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  1. Well not to side step this thread; but here's another reason to listen to your doctor about this virous and the vaccine. Meet my grandson born earlier this morning. Mom and Baby are well and want out of the hospital ASAP! He looks like me body wise. Floppy boobs and a big round belly. LOL Dan.
    5 points
  2. We've been going to the same Dr. for the last 40 years. When she calls (Which she does frequently, along with the occasional house call) and says get your butt in here for the vaccine; I'll be going. I/we've (Wife, kids and grand kids) trusted her for all these years to keep us safe and healthy, I'm not going to start doubting her now. At the same time if she says hold off, she wants to do more research on it; again I will listen. I'm not going to listen to a politician's popularity poles. Dan.
    3 points
  3. 99.4% recovery rate. I will take my chances.
    3 points
  4. if Fauci gives it his seal of approval, damn straight. I have asthma and high bp so am higher risk. anyone who has asthma will know how brutal an attack is, and COVID-19 would be x100. and yeah, I get the flu shot every year. was lucky to get it second day it was available.
    2 points
  5. Please correct me if I am wrong but my understanding is that the vaccine is supposed to cause the body to produce antibodys so the body can defend itself against the virus. At this point no one seems to know how long those antibodies are effective and if the virus mutates which some studies seem to indicate it already is then the vaccine might not do much good. When they finally make the antibody test available that will help. It was originally thought that Thalidomide was safe and look at what happened there. Forgive me for being cautious, I get the flu shot every year and every year they tell me it can't cause the flu but every year three days later I am sick in bed with the flu.
    2 points
  6. Still like to get out and see them - this time I thought I would bring a camera with me to the ground blind. Nikon D330s Nikkor 70-200 f2.8 VR1
    1 point
  7. Got my flu shot Monday as well, along with my semi annual shot for another condition. I always understood the flu shot was a crap shoot, they try to predict what strain will be the most common this season and make millions of doses for that strain, sometimes they get it right sometimes not. Last year I got my flu shot and then a month or so later, I came down with the worst flu I have had in years, funny it was 5 days after I had a full checkup at the doc's, wanna stay healthy , keep away from where sick people go 😁
    1 point
  8. Let's plan on a visit or two Cliff. We can talk further on the ice?
    1 point
  9. Encouraging news this morning, "apparently" people that have had covid and survived are still showing acceptable levels of antibodies 6 months later, it is unclear how long this will last at this point. That doesn't mean they can't spread the virus though just that they should have some level of immunity.
    1 point
  10. I'll be 1st in line. I had a real Dr's visit Monday, not a phone appointment. I got my flu shot and was happy to get one, I usually don't get it, when I did I got a bad case one year, when I didn't I got a bad case one year. I was told the flu shot is 94% effective where the 2 C-19 vacines are 95%. A line from an Arnold movie Conan the Barbarian " You want to live forever?" Now I will go back and read what you folks wrote. I wonder how many are practicing medicine here. I'll be back. OK I'm back. Looks like the split in opinion here is 50/50. Much like democratic elections. No one practicing medicine, just well thought out opinions for the most. What I will say in favour of getting the vacine is I wonder how many of my classmates parents decided they didn't want thier kid to get the Polio vacine? If I'm not mistaken a parent could decide that little Johnny or Betty not get the Polio shot, but they weren't allowed into the school. A letter from the family Doc was required. 1st it was one kid that showed up with braces on both legs and crutches, then there was 2, then 3, That's when Mom pulled me and my brother out of school, I remember that. I don't know for how long this debate went on. This was 1959 or 60' I think, come on man that was 60 years ago, 60 not 16. edit: TB, that was another comunical decease that required a vacine baxk then and today. Would you pass on getting the shot for Tuberculosis? I know we have epidemicalogical numbers now but didn't then. When all the iron lungs were full up at the old West 5th sanitoruim in Hamiltoneveryone chose the injection. I can't get spell check on. If ya can't spell it don't use it. JD/2020.
    1 point
  11. Excellent post - and yes we all have those people and those people get to experience one (1) of these trips with is and are not invited back. We now have 3 boats and 6 guys and we split everything equally from the time we leave the house. We drive 2 per vehicle and I arrive at the guys house with a full tank in my truck and a full tank in my boat and when we get back to Burlington we fill them both up and split the cost between us - but more often than not the other guy covers the cost. We change locations all the time in the boat but if you're in the bow you have the motor as well - period. On the last day over breaky we throw all our receipts in the pot - groceries, snacks, steaks.......whatever you contributed and we add in the cabin, dock fees, bait and taxes and deduct what you have already paid out (receipts) and we shuffle the money around the table making everyone whole again. We all round up when paying and round down when asking and it works well for everyone. We eat very well........very well - LOL. This year we had Wagyu steaks for one meal and a seafood boil for another meal. You may pick your friends but pick your fishing buddies well!!
    1 point
  12. Some protection is better than none, I’m with Beans. i do not work outside my home. When I go out I follow the rules. We have our ‘bubble‘. This was not spread on it’s own. We have to keep it from going forward. my wife and me are in the age range of getting the worst affects, it and it will probably kill us if we get it. I have followed this closely, I lost my job because of it. In April the US had 42,000 deaths, look at them now! A vaccine may not be comfortable for all of us, which is our right, but let’s not put others in jeopardy who want to follow the guidance from our experts. When I need a plumber I call a plumber, not a lawyer.
    1 point
  13. Akrisoner I am well over 60. If I am sick I will stay home. I wear a face covering if inside and cant stay 6' apart.
    1 point
  14. Well you could always just come visit me, you could even just leave the trailer at home or just get a transient site, I can arange docking for you 😊
    1 point
  15. Wow - finally got a some time to digest this one Bunk Really enjoyed it Thanks for all you do on the front lines - a stressful and noble job in a regular world which I am sure is much more stressful with COVID 19 Cheers Andrew
    1 point
  16. Awesome read. Thanks for putting it together and sharing as always.
    1 point
  17. I can't agree more. Firstly, there is simply no evidence that you cannot get this virus twice, so anyone who thinks they have already had it, should think twice about not getting the shot. If there is going to any path to normalcy in our lives, folks are going to have to get the shot, otherwise, we will be living in this purgatory for years to come. I also can't wrap my head around the ant- vaxers. Is it your goal to infect and potentially kill off those folks in your life that may have brought you into this world? Or do you simply not believe that there is any risk with this virus? What the heck are you afraid of? I would much rather deal with any potential side-affects for the vax, then I would with the multitude of side effects from the virus... but I get that some folks just don't see it that way. They would be wrong! HH
    1 point
  18. First Muskie Capital Cup. 35 Anglers. 13 teams. 9 day tournament. Some solid guys fishing, a number of guides and one fella in the tourney even hired a guide. We did GREAT! Two guys I fished with are bigger muskie nuts than I am with many more years and skis under their belts but, I think I was brought on board because the tourney is in the fall and that's only when I muskie fish, and do well at nettin' tanks during that time. Luckily my choices and rod while casting and trolling brought our three biggest fish in the boat, and 3 of the 5 biggest in the tourney. So yeah, we won the tournament and will have to do it again next year.
    1 point
  19. Well I know I'd try it out on those who are flouting it and then sit back and watch. Who's bringing the popcorn.
    1 point
  20. It's not even muskie fishing in the sense of muskie fishing, its glorified pike fishing. lol. Fun nonetheless.
    1 point
  21. Ya, 3 minutes of a deluge of rain, then 30 seconds of ridiculous wind probably 90+. I pity the poor living at the east end of Lake Erie, over 100 km/h winds.
    1 point
  22. Any way we can make it harder for jet skiers to be on the water? Asking for a friend
    1 point
  23. Woke to white all over the joint outdoors. Not a pleasant site. I should be lounging by the pool in Port Charolotte Fla. about now having drinks with fancy fruit in them.
    0 points
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