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An open letter to Justin

Big Cliff

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Day 1.


Justin tells Obama we are pulling our jets from the "fight" against ISIS.




Nice to have someone leading the country who doesn't have his nose stuck up the yankee presidents arse.

I seen this yesterday as well but nothing to confirm it.


If true thats a bold move but I totally support it


But it might just come at some political costs if true

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income splitting looks(ed) at household income just like any benefit (baby bonus) you may receive does.


the idea behind splitting is that a household income of 100K should have the same tax bill whether one person makes then 100K and the other makes 0 or each make 50K. without splitting, the household where all the income comes from one earner ends up paying more taxes than the household where both people work and make 50K each.


what is so unfair about income splitting? a household making 100k should pay the same amount of taxes whether the split is 80/20 or 50/50.



Cliff I am with you, send it in

Oh, I did, not that it will do any good but it's sent! I really do hope he proves me wrong but already it isn't looking good! He is bright, he is young, he is ..... well I guess 2 out of three isn't such a bad thing. Time will tell, people picked their number, we'll see if it comes up.

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I have been of the mind that pot should be made legal for many years now.

FYI, I don't partake in it but drinking and cigarettes are much worse health wise.

If legalized across the country the taxes from sales of it will really help pay down the debt if handled properly.


It will also free up our police to concentrate on more serious crimes and free up space in the jails.


When pot was legalized in Colorado there was $60,000,000 in sales in the first month alone!!!!


We will have to wait and see what happens.

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FYI, I don't partake in it but drinking and cigarettes are much worse health wise.

This was my deal breaker with Harper. In past I held my nose and voted for him because I bought the party line that he believed in smaller government and not spending more than you make. In fact, he added greatly to our debt, and added tens of thousands of federal civil servants.


Last week he claimed that science has "proven" that marijuana is "infinitely worse than alcohol or cigarettes". When pressed to cite one source, he couldn't, and said he would "defer to Health Canada". FYI, Health Canada concedes that there's not one recorded death due to marijuana, while millions have been killed by alcohol/tobacco. So here is a man who will lie about facts in order to restrict my rights because of his beliefs.


Additionally, since he is so keen to go with the science, what about all the science on climate change? Oh don't worry, that science doesn't jibe with his beliefs either so it is also ignored.


When you are willing to ignore facts to rule according to your beliefs, your are no different - NO DIFFERENT - than Saudi Arabia.


It's unacceptable, and he had to go.


All of you guys claiming the sky is going to fall are drinking the Harper Koolaid. Trudeau can hardly do worse.

Edited by Dutch01
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Trudeau is dancing in a field of flowers. He will see what the real world looks like in a few months.


And, pot is quite dangerous to teenage kids.

It greatly affects the onset of schizophrenia




That would be the disease that got that kid killed by a cop on the streetcar, and the one that killed and started to eat people on the Greyhound bus, and the one that affects most of the mass murderers hitting movie theatres and schools in the US lately

Edited by Dara
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This was my deal breaker with Harper. In past I held my nose and voted for him because I bought the party line that he believed in smaller government and not spending more than you make. In fact, he added greatly to our debt, and added tens of thousands of federal civil servants.


Last week he claimed that science has "proven" that marijuana is "infinitely worse than alcohol or cigarettes". When pressed to cite one source, he couldn't, and said he would "defer to Health Canada". FYI, Health Canada concedes that there's not one recorded death due to marijuana, while millions have been killed by alcohol/tobacco. So here is a man who will lie about facts in order to restrict my rights because of his beliefs.


Additionally, since he is so keen to go with the science, what about all the science on climate change? Oh don't worry, that science doesn't jibe with his beliefs either so it is also ignored.


When you are willing to ignore facts to rule according to your beliefs, your are no different - NO DIFFERENT - than Saudi Arabia.


It's unacceptable, and he had to go.


All of you guys claiming the sky is going to fall are drinking the Harper Koolaid. Trudeau can hardly do worse.

Well said..I couldn't agree more..

I heard today on the radio that the the Cons are courting Ben Mulroney for the next party leader.. Interesting move.

Also as far as JT being to young and under experienced, isint he just one year younger then when Harper was elected?

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Trudeau is dancing in a field of flowers. He will see what the real world looks like in a few months.


And, pot is quite dangerous to teenage kids.

It greatly affects the onset of schizophrenia



There is now doubt that this is even true..The kids that did have schizophrenia after smoking pot for an extended period were predisposed to get it already and it was in their DNA.I will agree that the developing young mind should not be in contact with any drugs or alcohol.Also there needs to be restrictions as if we were selling alcohol




The problem is there was so much misinformation out there right now. This election has made such a huge mess out of so many things with all the Bull spread on the campaign trail

Edited by tb4me
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There is now doubt that this is even true..The kids that did have schizophrenia after smoking pot for an extended period were predisposed to get it already and it was in their DNA..The problem is there was so much misinformation out there right now. This election has made such a huge mess out of so many things with all the Bull spread on the campaign trail



Possibly predisposed but It does bring the disease out...but hey, if we don't know for sure, lets just say its safe and make a few bucks off it till we find out for sure.


Saw your edit so I will too.


We all know that because alcohol is illegal for kids that they never get their hands on it.


I don't see any point in playing with fire for the sake of a few more dollars for the government to waste.


I go along with decriminalize but not legalize...Trudeau is an admitted pot head...he may not even be allowed into the US because of that admission

Edited by Dara
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Trudeau is dancing in a field of flowers. He will see what the real world looks like in a few months.


And, pot is quite dangerous to teenage kids.

It greatly affects the onset of schizophrenia




That would be the disease that got that kid killed by a cop on the streetcar, and the one that killed and started to eat people on the Greyhound bus, and the one that affects most of the mass murderers hitting movie theatres and schools in the US lately

First, no one is advocating making it available to kids, that is pure Harper propaganda. Canada has the highest per capita use of marijuana in the developed world, despite many decades of prohibition. Kids can already get it more readily than beer or alcohol. In fact, a high school is probably the easiest place in Canada to get pot. Continuing with the status quo is not a solution to what you consider to be a problem.


Let's look at smoking cigarettes as a comparable. For decades smoking rates have been falling due to an effective education campaign. How about we do the same with pot and see if it works since the status quo has not made a dent in usage rates?


Also, as posted above, pot use among youth is correlated with schizophrenia, but correlation is not the same as causation. Pot does not cause schizophrenia, period. It can only advance the onset of it. It's important to be clear about that point. We cannot base sound public policy on propaganda and lies.


Finally, the majority of mass shooters in the USA do not suffer from schizophrenia, this just isn't factual and unfairly stigmatizes those suffering from this debilitating disease.

Edited by Dutch01
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Possibly predisposed but It does bring the disease out...but hey, if we don't know for sure, lets just say its safe and make a few bucks off it till we find out for sure.


Saw your edit so I will too.


We all know that because alcohol is illegal for kids that they never get their hands on it.


I don't see any point in playing with fire for the sake of a few more dollars for the government to waste.


I go along with decriminalize but not legalize...Trudeau is an admitted pot head...he may not even be allowed into the US because of that admission

The disease would have come out eventually..There is actual proof that the weed delayed the onset of the disease in those kids. I have been following the medical story of this plant and it is no secret that the benefits of this plant far outweigh the health risks I don't want it legalized either. However every Canadian should have legal and safe access to it to use as a medicine.. The list is long and huge and I can provide a massive list of stories of folks that have cured themselves of Glaucoma Cancer (tumors) Leukemia ,Diabetes. I personally know of 2 folks that gotten themselves off insulin dependence just eating cannabis oils.

I'm not a pot head and I don't think JT is either..He did admit to doing it once..As im sure most here have at one point in their lives.

Edited by tb4me
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Possibly predisposed but It does bring the disease out...but hey, if we don't know for sure, lets just say its safe and make a few bucks off it till we find out for sure.


Saw your edit so I will too.


We all know that because alcohol is illegal for kids that they never get their hands on it.


I don't see any point in playing with fire for the sake of a few more dollars for the government to waste.


I go along with decriminalize but not legalize...Trudeau is an admitted pot head...he may not even be allowed into the US because of that admission

Since your primary criteria appears to be safety, I assume you support full prohibition for alcohol, cigarettes, transfats and any recreational activity that can lead to harm?


Trudeau is not an "admitted pot head". He admitted to using it once after a dinner party. More than 3 million Canadians have admitted to trying pot in their lives, so he is not alone. As for the USA, they are leading the charge right now and we are behind the curve.


Finally, and the most fundamental issue for me, is the matter of civil liberty. I do not accept this government's right to infringe on my civil liberties unless they can show demonstrable harm to society will result. No government hearings of this sort have ever made the determination that my personal pot use causes harm to society (quite the opposite in fact, see the Le Dain commission). Further, I do not accept unequal treatment under the law. If alcohol, which is demonstrably harmful, is legal, then the government cannot make a case that pot prohibition is about the degree to which a drug (which alcohol also is) is harmful.


I do not agree with organized religion (and on another day in another forum I could perhaps make the case it is more harmful than pot), but I will fight for your right to believe and worship because I believe I have to live and let live. The same can be said of those here who in recent weeks have used derogatory slurs against Wynne. I despise the woman personally, but I respect her right to sleep with whom she wants.


We, as Canadians, have to decide if we want a truly free society. If the answer is yes, you are going to have to tolerate some things you don't like (as others may have to tolerate your lifestyle choices that they may disagree with). That's the kind of Canada that I want to live in. How about you?

Edited by Dutch01
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Nobody here drank Liberal koolaid did they.....

Nobody here drank Liberal koolaid did they.....

You're the guy who made the derogatory slur about Wynne right? If so, I'm not interested in what you bring to the table. If I am wrong and it wasn't you then I apologize.

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Well said..I couldn't agree more..

I heard today on the radio that the the Cons are courting Ben Mulroney for the next party leader.. Interesting move.

Also as far as JT being to young and under experienced, isint he just one year younger then when Harper was elected?

You aren't serious, are you? That has to be a satirical remark. An entertainment "news" presenter as the next PM? I will grant that a lot of people vote for the cool guy because they think it's a popularity contest, but absolutely no one will take Ben Mulroney and his fake orange tan seriously.


As for the fresh weed debate... If there are medicinal uses for it, which I'm honestly on the fence about too (a friend of mine who is a pharmacist and has smoked as much weed as anyone I know says there are far better synthetic options to treat the symptoms that marijuana reportedly treats), then fully legalizing more recreational use removes its status as medicine, doesn't it? Don't get me wrong, if it were legalized in Canada I'd be more than willing to buy some. The biggest issue with marijuana is the fact that it is illegal. The most unsafe thing most people do with marijuana is buy and distribute it illegally. Otherwise it's relatively harmless. Definitely no more or less harmful than many shelf bought or over the counter recreational and medicinal drugs currently available at your local drug store, liquor store or corner store.

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You aren't serious, are you? That has to be a satirical remark. An entertainment "news" presenter as the next PM? I will grant that a lot of people vote for the cool guy because they think it's a popularity contest, but absolutely no one will take Ben Mulroney and his fake orange tan seriously.


As for the fresh weed debate... If there are medicinal uses for it, which I'm honestly on the fence about too (a friend of mine who is a pharmacist and has smoked as much weed as anyone I know says there are far better synthetic options to treat the symptoms that marijuana reportedly treats), then fully legalizing more recreational use removes its status as medicine, doesn't it? Don't get me wrong, if it were legalized in Canada I'd be more than willing to buy some. The biggest issue with marijuana is the fact that it is illegal. The most unsafe thing most people do with marijuana is buy and distribute it illegally. Otherwise it's relatively harmless. Definitely no more or less harmful than many shelf bought or over the counter recreational and medicinal drugs currently available at your local drug store, liquor store or corner store.

you just made me LOL a pharmacist against weed.. go figure..That is indeed funny..However he couldn't be further from the truth in most cases..Big pharma has all the doctors and pharmacies brain washed to push their poisons.over natural medicine.. always have always will..However ill save that for a different thread.

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You're the guy who made the derogatory slur about Wynne right? If so, I'm not interested in what you bring to the table. If I am wrong and it wasn't you then I apologize.

Remember left or right wing, its all part of the same bird when it comes to politics..Everyone has a right to an opinion

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you just made me LOL a pharmacist against weed.. go figure..That is indeed funny..However he couldn't be further from the truth in most cases..Big pharma has all the doctors and pharmacies brain washed to push their poisons.over natural medicine.. always have always will..However ill save that for a different thread.

As a former nutritional consultant practitioner I can vouche this is absolute truth

Edited by manitoubass2
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you just made me LOL a pharmacist against weed.. go figure..That is indeed funny..However he couldn't be further from the truth in most cases..Big pharma has all the doctors and pharmacies brain washed to push their poisons.over natural medicine.. always have always will..However ill save that for a different thread.

You are 100% on point here. Big pharma is against legalization because they cannot patent marijuana. Plain and simple.


Prescription drug overdoses cause 23.6 deaths per 100,000 people every year in Canada (Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2789126/). To put that in perspective, many on this very site have ranted about the "rampant" gun killings in the USA recently. Homicides by gun in the USA occur at a rate of about 3.5 homicides per 100,000 people (source: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/homicide.htm)


According to these stats, we have an epidemic of deaths by prescription overdose. But by all means, lets listen to these drug companies say "weed is bad, Mmmkay?" while they wash the blood off of their hands.

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Since your primary criteria appears to be safety, I assume you support full prohibition for alcohol, cigarettes, transfats and any recreational activity that can lead to harm?


Trudeau is not an "admitted pot head". He admitted to using it once after a dinner party. More than 3 million Canadians have admitted to trying pot in their lives, so he is not alone. As for the USA, they are leading the charge right now and we are behind the curve.


Finally, and the most fundamental issue for me, is the matter of civil liberty. I do not accept this government's right to infringe on my civil liberties unless they can show demonstrable harm to society will result. No government hearings of this sort have ever made the determination that my personal pot use causes harm to society (quite the opposite in fact, see the Le Dain commission). Further, I do not accept unequal treatment under the law. If alcohol, which is demonstrably harmful, is legal, then the government cannot make a case that pot prohibition is about the degree to which a drug (which alcohol also is) is harmful.


I do not agree with organized religion (and on another day in another forum I could perhaps make the case it is more harmful than pot), but I will fight for your right to believe and worship because I believe I have to live and let live. The same can be said of those here who in recent weeks have used derogatory slurs against Wynne. I despise the woman personally, but I respect her right to sleep with whom she wants.


We, as Canadians, have to decide if we want a truly free society. If the answer is yes, you are going to have to tolerate some things you don't like (as others may have to tolerate your lifestyle choices that they may disagree with). That's the kind of Canada that I want to live in. How about you?



Yup, I'll go along with all of it, including the religion part.

The only part I disagree with is the One time at a party...no way did he just try pot one time at a dinner party.


Same with Wynne, trash her for her fiscal policies but don't bring orientation into the mix


I have only heard the schizophrenia argument for being against pot. The Harvard study will make me look a bit closer.

I have 2 brothers greatly affected by the disease so I am a bit biased but willing to learn

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He absolutely has a right to an opinion. I also have the right to hold him accountable for the odious nature of said opinion.

lol yes it does stink..Also yes you do have the right to call him on it..Pointless in nature as he enjoys trolling these boards looking for a negative reaction

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