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A rough day on the ice, Fish Report- updated


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Sorry to hear that. I just can't believe the nerve some people have. See something sitting there and think that it's free for anyone to take.

However, you reconfirmed that there are still fish in that lake. I was skunked the last time I went there in January.


I warned Chris and Bain before they came up- "It's going to be tough fishing, if you get 1 bite all day you're doing well".


I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. I'm sure we will remember and laugh about that day.


I was happy with the 4 small ones we got, that's better than expected. My Dad missed a bite, my brother and nephew had no action.


There was 1 fish (winner) caught just over 4 lbs. It seems that year class is starting to get scarce now though. The CO did tell me once he has seen 10 lb fish caught.

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Any word on finding the sled yet bud?


I'm not at the cottage. Covert operations will begin shortly though. :ph34r:


How did your hair turn out? Hopefully no surprises like we had.


lookin' good Joey! vvvv



vvvv Lew those thieves are bold, brutal! I was stupid and made it easy for them. I should have taken 2 minutes and hid the gear in the bush. Non issue.


I have helped and received help from many nice people up there and was confident nobody would take that stuff.

Edited by chris.brock
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Nice fish, though it sucks you didn't get them entered in time.


Honestly, I was hoping that someone you knew had grabbed your items and was holding them for you, but with no update I guess that was wishful thinking. I have had that happen to me when I left some stuff behind at a fishing spot. A friend grabbed the stuff and held it for me, but they didn't have my contact info, so I had replaced it all before I found out they had it and were looking to get it back to me.


I hope you do find your property, and get it back.

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Just goes to show you, if its not chained down, padlocked and sat on; it's fair game for some people.

That's unless you want someone to steal something. A customer's 4 brand new tires and I mean 1 week old tires where ice picked; his insurance replaced them and let me dispose of the "old" tires.

I cleaned all the chalk marks off, showing the puncture marks and set these tires outside the shop in plain view of the street. They friggin sat there for 2 weeks before they were scooped up one night?

I'd of liked to see the thief's face when they went to have the tires installed and found them to be junk.

Or the person they sold them to, comes back looking for their money; I'm aaaa sorry Bubba; I already spent the money. LOL



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I'm not at the cottage. Covert operations will begin shortly though.


How did your hair turn out? Hopefully no surprises like we had.


LOL, turned out great, I like it, cost alot but they always charge women more than men, and I had highlights, which is expensive. A quick pic, not the most flattering but you get the idea :)


Hope your covert operations go well!!


15949388474_5bb6f28780_b.jpgFullSizeRender (8) by Joeyfishing, on Flickr

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Years ago my bud had both his machines sitting on the trailer at his place north of Peterboro. Came home one night to find someone had come in, hooked up the trailer and just hauled everything away. He was lucky though as the insurance covered everything.


Another 2 friends of my were out sledding near Burliegh Falls when one of the machines broke down. He left it there while the 2 of them headed home on the other machine to get some tools to fix it. They got back an hour later and it was gone. They don't know if someone got it started and took off or maybe it was towed.


Lousy thieves are everywhere just waiting for an opportunity.

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Lews story reminds me of a trip to simcoe quite a few years ago. A buddy of mine and his father came with us with their two machines on their trailer. We had a great day fishing whities and lakers, but it got nasty on our way back to shore. We were about 13km out from jacksons point. We got to shore with no issues, but thhe drive home in a blizzard sucked bigtime. We got to my buddies place where we planned to spend the night. He has a very long driveway with harvested fields on either side. The snow was drifting so bad into his lane that we couldnt make it to the house, so we unhooked both trailers from the trucks, and left them about 1/4 mile off the road, stuck in the drifts. We didnt even think twice about it, drove the trucks to the house, did up a wicked fish fry, stuffed our faces, drank lots, and jammed on the guitars until the wee hours of the morning. GREAT time!! What its all about to me!



We got up the next morning gung ho to dig out the trailers/sleds, and they were both gone. All 4 machines and both trailers taken right out of the driveway, less than 1/4 mile from the room we sat and enjoyed a great evening in. What a piss off!



Nothing worse than a theif, especially a fellow fisherman or hunter.


I hope you get them in your crosshairs, they deserve it!!!



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That is a rough day on the ice, and to have someone steal your stuff at the end of the day.

Hopefully that thief steals something from the wrong guy and gets caught in the act!


I remember getting into some bad slush way up on a back lake for specs while out on my bravo.

Had to sit there chipping ice out of the track for at least a half hour in order to get the sled mobile.

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Chris, that is an absolute piss off. But please let the Police and insurance handle it. I can tell you if you do find it and confront the little pricks it doesn't end well. Years ago my legal fees far exceeded the price of the bike that was stolen after my pals and I came across my old Panhead and the guys who stole it.

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that sure sucks Chris .... hope you find the thieves


we were up in Temagami on the weekend - 35 at night , fishing outside was out of the question , clam blew away as well, got it back though

normal 20 minute ride , took 2 hours to get back to hub due to slush

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Operation Whip-poor-will began at 0500 hours under the cover of darkness.


Chris Kyle was the Devil of Ramadi, Chris Brock may or may not be the Devil of Lutterworth Township. :ph34r:



Oh, what's this, a black XLT only 600 meters from where the stuff was taken. A black XLT is fairly common, a super cab (not crew cab) is not so common.




I called the cop I reported to (like he told me to). I had stuff to do, went away, swung by later and 2 cops were at the truck.


I offered them my snowmobile and helmet if they wanted to hit the ice. They didn't.


This is a topic for a different thread, but while we chatted the cops kept pestering fisherman. Quite a few times I heard "Sit tight for a couple minutes Chris, while we deal with these guys." Definitely not the reason I called them. I would rather see resources spent on nailing thieves instead of harassing good people trying to have a little fun up in cottage country. I digress.


Here they give a breathalyzer to a snowmobiler on a Firecat.




Anyways, they are going to talk to the guy. Hopefully he says yeah, I picked that stuff up, I thought it was abandoned, and we get it back. We shall see.

Edited by chris.brock
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that colour and cut look great !!!



LOL, turned out great, I like it, cost alot but they always charge women more than men, and I had highlights, which is expensive. A quick pic, not the most flattering but you get the idea :)


Hope your covert operations go well!!


15949388474_5bb6f28780_b.jpgFullSizeRender (8) by Joeyfishing, on Flickr

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Operation Whip-poor-will began at 0500 hours under the cover of darkness.


Chris Kyle was the Devil of Ramadi, Chris Brock may or may not be the Devil of Lutterworth Township. :ph34r:



Oh, what's this, a black XLT only 600 meters from where the stuff was taken. A black XLT is fairly common, a super cab (not crew cab) is not so common.




I called the cop I reported to (like he told me to). I had stuff to do, went away, swung by later and 2 cops were at the truck.


I offered them my snowmobile and helmet if they wanted to hit the ice. They didn't.


This is a topic for a different thread, but while we chatted the cops kept pestering fisherman. Quite a few times I heard "Sit tight for a couple minutes Chris, while we deal with these guys." Definitely not the reason I called them. I would rather see resources spent on nailing thieves instead of harassing good people trying to have a little fun up in cottage country. I digress.


Here they give a breathalyzer to a snowmobiler on a Firecat.




Anyways, they are going to talk to the guy. Hopefully he says yeah, I picked that stuff up, I thought it was abandoned, and we get it back. We shall see.

I was going to ask about any updates, hope it comes to an end soon

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