British or Canadian built. All Avro's are Canuck aircraft. The air show, when air shows were the real deal, in Hamilton were always on Father's Day. One of Dad's favorite things was going to the airshow, the only athletic past time he enjoyed was golf. So up until he was about 65 my 2 brothers, Dad and I booked a round of golf just across Upper James St. in Mount Hope and just across from the airport. It was the only time he would allow us to golf with him. So we got to play a round once a year with him and take in the airshow simutaniously at the same time. A good day especially for the rather frugal (cheap) brother. He throws nickels around like they are manhole covers. That was both the happiest and sometimes saddest day of the year for me.
    1 point
  13. I think he is starting to look like a Viking nice fish
    1 point
  14. That's still a lot of time for a fish out of water. Are the gills on fish that kinda look like ears. Maybe they are listening for fisherman.
    1 point
  15. They were on for sure. I was going to do the walk back but there were already 6 trucks/cars at the parking. I only walk way back when my son is with me. I need someone to carry me out after. LOL Real nice fish bud.
    1 point
  16. And I was just sitting here watching it piss down rain and snow thinking... I bet that Brian guy is out there in that mess!
    1 point
  17. seems they do the same thing right here lol
    1 point
  18. I've always admired that car of yours Dan and years back a friend of mine had one pretty well the same as yours.
    1 point
  19. I now live near where they rent these things, and it is an annoyance to say the least. The road that I adjoin is twisty turny and perfect for these wanna be Andretti's to open the cars up. I much prefer the Lancaster.
    1 point
  20. OI, based on their website. 30 minute test drive is $169 min for the lower cars, $299 for the true exotics. 50 bucks more to take a passenger and 60 bucks for their low end picture package. Daily rentals are about $2200! (bottom of the bucket corvette is $700/day) I'm not charging my kids enough... LOL
    1 point
  21. Let me just pencil it into my calendar lol
    1 point
  22. Cool next year you can add the black beauty to the parade
    1 point
  23. More money than brains is the common phrase for them things! I'd rather cruise in a classic. This was our Father's Day cruise with our kids driving the Dart and the Bird, Leah's old man got the comfort of her Challenger with A/C and we cruised in the Bee (that we were married in back in '82). Been my car since '79 and my Father's before that. We got more thumbs up on our 75 mile cruise than any of those "Super cars" will ever get.
    1 point
  24. They are. We had a giant pike swim into a line of our diver decoys at the top end of lake simcoe about 25 years ago and he attempted to grab a bufflehead decoy. It was the coolest thing ever!
    1 point
  25. We were not taught what Remembrance Day meant way back in the 60's. Actually never explained trough all levels of education the meaning of it. I see it is different today. My 4 year old grand niece that is in her 2nd year of pre Kindergarten, another discussion for another day, explained to me in her baby talk the basic premiss of this special day. I was dumbfounded, 4 years old. That's a good thing. If you are blessed to have youngsters around you take the time to sit them down and talk about what the sacrifices our young men and women make, still to this day, to protect our way of life as well as our freedoms we all enjoy and often take for granted. I didn't ask any of my relatives that were soldiers in WW1, WW2 and Korea about what they went through, we were told never to ask them. My paternal Grand Father fought in WW1 for the British and took shrapnell to the scull, who better to ask. Take the time to pass it on.
    1 point
  26. I'm pretty friggin teared up listening to these tunes. Got Bless our vets, and those that didn't make it home.
    1 point
  27. Da BYES were strong Lest we forget
    1 point
  28. Living where I do allows me to see the Avro Lancaster most every weekend soaring low and loud over my home, always emotional but today as it flew over as it does every Remembrance Day is far more poignant and tear raising. Respect to all who have served and continue to serve, Amen.
    1 point
  29. I'd buy a used sled. Way more versatile, and much better unit. I've used the snowdog, and they are OK for going A to B on the lake, but hit a hill, or slight slope coming off the lake, and they turn into a nightmare pretty quick. Just my opinion, but I'm not a fan. S.
    1 point
  30. Big fan of Mark Knopfler, found this today, kudo's to whoever put the images together with the song
    1 point
  31. Watched two Hercules fly over my house this morning on their way to a fly over downtown. Lest we forget HH
    1 point
  32. LOL, might need a driver Terry...you available...
    0 points
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