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Fishing fun? I don't think so.

Carpe Diem

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Tonight, not so much. Felt more like a really bad episode of I Love Lucy.


Went to a secret location in the Hamilton area in search of catfish. Chose the evening bite. Maybe a fish ate my bait, but i wouldn't have known if there was anything on the other end of the line anyway, because i couldn't get the tension right, and i kept losing line. Lots and lots of line.(Actually my fishing pole looked way too bendy before i even cast into the water. Am thinking the weight i had on is too heavy for my 7 foot pole.) Feared breakage.


Almost jumped out of my skin when some kind of siren blared, looked down a little and saw the footprint of my

new fancy fishing shoes in some liver I had so lovingly prepared for the elusive catfish.


That was a good tip, to use the liver raw but semi- deteriorated and stinky. Think i left mine out in the elements too long because it didn't want to stay on the hook. Tried some shrimp too. No bites (i think), but at least it stayed on.


Used a cheap plastic container to transport the liver. (Grocery store Glad- Ware) You definitely get what you pay for, because now have some of the blood inside my favorite knapsack. Won't do that again either.


Oh ya, and the bugs. How do you people drink, hold a fishing pole, and swat bugs all at the same time?


This went on for what felt like hours. (at least two) At one point I noticed a group of guys, who had just docked their boat sort of over my shoulder, and behind me, staring over at me because i was now swearing like a trooper. That just broke the stress i was feeling and made me laugh out-loud, to myself. (i was alone) I'm sure they thought i was some kind of lunatic.


Saw them later in the parking lot. In my haste to get out of there (embarrassed) accidentally kicked up a little dust at them. Sorry boys.


So basically, when it started getting dark decided to call it a night. This is my first report. No fish were caught so not sure if it counts.


Over and out.

Edited by Carpe Diem
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Man..sound like every single outing I have,too. Welcome to fishing.

You'll get it right and one night it all comes together...then you can't imagine what you did with your time before you found fishing.


As far as bugs...it's a learned skill..knowing which one is about to bite and swatting him first. Otherwise take out the biggest one and hope it scares the rest of them.

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If the line was spiraling off your reel, it MIGHT have been over-filled . . . occasionally they do this at bait shops . . . keeping your line snug will help, if you let it go slack, and there's a bit of breeze, you'll end up with a 'bird's nest! My 'rule of thumb' . . . I generally fill the reel to within 1/4" of the lip, or a smidgeon less. Some lines are worse than others for peeling off your reel, I've found the BIG GAME to be pretty good but I gotta keep a good eye on the P-LINE for peeling. The tension won't help it stay on the reel . . . I generally set mine, then a steady pull on the line, it should be tight enough that it takes SOME pressure to pull the line out . . . . then, when you get a fish on, if it's taking line out away to fast, reach around and tighten slightly, ONE ckick at a time, until the fish has to 'work' to pull line out. As long as the fish can take line off your reel, he can't break it!


As for putting ripe chicken livers in a satchel, in the original 'cheap plastic container' this definately NOT the way to go. DOUBLE BAG it in GOOD ziplock bags . . . . WHEW W W W W W . . . . I can just imagine what your knapsack must smell like! Next outing, hook up the knapsack, cast IT out . . . the ol' cats should swim right in!! As for bugs . . . ('skeeters?') a bit of your fave bug spray on exposed areas, and a bit sprayed on clothing will help. Otherwise . . . . sounded like a fairly normal fishing trip? Just keep tryin', you'll do okay!

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Please make a video of these antics the next time you go out, and post it on youtube for us! :w00t:


1. The recommended lure weight should be stamped on your rod near the handle, try not to excede it.


2. Try using live night crawlers for bait, catfish love them and they're a good multi species bait. You may also want to consider canned corn as well, catfish and carp like it.

Edited by Greencoachdog
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Nice read to start my day off LOL. (sorry about the missadventures though). Sounds like you have a good sense of humor!


One trick we use to use for chanel catfish was to tie the liver in a piece of pantyhose like a big roe sack, that would keep it on the hook and hold it together. We would then freeze them and only take as many fishing with us as we needed. Easy to handle, they thaw out in seconds after they hit the water, a lit nicer to work with.


Keep your spirits up and the posts coming!

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LOL...sorry...dont mean to laugh at you...let's call it laughing WITH you. Everyone has nights like you just did. If you continue to do the evening bite, then mosquito repellent will become your new perfume. Bly and I fish mostly at night, so I know what you went through there. I've lost more line than I like to admit as well. Keep trying....dont give up....when you get that fish on the end of the line, all those mishaps will be chalked up to "learning experiences".


Here's to better luck next time!

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CCMT; no offence taken. It was finally laughing at myself that made it possible to stay out there as long as i did.


Rich; so it gets better? Thanks for the encouragement.


Cliff; thanks for reminding me about the pantyhose. Duh. Do they still make make pantyhose?


Greencoachdog; What is a nightcrawler? Do they make artificial ones? Photoz kindly brought me a lifetime supply of maize. Didn't know catfish like it too.


Steve; Should have taken notes or recorded what you taught me about casting. My spool is pretty full so that could be part of the problem. The guys were just being generous i guess. Won't complain because they didn't charge me for either spool. Also not sure how the front drag works. Will find a beach to practice on as you suggested.


fatherof3; Amazing how those posts add up. Enjoying this message board very much. Much more than fishing tips to be found on here.


Thanks all for the encouragement. It is much appreciated.

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O.K. the next trip out for Catfish try this. Use fresh chicken livers and treat them as though you were going to eat them yourself. The catfish are after the smell of blood and FRESH chicken livers will stay on the hook alot better. Use only the amount of weight you need to hold the bottom sometimes it is 1 oz in a lake or 3 oz in a moving river less is better. Use circle hooks 3/0 to 8/0 depending on what you can reasonably hope to catch. The circle hook is a hook that does not need to be set you wait till the fish picks it up and starts to swim away then you lightly sweep the rod tip the opposite way the fish is swimming. Most of the time you will be rewarded with a fish hooked in the corner of the mouth that is easy to unhook with little damage to the fish. When Catfishing for the big girls remember that after about 10 lb the catfish is a predator and prefers fish live or dead. The oily the better if you can get Mackerel or shad you are on the right trail. The bug thing is to cover what ever you don't want to get bitten the hands are the hardest to keep from getting snacked on but a pair of light latex gloves will keep them from bitting them. The rest of you is bug nets/chemicals and a cigar or two. If it is overcast or raining then you can bet that the catfish are looking for a meal. Rising water on a river is a good sign that the bite is on in the areas were the current is broken or eddies are swirling. Good luck and happy catfishin.




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Hey Carp diem,



I guess its as my ole man used to say, " Every day is fishing day, not everyday is catching day"....for the bugs, I always spray insect repellent when I go fishing. You know what, when you catch that nice one, and you've had it fried with a cold beer or rum or whatever is your fancy, you dont remember the times when you didnt catch anything....


Better luck with the cats next time around....

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the mosquito.... i really duno how ppl can fish after dark (off shore anyway). I tried couple times fishing til sunset.... I didn't last 5 min after the sun went down. I sprayed the bug repellent on all exposed skin I had, even on the neck and abit of face (not a good thing to do really)... AND even on my clothes and pants.... yet I still got SWAMPED by mosquitosssssssssssss.... got bites on my skin and even thru my clothes. I duno... either I always ran into superbugs or I'm a bigger bug magnet than the repellent can repel. So hey if u can actually swat the bugs away... you'r better than me already lol

Edited by oncogene
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