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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2019 in all areas

  1. That's about all I got that still works.............
    2 points
  2. But at least it doesn't taste like ditch water!!! ?
    1 point
  3. a lot more hassle than going thru Timmies drive thru!!!
    1 point
  4. Had to see the eye doc today,so after that,I did a ice report. I,ll wait til next weekend to see if I venture out.
    1 point
  5. I fished out of Bronte many years ago on Phils charter boat in fact him and his brother had just bought it, we caught a lot of salmon they were friends of a Brit Keith Dickens who also chartered on Lake Ontario along with another guy Gibby Lauzon, Im going back a number of years here, in fact I went on a trip to Kasba lake with Dickens ,Lauzon, Danny Maloney, Jack Valaquette, and Dave burrows of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Phils brother was the manager of Brampton Brick back then also just a bit of history lads sucks to get old but the fishing is still good I spend time up in Lake Temagami as often as I can houseboating leisure island houseboats wonderful people hope I live forever, happy new year to all
    1 point
  6. I can't stomach Grappa since the last time the 2 of us polished off a bottle. That was 25 years ago. Fisherman I hear you. Not everyone is addicted to coffee, I am. I could make no less than 2 pots on night shift in my office plus coffees in the control rooms doing my rounds. I would fall asleep after gallons of the stuff as soon as I got in bed. The strongest coffee I have ever had was in Cuba, you need a spoon to drink it, or should I say eat it.
    1 point
  7. I was busy feeding the younger generation minnows. 6 lines in the water, some moving around too, but the 3 decent fish came from the same hole, my brother's hole. Pretty cool colours on this one. Lastly came his pb. Take note of the look in his eyes and the smirk on his face. It's almost euphoric, yet evil and sinister. It's hard to tell if he wants to eat it's eye balls or penetrate it in privacy behind some Hemlocks. My Dad was driving. We marked that magic hole as the third island, standing behind the tree, line up just a tad to the right of the bay, 21 paces out and 6 beers to the left. All fish released. Let'm go, let'm grow.
    1 point
  8. Well at least there's 2 of us that know this simple method works like a charm. If you're real lucky, the rock will knock out the fish and it will come floating up for an easy catch. ?
    1 point
  9. When does Babcock stop using the carrot on Nylander and bust out the stick!!! He's earned a healthy scratch or a fourth line assignment (that would diminish the fourth line mind you). Enough ALREADY! I can't watch this freakin floater anymore. Hutchinson moves and plays like a goalie that has some coaching. He's in position to make a follow-up save. Sparks looks like Mike Palmateer out there....... no fundamentals.... all instinct saves. Hutchinson calms the team while Sparks makes them dig into their defensive edges. Sparks plays like he's entitled. Trade him.
    1 point
  10. LOL no need to overcomplicate ... take chum , put hand sized rock in with chum add water and freeze in a container take frozen rock and chum and drop down hole .... it works !!!!!
    1 point
  11. I no longer bait. When I had my permy, I did.
    1 point
  12. Oh yaaa, eyesight still 20/20.
    1 point
  13. Holy crap is that ONIONS I see!!!!!!? Doug
    1 point
  14. Well that sucks. I had my heart set on fresh Southern Carolina Clams Linguine for dinner, and even though I grocery shopped this morning I was certain I had Linguine in house so I didn't buy any. I even had fresh made in my hand.....DOH! Wrong! So I made do with Spaghettini , it was all good, trust me. I few fave ingredients and a lot of love.......oh so good.
    1 point
  15. Working for a living is highly over rated. Good luck on the new career.
    1 point
  16. Oh ya..........great how the criminal is protected in today's society.
    1 point
  17. For old times sake Brian LOL Good to see you back Dax
    1 point
  18. Upgraded a ranger 680t. Been a fun project really like the boat. Replaced the shot carpet with vinyl and put a new four stroke on it.
    1 point
  19. He seems to have lost his dog. Last seen at the local cat fish pond. What a cutie
    1 point
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