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Berkley and their Fluorocarbon Line

Big Cliff

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A couple of weeks ago I posted about trying Berkley's new Fluorocarbon line Transitions. I wasn't very happy with it, especially the castability of it. I had also sent berkley an email telling them of my findings and my impression of the product. I thought the concept was good but was disapointed in the quality of the product. I put a fair amount of time and effort into providing them with product codes and everything and explaining in detail what I had experienced. Berkley US did respond to my email with some very helpfull information but that information also confirmed the problems I had been having with the product weren't uncommon.


Berkley US then refered me to their Canadian Distributor who kindly emailed me and asked me to call them at their toll free number. Well, I did try many times but when I could never get through to the person I was supposed to speak to I finally gave up and just sent him an email explaning that I had tried on many occasions to no avail.


The other day I received a package by courier, it contained a replacement spool of line, Vanish, not the Transitions, no note or anything else, just a spool of line. I guess I shouldn't complain but I really feel that someone wasn't listening. I didn't like the product, they didn't send me a replacement for what I bought, incase I just got a bad spool or old stock, just a different product.


I will give this spool a try but if it is no better than the previous one I won't be using Berkely fluorocarbons again.

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I'd just use the vanish as a leader Cliff. I don't think you'll be happy with it as a main line. I find its not great for casting at all. It frays very easy if your casting. For vertical fishing its not bad, like icefishing, but otherwise, IMO, its junk.


I like the P-line fluoro myself, it seems to perform much better than the vanish in all scenarios.



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I'm not a Berkley hater or anything (I use the good old XL on some of my spinning reels regularly) but Vanish is probably the worst flouro out there. I wouldn't risk losing fish and gear by using it. It does come in handy for crafts though, kids love it for making those bead bracelets :)



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I use 4 lbs. Vanish for fishing steelhead running the Lake Erie tribs. I have never had a problem or a fish break off, but again I use a float so there is limited contact with the bottom. Not sure how it will hold up to jigging over rocks and through weeds. I have never tried the P-line stated above but may give it a try this Fall to compare results.



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I too threw away my vanish line..


Last year I sent them an email about their rod holders that I had purchased.............still awaiting a reply.......???????


Would love to run into a rep one of these days..

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Well I dont know if that was good service or just something to fluff ya off Cliff.Myself I dont think I would let that stand. Phone them back,ask them the reason for sending you something else. It,s not like it,s a better line.


I still think if you try that P-LINE I was talking about,you will happy with it. If yer not,I,ll bey you something else to try. My treat. :Gonefishing:


I,ll be heading to Oshawa in the morning for a course then stopping to pick up my supply for the summer.

Edited by misfish
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This is how I would rank the fluoros I have tried on price/performance:


1. Sunline

2. XPS

2. Seaguar

4. Gamma

4. Sugoi

4. P-Line

7. Stren

7. Vanish

9. Triple Fish


When using any fluoro as a main line, I've had nothing but problems. Much prefer it as a leader.



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Since I only use a 4-6 lb test line anyway I don't see much point in using a 6 lb leader. I think I will probably stick with the monos, I have had really good luck with them over the years. Misfish thanks for the very kind offer, I will get one spool of the P-Line to try and let you know what I think of it.

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If it is the same Vanish I had a couple of years ago your going to hate that too, I used it for one afternoon and threw it in the garbage because that`s where Berkley flourocarbon products belong.


He summed up what I think too.


Can't even think of the name of the stuff I use for light applications. Picked it up in the fly fishing shop at BPS. WindRiver maybe..? Anyways, stuff is fantastic. Only one kind out there that's better, but that's nearly double the price.

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Floro always has castability problems. Sounds like some of you have had lots of experience with differents floros and I use the vanish. I only use it as a leader and really this is all you need it for. For a main line its almost always best to go with a braid. They last long and have way more advantages.


You'll never have issues with floro as a leader in terms of castability.


The short falls in the castability of floro is well documented.



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Are you using this line on Spinning or Baitcasting equipment Cliff?


I can be extra special tricky spooling Fluro onto Spinning equipment, I've got a great little line spooling station called a "Line Tamer" it really does away with the line twist you may be encountering.


I personall LOVE the Berkley "Vanish" line!!!... but there are a lot of people that hate it.

I don't know what color water you fish (clarity), but the clearer it is the more you need Flurocarbon!!!


The Coosa River chain of lakes I always fish turns very clear in the summer months, especially if we don't get much rain. I'll spank anybody's butt that is fishin' in the boat with me that isn't using fluro... 2:1, 3:1, 4:1... it's not a pretty sight and provides me with many hours of "bragging rights" stories!


I'm also a big Fluro fan for deep sea fishing, at 40 miles offshore... the water is crystal clear and at 200 mft. deep, red circle hooks and Fluro leader rules!!!


... but that's prolly just me. :whistling::rolleyes:;)

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Thanks GCD. The water clarity here is quite good most of the time, zebra mussels have really done a good job of that even in the past 5 years or so, I have noticed a change. Also, this year we haven't had much rain or strong winds to muck things up.


So far I have only used the Fluoro on spinning equipment.


I understand the importance of line when fishing clear water, when I lived in the French River, I would almost always outfish everyone in the boat even when using the same bait etc. Not because I was a better fisherman but because they would be fishing with 10 or 12 lb test mono and I would be using 4-6 lb test in the smallest diameter I could find. After all the reports, I am anxious to try this P-Line and I have one bait casting rod that I spooled with a braid last year, I like the line for strength and durability but have found that when the water is clear, I don't have as many hits on it, I am going to try using a fluoro leader on it and see if that helps.

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A fluro leader is always a great confidence builder for me! As a rule I've found that the longer the leader the better, for casting I like a 4' leader and a 7' rod. For drifting or trolling I like a 6' leader. You may want to start out shorter and increase the leader length until you start catching fish.

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Fluoro's leader material. Not made for spooling out a reel and casting, IMO. It's wiry, stiff and tough. Companies should do like Maxima and sell it in little 25yd spools. Its properties don't lend itself well to being stored on a reel's spool and cast, spinning reels especially. I can tell you that 6# XT from Berkley is as tough as everyone else's 12# regular limp mono, makes a great, castable mainline on your reel and if you add a foot of fluoro on the tip of that, you're in business. Back-to-back uni knots or a swivel I've been fishing with the stuff for two years non-stop for everything from muskie to crappie 12 months a year and this is a semi-educated opinion, to be taken for exactly what it's worth in webland. I can cast as far and trouble-free as I want with non-fluoro main lines on reels and I have leaders made of fluoro with over 300 lakers on them (winter, spring and summer 2 to 25lbs, all recycled) and a few muskie and pike to around 49 inches last season. It's like anything else: use it in the right application, it works great. I personally would never load 150 yds of this stuff onto a reel and expect good casting/memory performance. It's leader material. Other types of line are far, far more suited to everyday casting etc than most fluoros are, I think. Maxima, Stren and Seaguar all make excellent fluoro from what I have experienced. One well-made leader's gonna last you a long time. It'll outlive most jig heads, that's for sure. Good luck Cliff, something tells me you could rig a bait to a phone cord and still catch 'em anyways bud. Canadian busniess less apt to play ball and jump to a customers needs than an American...who would have thunk lol. There's lots to learn about customer service and responsiveness from our friends S of the border in many cases.

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