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2019-2020 Hockey Thread

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On 11/25/2019 at 4:36 PM, AKRISONER said:

lol matt comes here and theres not a single sens fan for him to even talk with.

With the very sad personal views and biting sarcasm (some go beyond this definition and I don't consider it passion), Matt is not the only Sens fan.  I just choose not to participate in these discussions.

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2 hours ago, muskymatt said:


You're the same Laffite fan that was praising Babs as the second coming, the fix all of fixers,,,,,the savior lmao...….What a load of crap. The dysfunctional laffs and their desperate for a win fans are so out to lunch it's comical.

Babs probably has a totally different recollection of how this went sour and ended up in this never ending dumpster fire that is the laffs.

From what I see you had a coach come over from a classy org like the Wings and went to a bottom dwelling, poorly built team full of young, unproven spoiled teenagers who think their sh*@ doesn't stink. Add to that no defence and no goaltending and what was Babs supposed to do? Whining Matthews wants more ice time, whining Marner wants more money, whining Nylander wants more money......then all the little grit you had is traded away and what do you have?

A dysfunctional group of wannabe superstars that you can't coach and a GM who can't even grow facial hair who built a weak, sniffling whining team.

And you blame the coach?????????


none of us know what went on behind closed doors, and Marner didn't break that story, some reporter did, Marner didn't seem like he wanted to even talk about this or sling mud at this point in his interview.

yeah, when babs came to Toronto I thought, wow, everything seems to be falling into place, and yeah, I thought of him as the saviour that might finally right this floundering ship

I've changed my tune, I've been calling for his head since we lost to Boston in the 1st round again last playoffs.  I didn't like a lot of bab's choices, he could be just an egotistical, pig headed monster on a power trip. I wouldn't be surprised if more stories surface.

A lot of die hard Wings fans say he should have won 3 plus cups instead of just 1 with the guys he had. They had some good scouts, but they pulled a lot of star players out of their ass with late round draft picks, a lot of luck is involved.



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42 minutes ago, chris.brock said:

none of us know what went on behind closed doors, and Marner didn't break that story, some reporter did, Marner didn't seem like he wanted to even talk about this or sling mud at this point in his interview.

Marner came out today and straight up said that he messaged babcock and thanked him for helping him become the player that he is.

Standard media over hype if you ask me.

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1 hour ago, AKRISONER said:

Marner came out today and straight up said that he messaged babcock and thanked him for helping him become the player that he is.


I'd argue it could be damage control, he might be just happy to be rid of babs and doesn't want this story dragging on and doesn't want to come across as Mike Commodore 

Who does what babs did to Marner? it's like high school girls, and 1 girl has stolen another girl's diary and shares it with the other catty girls, it's really darn gay and there's no chance for anything good to come from it, to me babs sounds like a stuffed up individual 

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5 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

This is an Ontario fishing forum after all. And the leafs fan base is the biggest in the entire NHL, so it’s not surprising there is a disproportionate amount of leafs chatter, but matt is the only Ottawa fan here lol the ratios don’t add up. I think we know why!

No doubt about that as far as numbers of  leafs fans go here. I'm all for good natured bantering between fans too but from the little  amount of times I've spent here it seems to go far past that so I'm not surprised Sens fans don't comment here too much as they just get ganged up on. I grew up a Leafs fan for 37 years and a Hab hater until my home town of Ottawa got an NHL team. Still a Hab hater lol.

The one thing I do find amusing is the way many leafs fans still think the leafs are the center of the hockey universe. Considering they haven't made the finals in 52 years, reached the conference finals only once in the last 26 years and in the last 14 years missed the playoffs 10 times and exited in the first round the other 4 years I don't see much to brag about or much reason to pile on other fans, but whatever.



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6 minutes ago, smitty55 said:

I don't see much to brag about or much reason to pile on other fans, but whatever.

quote some examples of Leaf fans bragging on this thread? got any references? 

there is no bragging, it's just discussing, we're all realistic, if you're not interested or it pisses you off, don't click on it, simple

piling on other fans, lol, that's like the pot calling the kettle black

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On 11/25/2019 at 11:02 AM, AKRISONER said:

i dont know...cry me a river 

I think of it like this...who are widely recognized as the most lethal well trained employees in the world?

Navy Seals/special forces. Look at their training. Its not a walk in the park and they arent paid 11 million dollars a year either.

Its widely known that scotty bowmans  players didnt like him either, he was a total hard ass. His players like winning though. This screams "my feelings are hurt, im offended"

If im going to war, my sargeant doesnt need to be my best cuddle buddy, he needs to get me through the war and to finish the job.

I get it, theres some seriously questionable stuff babcok did like sitting spezza, this ones a bit weird, but at the same time translates "accountability to your teammates" he may have gone about it the wrong way, but the way hockey twitter etc is blowing up right now with people saying "OH GOD HOW DARE BABCOCK BE A HARDASS AND MEAN TO HIS ROOKIES WHEN THEY ARE PLAYING LIKE POOP" give me a break.

Yeah, it's hockey, not war.

In a country where so many of us make a big deal about making sure we respect our veterans, I always feel like comparing what they went through to anything in sports does nothing but take away from what they went through. Playing a game on ice for money vs staring down the barrel of a gun with your life on the life. Not even close.

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55 minutes ago, Ronzo said:

Yeah, it's hockey, not war.

In a country where so many of us make a big deal about making sure we respect our veterans, I always feel like comparing what they went through to anything in sports does nothing but take away from what they went through. Playing a game on ice for money vs staring down the barrel of a gun with your life on the life. Not even close.

stakes are indeed higher in a war. What is more incredible is that the people that fight it are underpaid and are usually engaged simply out of the goodness of their hearts and loyalty to their country. I'm not even certain that in 2019 we would ever see the level of volunteering we saw in previous world wars should a  similar world war type sistuation were to occur. People have instagrams to feed you know.

The war situation is scarier, but at the NHL level with 80 million dollars in salary on the line the stakes are actually higher than one thinks. I think sometimes people forget that the margin between making 10 mill per year and 50k a year is about 1 in 5ish thousand. People forget just how crazy few people get to have a career in the NHL. 

Furthermore most of these players have devoted their entire life to their craft. Literally from the time they were 4 years old they have been groomed to be the player that they are, they dont know much of anything other than hockey. So to them its not just a game, its a job, life, and all they know. Hence why you see such downfall for players that dont get to remain part of the game somehow, be it through coaching management scouting etc. If your career gets cut short your options as a 16 year old highschool drop out that left home to play in the OHL are actually pretty bleak.

I remember Randy Carlyle trying to explain to nazem kadri that every time he loses a faceoff, the opposing centre is taking money out of his pocket.


This has nothing to do with discounting veterans and what they have done for our country. Im proud to have had had and still have veterans within my family, cousins who served in Afghanistan right back to grandfathers that served during WW2. I can appreciate the fact that I could never understand the experiences that vets go through, but i can understand how similar coaching/leading techniques are used when trying to get people to do hard physical tasks where the stakes are the highest in their respective field.

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I personally think we should leave the discussion of military tactics and veterans to those that have first hand experience and out of the sports arena. It's apples to oranges and anything that suggests otherwise is pure speculation.

Back to our regularly scheduled broadcast of the Sens sucking. :D

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16 hours ago, chris.brock said:

quote some examples of Leaf fans bragging on this thread? got any references? 

there is no bragging, it's just discussing, we're all realistic, if you're not interested or it pisses you off, don't click on it, simple

piling on other fans, lol, that's like the pot calling the kettle black

Like I said Chris I haven't been on this thread much, and I don't expect to. I'm certainly not going to bother looking for posts to provide references for you, I'm sure other folks here could back up my point. As for getting pissed off over a hockey thread, that's a joke. Mind you it wasn't very long back when you blew a fuse getting on someones case to the point you had to apologize the next morning, so I guess you could be the pot and the kettle.



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20 minutes ago, smitty55 said:

Like I said Chris I haven't been on this thread much, and I don't expect to. I'm certainly not going to bother looking for posts to provide references for you, I'm sure other folks here could back up my point. As for getting pissed off over a hockey thread, that's a joke. Mind you it wasn't very long back when you blew a fuse getting on someones case to the point you had to apologize the next morning, so I guess you could be the pot and the kettle.



But you see you post something like this -

"The one thing I do find amusing is the way many leafs fans still think the leafs are the center of the hockey universe. Considering they haven't made the finals in 52 years, reached the conference finals only once in the last 26 years and in the last 14 years missed the playoffs 10 times and exited in the first round the other 4 years I don't see much to brag about or much reason to pile on other fans, but whatever."

Knowing that it while rile Leafs fans up. You also can't say we are bragging about something and then give 0 examples to back up your point.

If a Sens fan came on here and simply said something along the lines of "The Sens sure are over achieving right now and Brady T looks like he could be the real deal" then there could be an actual discussion about how Ottawa is doing and the state of the team. But when the post starts off "The Laffs suck blah blah blah, Ottawa is better with a lot less blah blah blah" thats when the discussion can get out of hand. 

I love Chris' passion for the team.... we have said this before...  people who don't understand why he or others get so upset when people say stupid things about the Leafs... don't really know what we mean by bleeding blue and white. Probably never will.


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The only ones who care about the laffs are laffs fans. Pretty sure the rest care about their own team. 

And I'm also pretty sure trying to strike up a conversation with a laffs fan about any other team than the laffs would be not well received being that the dreaded blue and white disease doesn't allow conversations outside the center of the universe.

Laffs fans get upset because they have never seen their team win anything, or even come close to winning, in their lifetime. 

Yet they follow it with blind optimism.

Go figure!🙄

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1 hour ago, BassMan11 said:

But you see you post something like this -

"The one thing I do find amusing is the way many leafs fans still think the leafs are the center of the hockey universe. Considering they haven't made the finals in 52 years, reached the conference finals only once in the last 26 years and in the last 14 years missed the playoffs 10 times and exited in the first round the other 4 years I don't see much to brag about or much reason to pile on other fans, but whatever."

Knowing that it while rile Leafs fans up. You also can't say we are bragging about something and then give 0 examples to back up your point.



How was I supposed to know it would rile up leafs fans? All I did was post some facts is all and if that's all it takes to get them riled up well then I guess you just helped make my point.

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3 hours ago, muskymatt said:

The only ones who care about the laffs are laffs fans. Pretty sure the rest care about their own team. 

And I'm also pretty sure trying to strike up a conversation with a laffs fan about any other team than the laffs would be not well received being that the dreaded blue and white disease doesn't allow conversations outside the center of the universe.

Laffs fans get upset because they have never seen their team win anything, or even come close to winning, in their lifetime. 

Yet they follow it with blind optimism.

Go figure!🙄

You realize you talk about the Leafs more then anyone here right?  

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4 hours ago, smitty55 said:

Mind you it wasn't very long back when you blew a fuse getting on someones case to the point you had to apologize the next morning, so I guess you could be the pot and the kettle.



I didn't have to apologize, Art didn't ask me to or anything, I did because I wanted to

like Don said, it's not educated discussions, it's mostly bwahh a haha laffs suck dick comments that get posted, it's dumb, it gets tiresome and frustrating, look at MM's post today, it's a typical example, trolling, looking to provoke somebody, hoping for a rebuttal and an argument 

like Marzana said, the haters are just as interested in watching and posting about the Leafs as the Leaf fans are

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16 minutes ago, chris.brock said:

I didn't have to apologize, Art didn't ask me to or anything, I did because I wanted to

like Don said, it's not educated discussions, it's mostly bwahh a haha laffs suck dick comments that get posted, it's dumb, it gets tiresome and frustrating, look at MM's post today, it's a typical example, trolling, looking to provoke somebody, hoping for a rebuttal and an argument 

like Marzana said, the haters are just as interested in watching and posting about the Leafs as the Leaf fans are

Not trolling  just stating facts. 

You obviously don't like it, which is all good with me.

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