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Hey Justin!

Big Cliff

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Just saw movie "Grumpy Old Men"

This thread reminds me of that movie.

Ya know, all about grumpy old men worried about Italians

coming over to take over their ice fishing bait shop.

Instead we are worried about Muslims going to Yellowknife, Kenora, etc

Same kinda comedy happening here...

only in your own mind, when living in ontario we had many different nationalities at our wedding. it was in rexdale hello


for your information the Syrians own the majority of the taxi business up here and they are great guys, come up here one day and I will take u around town u might get rid of periffial vision, and yes when one has loose lips u might want to walk the walk and see the world for what it is, tell me when u want to come up u can stay with us, but before u do give respects to my daughter in the vaughan cemetery,, and i hope u have a policing or military back ground if u do we might get along i will not talk behind a glass screen any more but if u care to look at the positive words and encouragement i have contributed over the years, even thru true adversity u have some ground to make up, not i, my time will be devoted to my family from here on in, i only hope u are as sincere in life

Edited by mr blizzard
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I believe it was a JW. Going back over 20 years now lol


Its the policy of the school system, since the daycare centres are located within schools, they aren't allowed any religious figures in the decorations, so no Santa, no nativity scenes, certainly no Virgin Marys. Easter Bunny is still safe for now. But she can't talk to her kids in the daycare about why we have these holidays, its just so screwed up. Even Halloween, they can't call it that anymore, its black and orange day now.

I just asked my 12 year old Son, who goes to a public school in York Region, about this. He said they have Halloween, and call it that. They wish each other Merry Christmas and have a class Christmas Party. Images of Santa are not banned.


His class is 50% or more non-white.


I don't know where you live, so it could well be different where you are.

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I just asked my 12 year old Son, who goes to a public school in York Region, about this. He said they have Halloween, and call it that. They wish each other Merry Christmas and have a class Christmas Party. Images of Santa are not banned.


His class is 50% or more non-white.


I don't know where you live, so it could well be different where you are.

Exactly. Same as where we are. I don't know where all this "changing our way of life" is happening. I can tell you stories of my travels in the US that will make you cringe. All by Christians like my Uncle in southern Illinois in the "Heartland". A picture in his Dr's office of the twin towers burning and below it said." Muslim is Evil. Muslim is Death" That wasn't all, I was flabbergasted. Another was the Virgin Mary with children praying to her, the caption read " Idolaters". They certainly don't have a problem with saying how they feel about anyone not like them. I'm happy to be here, good and bad. Some here have no idea how great we have it.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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I just asked my 12 year old Son, who goes to a public school in York Region, about this. He said they have Halloween, and call it that. They wish each other Merry Christmas and have a class Christmas Party. Images of Santa are not banned.


His class is 50% or more non-white.


I don't know where you live, so it could well be different where you are.

No problems in our kids school either.


Not a huge diversity but there is some.


No black and orange day etc

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I just asked my 12 year old Son, who goes to a public school in York Region, about this. He said they have Halloween, and call it that. They wish each other Merry Christmas and have a class Christmas Party. Images of Santa are not banned.


His class is 50% or more non-white.


I don't know where you live, so it could well be different where you are.



maybe individual schools vary. i know my bosses grand daughters go to school in Brooklin, north of Whitby, and they have black and orange day. My g/f centre is in a school in Pickering

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If one is fortunate enough to travel to other parts of this giant marble, then one really does come to appreciate how lucky we truly are here.

I don't consider an 82 year old being sent to a shelter to recover from surgery as being treated well by Canadian standards and I'll bet if it was your mom or grandmother you'd be singing a different tune!


No matter where you are in the world or how little you have there is always going to be someone that has less, that doesn't mean you should settle for what you have just because it's more than someone else has.

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I don't consider an 82 year old being sent to a shelter to recover from surgery as being treated well by Canadian standards and I'll bet if it was your mom or grandmother you'd be singing a different tune!


No matter where you are in the world or how little you have there is always going to be someone that has less, that doesn't mean you should settle for what you have just because it's more than someone else has.


I'd be raising hell like you wouldn't believe, but to blame this on Justin is off target. Hell should be directed at the landlord who did the work and made the woman homeless. Their feet shld be scorched till they make it right for her.


Yes the grass *may* be greener but having travelled and seen how little people have or stuffed up things are elsewhere, I'll take our imperfect country over any other 24/7/365. It doesn't mean settling for the status quo, we SHOULD be demanding and expecting more from all our governments, from local to federal.


As people more impoverished than us would say about our complaining... "First World problems"

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I'm all for helping others but when we have Canadians being treated like this it's time you re-think your priorities!




And this is a woman who at 82 years old, took two busses and a sea bus to get to a part time job just to help make ends meet.

This 82 yr.old having to take two buses and sea bus occurred in British Columbia while Stephen Harper was prime minister.

Not sure what that has to do with Trudeau or Ontario fishing, but whatever....

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While I was in gr 9. For the first week of school with every morning during the anthem while we all stood at attention there was one girl who sat on her ass in the middle of the class, I got fed up with it and talked to the teacher, she agreed with my stance and for the rest of the year she would stay in the hallway and assumedly sit on the ground out there. I was pleased with the resolution. Do what you want just don't force it on me or disrespect the country we all live in.

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While I was in gr 9. For the first week of school with every morning during the anthem while we all stood at attention there was one girl who sat on her ass in the middle of the class, I got fed up with it and talked to the teacher, she agreed with my stance and for the rest of the year she would stay in the hallway and assumedly sit on the ground out there. I was pleased with the resolution. Do what you want just don't force it on me or disrespect the country we all live in.

Same when I was in school. I didnt complain but I mean kids of other faiths/beliefs etc sat in the hallway


Sort of what ehg should do if he dislikes a NF post????

Edited by manitoubass2
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While I was in gr 9. For the first week of school with every morning during the anthem while we all stood at attention there was one girl who sat on her ass in the middle of the class, I got fed up with it and talked to the teacher, she agreed with my stance and for the rest of the year she would stay in the hallway and assumedly sit on the ground out there. I was pleased with the resolution. Do what you want just don't force it on me or disrespect the country we all live in.

Sorry, I missed the part where you tolerated another persons freedoms while they tried to restrict yours.... Could you please re-explain the part where something was forced on you?


Tolerance is a Canadian value.


Respect for others freedoms, and freedom of choice is a Canadian value.

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Big Cliff, if after paying into CPP and you aren't getting maximum benefits I would check the numbers that CPP has for your taxable earnings. They screwed mine up as for the first 4 years of my employment with the company I retired from they submitted my contributions under the wrong S.I.N. I lost 2 years because employment records only went back 40 years. It took me 7 months to get at least the 3 years I paid straitened out. Maximum contributions is based on 60,000 of taxable earnings, 30 years at 2000 a year basically. I would check those numbers closely Cliff. Our Governments has been known to make a mistake or 2.


And I'll say it again, please give our new PM (who I didn't vote for by the way) a chance before we start burning his image in effigy.

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Sorry, I missed the part where you tolerated another persons freedoms while they tried to restrict yours.... Could you please re-explain the part where something was forced on you?


Tolerance is a Canadian value.


Respect for others freedoms, and freedom of choice is a Canadian value.

Back in grade school about the time the dinosaurs roamed the earth if you didn't sing God Save The Queen every morning before class started you got the strap. I know first hand. When I came home crying I thought my Mother was going to give the Principle the strap, she actually threatened him to do it, I remember that like yesterday. We were very close to moving to the states then. I told Principle Davis our President was Eisenhower and we fought hard to get rid of Kings and Queens. My mother is American and she always was saying "our" President Eisenhower then latter Kennedy. Talk about confusing a 5 year old, I spent the first 4 years of my childhood growing up in NY. It's funny now, not then.

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Back in grade school about the time the dinosaurs roamed the earth if you didn't sing God Save The Queen you got the strap. I know first hand. I told the teacher our President was Eisenhower and we fought hard to get rid of Kings and Queens. My mother is American and she always was saying "our" President Eisenhower then latter Kennedy. Talk about confusing a 5 year old. It's funny now, not then.

Luckily for me, there was no strap by the time I came along - I would have gotten it for sure, probably many times over!

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Same when I was in school. I didnt complain but I mean kids of other faiths/beliefs etc sat in the hallway


Sort of what ehg should do if he dislikes a NF post

Hey Manitoubass2 as Shakespeare would say 'et tu brutus' or 'Much ado about nothing' i like NF posts. A page back you liked my grumpy old men allusion. lol

The heart of this post has to do with 82 yr. old taking 2 buses and seabus in B.C while Harper was prime minster.

Nothing much to do with Trudeau's 3 months or Ontario here.

Like how i am being targeted. Fun stuff.

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Sorry, I missed the part where you tolerated another persons freedoms while they tried to restrict yours.... Could you please re-explain the part where something was forced on you?


Tolerance is a Canadian value.


Respect for others freedoms, and freedom of choice is a Canadian value.

Jehovas coming to my door, quite frequently actually, on Nov 11 this past year they showed up with a pamphlet and said "we know its a day for those who believe they should, to honour the fallen, but today we as jehovas witnesses believe we should be asking how does god view war?" And handed me a pamphlet titled just that.


I understand that the girl in class was doing nothing to me, but the ignorance of the country you live in for a faith is ridiculous in my eyes, for any religion for that matter.

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Hey Manitoubass2 as Shakespeare would say 'et tu brutus' or 'Much ado about nothing' i like NF posts. A page back you liked my grumpy old men allusion. lol

The heart of this post has to do with 82 yr. old taking 2 buses and seabus in B.C while Harper was prime minster.

Nothing much to do with Trudeau's 3 months or Ontario here.

Like how i am being targeted. Fun stuff.

Sorry if you read it wrong, it was sarcasm.


Maybe I shoulda added that.


I enjoy your posts and it was just a lighthearted cheapshot?


Your right imo, this has nothing to do with the pm(well maybe indirectly)


And whomever said canada was a great place to live, it certainly is!


We have tonnes of issues but ill take "our" issues over other countries anyday

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Hey Manitoubass2 as Shakespeare would say 'et tu brutus' or 'Much ado about nothing' i like NF posts. A page back you liked my grumpy old men allusion. lol

The heart of this post has to do with 82 yr. old taking 2 buses and seabus in B.C while Harper was prime minster.

Nothing much to do with Trudeau's 3 months or Ontario here.

Like how i am being targeted. Fun stuff.

I don't think your Grumpy Old Men comment was interpreted the way you meant it to be. I see nothing wrong with it. More of "much ado about nothing" if I read it right.


The original post is about a tragic mistreatment of an elderly person. It's terrible but I'm sure we don't know the whole story do we? A short article in a newspaper can't tell it all.

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Maybe to get this thread back on track I went back and re read the CTV report and watched the video and did a bit of Googling this story. When I think of a homeless shelter of which I have never been in one. I picture and old dank warehouse that has 50 single beds in the middle of a cold draughty room with that many alcoholics and addicts in those beds. The shelter Ms. Flan was sent to is not that. It is almost new, clean, has marble pillars in the foyer. Would I want to live there, of course not, should Fran Flam have to recover there after surgery, of course not. But it isn't the place I pictured in my mind. I have no idea why there are not rehab places such as the one Mom stayed in for 3 months after breaking her arm, St. Peters in Hamilton. There is a charge to the patient if unless their income will not cover the $1800.00 a month fee. Ms. Flan would not pay in her case. This is on the B.C. health system and the landlord. Her apartment was being sprayed for bed bugs, how long does that take? A day, a week, months? If I am a renter and work has to be done on my rental I can't see how the landlord can say "you are out on the street". I was a landlord but not for long, not for me unless I had a partner to share the workload.For any renters here maybe you can tell us how this works. I have rented before and the place had to be sprayed for earwigs, I didn't have to move out.


It is sad that some of the most vulnerable in our society are our most precious, children and the elderly. But I have never heard of one person ever saying "please raise my taxes so we can better take care of those most in need".


This isn't on Justin Big Cliff. He may increase funding to the provinces in the future, but where will this increase in funding come from? Maybe grounding 6 fighter Jets? Sending a few hundred troupes over seas shouldn't increase the military budget, soldiers are paid whether here or there anyway.

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Jehovas coming to my door, quite frequently actually, on Nov 11 this past year they showed up with a pamphlet and said "we know its a day for those who believe they should, to honour the fallen, but today we as jehovas witnesses believe we should be asking how does god view war?" And handed me a pamphlet titled just that.


I understand that the girl in class was doing nothing to me, but the ignorance of the country you live in for a faith is ridiculous in my eyes, for any religion for that matter.

While I do think that people should always try to be respectful, we all fall down sometimes if we're human. Like me for example in post 41 I believe someone said it was (I can't see post numbers on mobile).


The point I'm making is even if someone is disrespectful, that is their right. I don't recommend it, it's always better to build a bridge than burn one down, but ultimately free people do not need to respect other opinions, only tolerate them.


If we start deciding who to tolerate and who not to, we're on the road to a society that isn't free.

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We are a little too nice and accommodating in Canada but I would rather have that than the alternative.

We have our problems and sometimes politicians prioritize incorrectly in my mind.

Overall, how many people on this planet have the time and money to be able to drive pickups, pull trailers, fish from expensive boats and sit around on cell phones and computers arguing on fishing sites with other passionate but good Canadians.

I worry too about these things. Lately, I have been taking a step back to appreciate how good I have it.

I applaud OFC members for making a stand or arguing for what they think is right regarding Canada, government decision and spending - as long as they are not aggressive it arrogant about it. I like hearing all of your opinions - even the super Conservative ones as I am basically liberal by nature - but i like Dutch's responses the best. He's a great debater. I am sure he would have gotten the strap often in school had he been born earlier.

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