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Who is going to pull the trigger?

Big Cliff

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Ummmm. They are videotaping every strategic bombing to avoid being blamed in any type of false flag operaration


The US blamed them of bombing two hospitals, that was determined to be a lie.


They are documenting and releasing info of bombings unlike the coalition.


They are covering their as....







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Ummmm. They are videotaping every strategic bombing to avoid being blamed in any type of false flag operaration


The US blamed them of bombing two hospitals, that was determined to be a lie.


They are documenting and releasing info of bombings unlike the coalition.


They are covering their as....


sorry if I'm rather sceptical about Russian claims but is there a link to this information ? google isn't much help and it seems some of the info comes from RT, which, depending on one's views, has more spin than CNN or other Western media. well maybe not as much as Fox 'News' ;)

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Yeah its out there. I didnt save the links. I read rtnews and cnn and all that crap to just for a laugh. Both are just propaganda, but I find rt to be more reliable than western media in some cases


Like on CNN today they had "experts" talking about the downed plane and they arent even there lol. Just making a bunch of crap up


Ill see if I can dig it up

Edited by manitoubass2
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Ummmm. They are videotaping every strategic bombing to avoid being blamed in any type of false flag operaration


The US blamed them of bombing two hospitals, that was determined to be a lie.


They are documenting and releasing info of bombings unlike the coalition.


They are covering their as....


Rick, how the hell do you keep up on all this crap in BF Ontario, and have 5 plus kids, work 12 plus hours per day, fish, post here a lot, do you sleep? :)


I can't worry about things I can't control, hopefully cooler heads prevail.


On the news somebody said something like "go ahead, fight your wars with YOUR sons and daughters, not mine" and that struck a chord with me. If our shores are in jeopardy, that's one thing, but loosing lives for oil or to try and convert people to our way of life, go nuts, with your sons and daughters, not mine.

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Rick, how the hell do you keep up on all this crap in BF Ontario, and have 5 plus kids, work 12 plus hours per day, fish, post here a lot, do you sleep? :)


I can't worry about things I can't control, hopefully cooler heads prevail.


On the news somebody said something like "go ahead, fight your wars with YOUR sons and daughters, not mine" and that struck a chord with me. If our shores are in jeopardy, that's one thing, but loosing lives for oil or to try and convert people to our way of life, go nuts, with your sons and daughters, not mine.

It all started with school and a few mentors lol.


And yes I never sleep. I work hard and when I get a chance I study. Lotsa this stuff im studying with my kids.


Im just not comfortable being uninformed.


And im uncomfortable being informed lol


And i agree, protect our shores. We belong nowhere but here(militarily) IMO


Then I fish to clear my brain lol. Be at peace with my kids and nature.


And work is a break too. I work long hours but i meet my qoutas quick and just hang out on here cause my jobs a breeze lol

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sorry if I'm rather sceptical about Russian claims but is there a link to this information ? google isn't much help and it seems some of the info comes from RT, which, depending on one's views, has more spin than CNN or other Western media. well maybe not as much as Fox 'News' ;)

Im trying but i cant remember the sources(shame on me)


But I believe them to be correct or else youde be hearing even more propaganda from the UN.


Propaganda used to be a stealth tool, not so much nowadays with technology. You can get both sides of the story rather quick( most of the time)


I still think that this is a bigger game then we could imagine. Russia is no super hero


Nor is the west, europe etc


Things arent adding up(at least to me)


Military and governments are insane, study all ya want/can and youll still never have a definitive answer

Edited by manitoubass2
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Ah damn

I was gonna stay away from this but what the hell

Obama is probably the deadlyist president to ever sit office definitely no pussy he is the drone lord

Sorry to the guys from the states I really like you guys a lot but I think your country is hemoraging and I'm really not sure if it will stop or get much worse


Putin is a scary dude for sure and let's face it the quickest way always to the states is Canada I've played cat and mouse war games whatever you want to call it in the high Arctic they have always been good and have always had installations in the Arctic last little while not so much just asleep and waiting


China well China is China and once upon a time the superpower I think they want to play fair and are tired of being second they are building fast and have the ability to accurately kill satellites in low medium and theroitaclly high orbit the money is just money if it's electronic or on paper it means diddly gold and resources are the standard and the ability to hold them they are hoarding and have the desire to hold that


The need for fresh water will be an issue soon


Israel why are we sticking up for them?

Their very cagey and react without prejudice they are a very strong nation that's had a bad go


Terrorist types hunt them and kill them all

needs to be a group effort they are going to spread and cause mayhem I really believe this to be true


EMP VERY REAL it was a side effect of the atom bomb and has been fully exploited and used by many

the worlds infrastructure is not hardened to deal with this

3 bombs detonated 100 miles up and spaced evenly could potentially put a vast part of North America back to the stone age


How about an asteroid or comet impact there is no power on the planet that can stop or prevent this it's a roll of the dice impact strike

I believe the other day a meteor came out of nowhere and past within 500000 mms of us I think they said it was 200 football fields wide lots of killing power there it's been along time we are due


There's a lot of crap going on now if I survive the initial strike I truly believe I have a shot at whatever it is until then


I'm seriously really enjoying my life and having a bloody good time always vigilant prepared

Well time to get ready for Bambi slaying




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Im no fan of war, but sooooo much goes back to the government, not the people, of israel.


Somebody is gonna bomb them eventually, then we will truly see all hell break loose.


they operate outside of international law more then anyone, and have one heck of a nuclear arsonal.


And with palestinians as an example, they have zero issues conducting eugenics.

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Im trying but i cant remember the sources(shame on me)



ah no worries man. so much spin all over the place you need to read or watch as many outlets as possible and somewhere in between it all lies something approaching what I hope is the truth ;)


if everything goes down the world wide flusher, I hope I'm at my cabin burning wood or sleeping.

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ah no worries man. so much spin all over the place you need to read or watch as many outlets as possible and somewhere in between it all lies something approaching what I hope is the truth ;)


if everything goes down the world wide flusher, I hope I'm at my cabin burning wood or sleeping.

Im totally with you on that.

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Holy Christ, I'm gonna see if my father in laws bomb shelter from the cold war is still good, otherwise I'll start construction tomorrow.

A shelter is no good. It might buy you a week.


Stay in the bush and enjoy whats left of life if war comes.


At least most of us outdoorsman will buy some time but if anything goes nuclear it wont matter.


Harsh to say but id rather emp attacks happen, cause i know well be fine.


May the creator bless the city folk with no experience

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In the heat of the cold war, lol.


Russians main dood, created a bomb so devistating he said it couldnt even be tested.


He became a leader in a non nuclear world shortly after.


These technologies are not shared with us. I believe much worse things are to come.


Nobody wins a nuclear war, so they had to look elsewhere.


Emp is scary, because its shuts down society instantly. Pitting people vrs people. Which is scary enough but we have nuclear power plants close or in major metroplis, power goes out and thar she goes

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