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my dog took a whoopin. Nf

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lol - the honey badger... There was one of those nature documentaries on PBS a while back about the honey badger.



I saw that show, it was amazing how smart that animal was/is. Brawn and brains; a true survivor, if we don't end up killing them off?



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There fighting style is like a big cat plus a bear on crack.


That was funny!


Them badgers be second only to the wolverine for their grit. You tube some wolverine fights...


Good your dog is OK... would have been a cool site to see. And hear ya about huskies and wolves too.

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I went down today and that badger is gone moosebunk.


Maybe she didnt like my dog either??? Lol


I have no idea what there living habits are like but thats a nice den. Surprised she left it. Or maybe they were just off roaming???

Edited by manitoubass2
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That idiot in the first video is just that. I'm surprised not many comments about the I.Q. challenged imbecilic waste of good carbon and water that basically assaulted a Badger because he want's to become a You Tube star. Once he took the Badger from it's den, where it may have had little Badgers it was protecting, what exactly was duffus going to do with it? Maybe take it to a different " Fuld"? There has to be a law forbidding stupidity but there unfortunately isn't otherwise he should be charged with premeditated stupidity in the 1st degree. I wish the Badger had have latched on to his organs that are instrumental in procreation. If he didn't have offspring before that the laws of nature would kick in thus not allowing him to have DNA challenged little Badger hunters. Man. If you haven't watched the 1st video don't. It is a waste of 8 minutes of your precious life.



That's quite the rant.


He wanted it off his fields and was protecting his irrigation equipment (or whatever other logical reason he probably had) Hats off to him for not shooting it; legally he probably could-have. I enjoyed that video and my IQ is at least a couple dozen.

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Rod Caster,


Yea I can get the blood boiling when I see something that I don't think is right. This guy didn't have any reason to take the Badger away. He is someone trying to garner a You Tube following. He travels around and catches by hand the most dangerous animals and reptiles for the sake of making a video. Such as Rattle Snakes. I have learned a few things about him by following links associated with his You Tube videos. I will not relay some or actually any of the info I read because it is just rumour and I won't spread rumors but will give my opinion of someone that takes wildlife from their habitat

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