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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2019 in all areas

  1. Cooks Bay for perch! Was out last Friday and had non-stop action from 7:00 until we left at 3:00. Yes, it was a dink fest, but I did manage to get enough for a feed. Largest was 12 inches. Find 30ft of water, start there and go deeper. HH PS... @misfish would be proud, no live bait used. Actually, buddy used minnows and I was outfishing him 5:1.
    2 points
  2. I think Muzzin is trying to do too much. He needs to back off a bit and really pick his spots. HH
    2 points
  3. Hi all, This winter has been and still is a bit on the brutal side. We escaped some of it for 2 weeks on a trip to Antigua. I fish from shore there except for my annual meet up with my good friend Nick who also happens to be the best inshore guide on the island. We spent an afternoon on his raft hitting up different spots, fishing was slow until we went the live bait under a slip bobber route. Got into a bunch of small fish until we hit a channel with current, then BANG...big fish on.
    2 points
  4. Who's signed up for this Saturday's Perchin' For MS Fishing Derby? Looks like it will actually take place this year! Fun event & a great cause! http://www.perchinforms.com/
    1 point
  5. Lmao gotta love that... A guy with nothing to lose tells it how it is
    1 point
  6. LOL first time i've ever liked what he had to say !!!!! ?
    1 point
  7. LOL!!!! Gotta love Sean Avery. Lot's of beeping going on in this IG rant. ❤️
    1 point
  8. This brought a tear to my eye Joe. I proud of ya bye
    1 point
  9. To be fair... the arena has pretty much been empty every other game of the year... so lets not think this is the norm for the Isles fans. (Last in the league in attendance in the 2018-2019 at 12k average) That said... I sure wouldn't want to play in that barn come playoff time!
    1 point
  10. Im all for a bit of razzing, but that last night was uncalled for IMO. Really ? Grow up.
    1 point
  11. Loud and out of control I like. Rude and classless, not so much. When a player gives his all for 9 years and he comes back and the crowd boos, calls him an idiot and throws stuff at him is not OK. https://www.bardown.com/islanders-fans-throw-plastic-snakes-jersey-at-john-tavares-during-warm-ups-1.1265815?fbclid=IwAR2t_MeDdrH7cx0UvN1YcakhbFSTMbOdknuwW13VXXr6Co33jL7gWTeaVNY
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I always find these type of posts hilarious and so very predictable. Everytime there's a snow storm, every person you talk to and I mean EVERY person, will blame every other car or truck on the road for all the problems, whether it's small car drivers, SUV drivers, pick-up truck drivers, tractor trailer drivers, old people, young people, male or female or that all time favorite...immigrants. Another thing is how so many guys that live in the country think they're a far superior driver than those folks that live in the city, or even funnier the ones that think they're better than every person that lives below hwy 7 Just once it'd be nice to hear someone say the problem was caused by ME because I was driving too fast, or too slow or didn't have winter tires or some darned thing. Keep the remarks coming boyz, you're making my day hahahahaha
    1 point
  14. Camel toes can spread out to increase traction, truck tires don't have that feature.
    1 point
  15. I pretty sure the new breed of truck drivers we see driving these rigs, are all "legally" licensed and "trained". It's just their interpretation of a snow storm that confuses them; you see things don't get slippery in a sand storm. Dan.
    1 point
  16. Just read the regulations, it's all there in plain English, and you remove any doubt of innacurate info.
    1 point
  17. Dave I am going to pin this on the front page to help spread the word. Art
    1 point
  18. Nice... i added the site to my FB page as well.
    1 point
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