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  1. You won't believe the places this thing will go..... we just picked them up on Saturday. Well you know the first thing we had to do was drive them down the road, through a ditch and into the river. Swamp grass, water, mud, beaver dams, you name it, we tried it and all they did was keep amazing us. We ended up hitting a little lake we knew for some pike, OMG amazing, we caught so many fish we lost count, ( you couldn't get there any other way) we went places you couldn't get with a boat or an ATV, we went places where you couldn't walk. We went places you couldn't get to even with a float plane, ( well you might make it in but getting out would have been a challange 😊 Now I will admit you can get them stuck. Yup I did LOL, I tried to cross a small creek just wider than my wheel base, it was deep with very steep sides, ya, my son did have to winch me out. Well if you don't get one stuck you don't know what it takes right ? 😊 IMG_1325.MOV
    5 points
  2. LMAO The day after his Mother-in-law disappeared in a kayaking accident, a Twillingate, Newfoundland man answered his door to find two grim-faced RCMP officers. "We're sorry Mr. Flynn, but we have some information about your mother-in-law," said one of the officers. "Tell me! Did you find her?!" Cedric Flynn asked. The troopers looked at each other. One said, "We have some bad news , some good news , and some really great news . Which would you like to hear first?” Fearing the worst, Mr. Flynn said, "Give me the bad news first.” The RCMP officer said, "I'm sorry to tell you, sir, but this morning we found your mother-in-law's body in the bay. "Lord sufferin' Jaysus!" exclaimed Flynn. Swallowing hard, he asked, "What could possibly be the good news?” The officer continued, "When we pulled her up, she had 12 of the best looking Atlantic lobsters that you have ever seen clinging to her. Haven't seen lobsters like that since the 1960's, and we feel you are entitled to a share in the catch.” Stunned, Mr. Flynn demanded, "If that's the good news, then what's the great news? The officer replied, "We're gonna pull her up again tomorrow.
    5 points
  3. I will try to get more pictures this week, we didn't get tracks, believe me if you can't get there with the wheels you probably shouldn't be there. We decided to go with the 650 instead of the 700 for a couple of reasons, the main one being the 700 is efi and the module is below and behind the engine, the only way to service it is to remove the engine. The 650 is carburated and a breeze to service. I am truly amazed at how well these things are made and what they can do and the adventure has just begun. It's a blessing for both me and my son, no more having to strap outboards and all our gear to our ATV then un load, reload, hope the cached boat is where we left it or isn't being used by someone else. We can fish together or indipent, the seats are padded and quite comfortable, lots of leg room and you can move around very easily. As far as 8 wheel or 6 wheel, the 6 wheel is perfect for our needs, if I was a young man with a family I might go with the 8 but since most of my usage is going to be 1 and occasionally 2 I think this was the right choice. 😊
    3 points
  4. Get floats, dock at my place and take me with you.
    3 points
  5. I wonder if that's how Scugog got fished out..
    2 points
  6. This is awesome and I'd like to shake the Judge's hand. http://todaysnorthumberland.ca/2021/05/21/9000-in-fines-fishing-licence-suspensions-and-a-loss-of-fishing-gear-imposed-for-poaching-fish-on-rice-lake/
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. thats part of the problem here...$1000 fine? They had over 100 fish in one outing. Something tells me its somewhat easy to make that $1000 back and get back to commercially fishing again in no time.
    1 point
  9. so glad I wasn't sipping my tea when I read this
    1 point
  10. That's interesting. I fished 2 days, 2 different lakes. In my case no spoon hits. None. Instead pikey decided to go for jerkbaits and swimbaits.
    1 point
  11. ya I got out for a few hours on the weekend as well. Spoons were top bait, cranks got some, spinnerbaits no score
    1 point
  12. I have about 10 pairs of split ring pliers and your chubby fingers shouldn't be involved. Good split ring pliers should open split ring and also grip the ring. So cubby fingers holding both hook and plier moving ring. Don't think I paid $40 for Shimano pliers maybe $18.
    1 point
  13. I used to jam a hook in there too...until I discovered that split ring pliers were $5 at my local tackle shop. Forget the $40 one you saw, they can be had for waaayy less. Pretty sure I got mine at Natural sports in Kitchener.
    1 point
  14. LOL..you can give the shore spots away now that you have a boat
    1 point
  15. We rented a cottage on Sturgeon a few years ago. We watched a group of people sharing a motel room, a group of about 12 people. They fished every day, all day keeping everything that came over the gunnels, which was mostly pannies. When the buckets got full, they would head to shore where the buckets were grabbed and taken to the room where a team of people were waiting to clean them up. This went on fro most of the week we were there. I have to suspect that they were selling the fish/fillets somewhere.... HH
    0 points
  16. I'll bet that less than a few percent of poachers ever get caught and how many of that small number get a wallet busting fine and do it again anyway. We used to see a particular group on Simcoe that would make repeated trips back to the car on shore with whities and then go get more. Unfortunately no CO's around to deal with it.
    0 points
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