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Who is going to pull the trigger?

Big Cliff

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We will know soon.


Russia is now reported to be sending 150,000 troops into syria.


This is a recipe for disaster as us/nato develope plans for military strikes in syria and libya

I hope you're right and it's a disaster for ISIS. The do nothing because it's not in my backyard ideology only encourages these pigs. They WILL NOT stop until they destroy the world. How many innocent people must suffer and die before we ALL get it.? Just about the only thing that I agree with Donald Trump, "...bomb the s_ _t out of them....". These animals will behead anyone they don't like. They have no morals or values that belong in this world. France has pledged to stand up and deal with savagery with military might. It may not be the best move but I have yet to hear (including from this board) any better ones. Just ask any one of the 129 families grieving their losses in France or any of the 350+ wounded survivors over there.


Got any better ideas? I didn't think so! Maybe Justin will finally grow a pair and do the right thing.




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As for the view immigrants/refugees arrive here and immediately enjoy a free ride that is ABSOLUTE hogwash. If they arrive through the system they pay a hefty sum to get here


As for some of the Syrian refugees being terrorists of course that could happen with any refugee,


Also I know a couple families of Syrian immigrants and I have to say they are some of the most genuine people I have ever met.


I chopped up your post I admit. I'm more asking questions than arguing.


These displaced people, with only the shirts on their backs are going to pay a hefty sum?


Justin said 25 000 between now and January 1st. I don't doubt you know a couple of solid Syrian families here, but an influx of that magnitude in a month and a half, there's no way there is going to be proper background checks. I'm all for immigration but not with the compromise of our safety.

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I hope you're right and it's a disaster for ISIS. The do nothing because it's not in my backyard ideology only encourages these pigs. They WILL NOT stop until they destroy the world. How many innocent people must suffer and die before we ALL get it.? Just about the only thing that I agree with Donald Trump, "...bomb the s_ _t out of them....". These animals will behead anyone they don't like. They have no morals or values that belong in this world. France has pledged to stand up and deal with savagery with military might. It may not be the best move but I have yet to hear (including from this board) any better ones. Just ask any one of the 129 families grieving their losses in France or any of the 350+ wounded survivors over there.


Got any better ideas? I didn't think so! Maybe Justin will finally grow a pair and do the right thing.





Sorry but NO war has ever been won just by bombing... If it were that simple Vietnam and Afghanistan wouldn't have been war zones for almost 30 yrs each. The total amount of bombs dropped on Vietnam was MORE than the total dropped in WWII by everybody in every theater of war.... Look at the size of Vietnam on a map it should have been a crater from border to border. The U.S. still lost that one when they pulled out the troops on the ground.


No one can even calculate how many thousands of tons of bombs have been dropped on Afghanistan in the last 30 yrs and nothing is even close to being won there yet....


Until the rest of the world is ready to go in hunt down and exterminate every terrorist. Then do the same to every potential terrorist that bombing and being there CREATES. With boots on the ground and an occupying force FOREVER, there isn't going to be a long term peace or stability in the region. No matter how many bombs they drop, and as long as there is an occupying force the people we are trying to "liberate" are most likely going to fight it, anyway they can. Just as you or I would if China invaded us tomorrow....


I keep asking how many times can we go over crush whoever is causing a crap storm only to get fed up and leave to have it all repeat over again? As soon as the white hats leave the terrorists seep back in.


The vicious cycle is the ordinary citizens there for some reason can't or won't save themselves no matter how much training and support we give them. Yet when the rest of the world does it for the ordinary person there, it just breeds another army of radicals who will as you say kill anything and anyone. Who isn't a part of their savage little group....

Edited by Canuck2fan
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I joined the Canadian Forces when I was 18 and did it for a year to then stop and go back to school for an education for later in life. Now I sit her at 42 and I'm ready to sign right back up! However, not to run and fight just to do so in some other country; but to stay here and fight for OUR Canadian freedom and safety right here! I'm no radical in anyway shape or form but it's also time I review things in how I protect my home and my kids.

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I chopped up your post I admit. I'm more asking questions than arguing.


These displaced people, with only the shirts on their backs are going to pay a hefty sum?


Justin said 25 000 between now and January 1st. I don't doubt you know a couple of solid Syrian families here, but an influx of that magnitude in a month and a half, there's no way there is going to be proper background checks. I'm all for immigration but not with the compromise of our safety.


According to the link I posted refugees have to PAY back the cost of their travel to get here if provided by the Canadian government... For some families that could be 10K. Which could more than some of might have made in their entire lives. Also if any refugees have families here they could be sponsored by the family here and the fees paid that way... One of the families I know two of the brothers have been working those 70 hr weeks to raise the cash to sponsor their relatives.... They have already had family members killed before ISIS started up, so they are very motivated to get out any remaining family that they can and they will PAY gladly any amount to do it.


I absolutely agree the number of 25000 is scary in the amount of time and probably won't happen. If some of the people in the camps got away with their documents that would certainly speed up the process for them. Also does anyone really think it actually takes 6 days of some government official looking at an application for every minute of those 6 days to get approval under normal circumstances? Much less 6 months I would wager of lot of that "time" the file is just sitting in a folder.


The refugee camps might have in place systems to vet applicants as well... that could help speed things up.


Lastly, if there any concern with any refugee what would be wrong with having them housed in military barracks or in a similar way until they are fully checked out. Is win win for our safety and theirs too. Here even in a "camp" I can't think of a better word, at least they would be feed, have clean water and some medical attention. If they are as bad off as reports would indicate then having to stay somewhere like that has to be better than being where they are now. Just while we dot the i's and cross a few ts on any questions. If the answers are wrong they planes bringing them here can take some back just as easily...

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I think saying they pay a "hefty sum" is misleading. Paying their own transportation costs is common sense IMO, whoever pays it, family, friends, themselves. Also, I think I remember hearing an airline (AC ?) will cover that, self advertising for the airline.


The link you posted, I'm pretty sure most of that is going to go out the window in a situation like this.


I want to help people but we have lots of people who need help in our community/ country too.

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I think saying they pay a "hefty sum" is misleading. Paying their own transportation costs is common sense IMO, whoever pays it, family, friends, themselves. Also, I think I remember hearing an airline (AC ?) will cover that, self advertising for the airline.


The link you posted, I'm pretty sure most of that is going to go out the window in a situation like this.


I want to help people but we have lots of people who need help in our community/ country too.


Maybe hefty sum is wrong then in this case, if those rules go out the window only time will tell.


Believe me I agree we should help people here first and foremost ALWAYS!!!


Unfortunately that has never the case for some reason. Even when broke by any sane measure most our western governments have consistently borrowed billions more to give aid around the world... So if we are going to do it the real question should be which peoples need what we can't afford to give the most? Way above my ability to answer. I get the feeling though that a lot of those 25000 refugees will be picked because they have certain skills we need to build the economy.

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Except if they have oil.


Before anybody even knew what oil role was going to play, the west was invading there to preserve the Christian holy lands during the crusades. Then it was to protect the commerce along the silk road from the far east. Then it was to keep other countries from gaining too much influence in the lands surrounding the easiest sailing routes.... Now it just seems like a bad habit...


Gwynne Dyer has an interesting take on the whole mess....



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If you were ever hoping to see London as it should be, I would suggest going sooner than later as the same challenges being faced by France, are occurring in London. A simple youtube search will net you more than enough information to make an informed decision.

Another bit of food for thought... if I heard correctly on the weekend, the President of France declared war on ISIS.... as a fellow member of NATO, we would be obligated to assist France in any way needed, based on article five of the NATO constitution. Justin may not have a choice!


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If you were ever hoping to see London as it should be, I would suggest going sooner than later as the same challenges being faced by France, are occurring in London. A simple youtube search will net you more than enough information to make an informed decision.

Another bit of food for thought... if I heard correctly on the weekend, the President of France declared war on ISIS.... as a fellow member of NATO, we would be obligated to assist France in any way needed, based on article five of the NATO constitution. Jsutin may not have a choice!




And see why I say we need to disband from NATO?(which was to be disbanded many years ago to begin with)


this is not our fight

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And see why I say we need to disband from NATO?(which was to be disbanded many years ago to begin with)


this is not our fight


On 30 September 1938 by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in his speech concerning the Munich Agreementand the Anglo-German Declaration.[1] The phrase echoed Benjamin Disraeli, who upon returning from the Congress of Berlinin 1878 stated "I have returned from Germany with peace for our time." It is primarily remembered for its ironic value: less than a year after the agreement, Hitler's continued aggression and hisinvasion of Poland was followed by declarations of war on Germany by Franceand the United Kingdom.


Yup, history will repeat itself, "Not our fight"!

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