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Catching up...


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Its been a while since I've been around and posting, and I have received a few "where have you been"

PM's that reminded me of how much I love posting here :Gonefishing:


Long story made short...I've just been busy.

2014 was a year of absolute insanity for me in a great way though.

I saw one of my best freinds get married, my brother got married as well, which meant 2 wedding parties, 2 Bachelor parties, 2 Stag and does and 2 receptions.

At 38 years old I thought I was just about done with that stuff lol...

Then to further eat away into my fishing time I took a new job which involved some schooling and certifications that took some time and prompted a bit of travel but thats all done.

I've climbed another step on the latter and I'm happy to have taken on a Operations Manager position at one of the hotels with in my chain...an exciting time for me to be running my own place.


With that change came furthe fiscal opportunity, and I finally pulled the trigger on purchasing some land with on of my best freinds who happens to be a fellow board member Big Swede.

We purchased 120 acres just north of Havelock on a sleepy remote access lake.

Complete with a rustic log cabin and all the chattles one would need to live off the grid.

With that purchase came a lot of work... <_<

It needed some TLC maintaining the road, launch, dock, roof etc...


I also moved my Trailer this spring to a new park close to sauble beach and built a deck, land scaped...and I built her a shed until...well...6 days lated a tornado took the shed and My BBQ....Found the shed about 45yards away.



It used to be Here LOL....




So....I iguess I still have some work due in the spring :w00t:



I was busy to say the least.

So I do appologise for the silence, and lack of posting and here is my breif catch up...

The 5 minute version!


My spring algonquin trip did happen, and we did catch fish, but not as many as usual.

Weather sucked...lotta rain, water was cold....here are some pics :whistling:

Day one and two...we went fishless, but Day 3 we managed to get a feed of Splake.




Day 4's feed





Magic lure was a Panther martin ran shallow over boulder feilds and open water.









Cooking in the kitchen





Looking down the Lake





Chippawa Table we built in camp...always a must have :canadian:





Manditory Campr fire shot....we kept it rocking all weekend. We saw everything from snow to a full on Thunderstorm, high winds and torrential down pours that weekend.





Ok so thats my usual algonquin trip in a less "spec" tacular fashion...

Moving on lol...


Some highlights from the new Hunt camp we purchased.

Water front veiw looking back.





Active bass






Kids catch too...right from the dock




I got out for some Muskie again this year

And I managed a pretty decent musky again so I'm 2 for 2 on my June Musky trip as well.




My new toy to keep the road nice and flat...front end loader :good:





Covered Porch for balmy nights, and composting crapper for those not wanting to make the midnight run for the out house....which comes in very handy as the kids are not a fan of leaving the cabin at night :D







Ok and whats a hunt camp with out some hunting pics....if your squeemish stop here


From this,





to this...





To this....





and finally....

(previously to being an Operations Manager...I was a Chef so this is my "thing")






Full circle of life there, and not a drop wasted.

The hide is now a rug at the camp and every non-tender peice became ground venison or Sausage.

I even gave the bones to the dogs for a job well done :angel:


Ok....so I think thats it?

I'm caught up and will try not to store it all up at once any more.

And I hope to work less and have a lot more time to fish in 2015 so here's hoping!





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Need extra thumbs for the thumbs up this report needs. Congrats on acquiring the new camp, what a little home away from home that's gonna be for you and the buddies. So the report has deer, skies, trout, kids, friends, Algonquin and a front-end loader... Gotta say that pretty much amounts to a whole pile of man-awesome. lol.


Tougher spring for most in the park this past year. Just such a weird spring. Ya did alright though and I'll look out for next years chapter too.

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