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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2021 in all areas

  1. I am 75, I don't even bother with a floater suit any more, I dont walk on 4" of ice, carry ice picks or a spud. When I want to go ice fishing now I pay my $60.00, park on shore, get transported to and from a nice warm clean hut by knowledgable staff and just enjoy the day😊. Oh, and here is yesterday's catch and several nice jumbos were released to fight another day.
    5 points
  2. and probably sheets in that guy's floater suit too............😉
    2 points
  3. Check this link if you like ice fishing https://www.sootoday.com/bold/video-goulais-bay-freezes-crystal-clear-for-the-first-time-in-recent-memory-3320149
    2 points
  4. Once you get to a certain age you tend to do stupid things in groups greater than one. When we travel possibly suspect ice, its in a group, with throw lines, spuds and floatation gear. The average age is 50, but we could still help a brother out. There will come a time that I no longer do these things.
    2 points
  5. A friend sent me this; I thought it was worth sharing here?
    1 point
  6. You left out the most important part in my quote...which was for the good of all. It's all good we are allowed to have differences in opinions. My 78 year old mom was always a stickler for following the rules and doing what you where told, I guess that where this comes from for me. And to illustrate my point I will mention that when this second lockdown was imposed she called all her 3 adult kids and asked us all to please not stop by for any visits until this is over. My folks live in Bobcaygeon where my cottage is and a Sunday morning pop over for a coffee is something I do whenever I am up there. I haven't been in there house or they in my cottage since the end of November.
    1 point
  7. Everyone in Canada obeys laws to one extent or another. Some people speed, some don't. Some people are obeying the stay at home order, some are not. I'm not sure how that puts you in any position to judge crappieperchhunter for making their own choice.
    1 point
  8. So, here's a thing that happened to a buddy of mine a few years ago.... Buddy is a house framer who was working on a house in Toronto, he lives in the east GTA. Now, my buddy is a bit of a "rebel" if you will and decided many years ago that he had no intentions of buying his plate sticker every year. At the time of the "incident" he had not bought a sticker for the better part of a decade. So, he is working in Toronto, framing a custom home. His work truck with all his tools and materials, in the driveway of the home... including the keys in the ignition and his wallet on the dash! (his feeling was that it was safe to do as there were three guys working the site and the truck was always in view by at least one of them.) so, mid-day he goes to get something from the truck and it's gone! No sign of the truck. He calls the cops, gives a report on the phone, they won't even come to the site. He records the officar's contact info, calls his wife to come pick him up. A number of days go by, no call from the cops. About five days later, he gets a call from a bar in Toronto, someone has turned in his wallet, would he like to pick it up? Yup, I am on my way. So he parks in a "Green P" parking lot close to the bar, goes in a retrieves his wallet. Walking back to the green P, he spots something that looks familiar... there it is, his truck siting in the parking lot with multiple parking violations on the windshield. Fortunately for him, he kept a "hide a key" under the front wheel well, starts the truck, pays the fees and is on his way. All tools and wallet in place! He called officer who took the original report and leaves a message that he found his truck. No response from the cops. Fast forward a couple of months later, he's working on a job in Bowmanville, driving his truck north off the 401 to get some needed material. He notices an OPP coming the other direction and as he passes him, he notices in the rear view that the cop is now quickly doing a u-turn and following him. He gets his material and is heading south to get back on the 401 and see's two cop cars following him. As he reaches the on-ramp, there are three OPP cars parked on the side of the on-ramp. As soon as he hits the 401, all hell breaks loose! Cops everywhere, surrounding his truck. Next thing he knows, there's a cop with his gun trained on him from the driver side and he's screaming at him to exit the truck. He's now face down on the 401, in hand cuffs as the cops go through his truck. He keeps asking them what's what's going on, they tell his in no uncertain term to shut the*&%^ up! After going through the truck and finding nothing, they finally tell him that the truck was reported stolen and they think he's the thief or trying to rip off insurance. He explained how the truck was found and reported to TPS. Boy were the cops disappointed. They eventually all began to leave and the last cop to leave says to buddy... uhm, your plate sticker is out of date. Buddy says to the cop, after all I just went through, your not going to give me a ticket are you? Cop says no, you've had a bad enough day. That was at least 5 years ago and buddy still hasn't bought a new plate sticker! LMAO! HH
    1 point
  9. I can’t believe how many photos are showing up with 6 to 10 people posing together for a picture of their outing 5 can be together if they are from the same family but these jokes are posting evidence of them breaking the law. Not so bright and I almost want to report them to help save lives almost
    1 point
  10. I more often then not start off with some black/dark coloured baits when either trolling or casting, those I have the most confidence in. If that doesn’t work I usually switch to something more natural. If I’m fishing with someone else we usually run opposite colours and different size baits.
    1 point
  11. VIDEO-2021-01-28-18-41-11.mp4
    1 point
  12. A couple of days ago we needed to get some antibiotics for one of our dogs that has an infection. We put the meds on the counter, beside the bread box like we always had. The next morning the package is on the floor, torn to shreds and only 2 pills left out of 20. Then we hear Gus (one of our 2 cats) at the door (wanting out) with the dry heaves; we now know where the pills went. Off to the vet's office and after a night's stay and $600.00 + dollars Gus is home again feeling fine. So thanks Cliff; it was nice seeing a cat getting his dues. LOL Dan.
    1 point
  13. Very true, the float suits might give people a false sense of security, you still have to be able pull yourself out if you go in.
    1 point
  14. It's kinda funny Roger, my wife won't fish much at all here locally but loves to whenever we head north.
    1 point
  15. I'd go with Fifty point for better all season opportunities.
    1 point
  16. I wish I was 50 again! I don't know how many chin-ups I can do any more, haven't tried in a long time. But I do wear a floater suit and carry picks AND a spud bar. BTW I am guessing there are a lot of 50 year old men who are fitter than 25 year old couch potatoes who spend their time playing with their phones and eating junk food. Just sayin'.....😉 Doug
    1 point
  17. wow you are bored! I think a lot of things in this world are "not quite as they appear to be" and apparently we can add some "smoked" meats to that list
    1 point
  18. Walleye are thick in the Jackfish.. there are a couple of big houseboats that spend the summer up there and they are like floating lodges.. 200 plus fish in a boat is not unheard of.. I hear the ride up is not forth faint of heart.. imagine a lake that's about 5 times the size of Simcoe but with no cottages and little to no contour maps..
    1 point
  19. Thanks bunk.. we ended up booking on Bounce.. nice cabin, seems like a good fit for family and feel we got a good deal. I also got another similar referral on that same lake a couple hrs ago.. Pretty sure I'll be pm ing you in the near future for some general fly in tips and such
    1 point
  20. Slow on the draw or slow on the read on this one Bunk but as always enjoyed and it got me to review a post or two I missed Cheers Andrew
    1 point
  21. You'll never go wrong with black & orange.
    1 point
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