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walmart transactions NF


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lol thats brutal. Awesome you followed through. That lady probably woulda lost her job



If I say they didn't charge me enough and they say they did, I walk out. Sorry but it's not my job to convince the stupid, lol.


Bill you may be right. And Manitou, she probably would have lost her job. But amazingly enough, to this day that lady will look shoot us a cold stare and look away like WE did something wrong. I know the owner had a meeting with her at the time but it was hardly my wife's fault. It turned out to be a good case to follow Bill's motto. At least then she's have a reason to be in a snit.

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I never worry about a big company or bank taking a loss for my gain. I always worry about the low paid employee who would be in trouble for making a mistake, probably money trouble. I've returned money to a bank teller and straightened out cashiers. More likely being over charged than under charged though and I watch for it.

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you're a better man than me....I would not have corrected the issue with walmart myself, or any big box store (former employee, crappy tire too)


I did purhcase a rifle/scope combo several years ago, I was in there the day before and was advised a sale would start the next day, everything was set aside...so the next day I already knew what I was planning on spending and didn't pay much attention at the till, just punched in my debit pin and talking to a friend.,..in my truck I fold the receipt to put away safe and saw the price...she applied 30% off to the scope, which was not on sale and I got a FREE rifle, paid for few boxes of ammo


I went back inside and did the right thing, they were pretty much shocked....I got to keep discount on scope, sale price paid on rifle, and offered to let me take a few items at cost, so I got a rifle case for over 50% off

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you're a better man than me....I would not have corrected the issue with walmart myself, or any big box store (former employee, crappy tire too)


I did purhcase a rifle/scope combo several years ago, I was in there the day before and was advised a sale would start the next day, everything was set aside...so the next day I already knew what I was planning on spending and didn't pay much attention at the till, just punched in my debit pin and talking to a friend.,..in my truck I fold the receipt to put away safe and saw the price...she applied 30% off to the scope, which was not on sale and I got a FREE rifle, paid for few boxes of ammo


I went back inside and did the right thing, they were pretty much shocked....I got to keep discount on scope, sale price paid on rifle, and offered to let me take a few items at cost, so I got a rifle case for over 50% off

And that my friend is the way good karma is supposed to work!


I have always said that I want to be able to walk down any street or into any place and not have to feel ashamed of anything I have done regardless of who I meet. I try very hard to live my life that way, there are times when it has been a struggle but at the end of the day I know I might not be perfect but it sure won't be because I didn't try.


For those that think it is ok to rip off an insurance company or big box store; where do you draw the line? If I have more than you is it ok to rip me off too? That kind of worries me, if you will take a penny, will you take a dime? If you will take a dime will you take a dollar?


The kind of people I most enjoy spending time with are the ones that are trustworthy. Seems some are, some perhaps not quite up to my way of thinking.

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Depends on my mood and the service experience. I have corrected mistakes that saw me getting a better deal and I have also done the "start the car".


Two best examples. Local hardware store the cashier rang us through for $4.85 for a $485 dollar item. We corrected her...and I hope that young lady never reproduces.


Local Sail. Got an Ice Armour suit for less then half price because the kid in the store gave the cashier the price for a cheap knock off suit that was on the racks right beside the one I bought. That was a start the car moment.

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Local Sail. Got an Ice Armour suit for less then half price because the kid in the store gave the cashier the price for a cheap knock off suit that was on the racks right beside the one I bought. That was a start the car moment.


Hell,start the bus,the whole gangs here.LOL


I think that was the saying when we all picked up our 25 dollar friers. LOL

Edited by Brian B
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Once a year a few of us go on what's called the Booze Bus. You get on a bus that takes us across the boarded into New York State and to a bonded warehouse.

We pay the bus operator for the booze that we want to buy. It's a minimum of 1 case and a maximum of 4 cases of 60 pounders; 6 bottles per case.

We then head back to the boarded and declare the booze and pay the taxes and duty on the stuff. It works out to be approx 16-18 bucks a bottle cheaper compared to the LCBO store.

Like most times there is a line up waiting for one of the custom officers to calculate what you owe. When I get to the wicket, there's an argument between the bus operator and one of the other custom's guys; won't go into what it was about.

The lady looking after me was so interested in what was going on between the two arguing; that she only charged me the duty on 4 bottles, instead of 4 cases. I asked her, are you sure this amount is correct? She turns to me and says in her most official voice; yes that's the amount please move on to the the pay window.


So instead of paying something like 430. bucks, she only charged me something like $75.00; who am I to argue with a Canadian official?




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Once a year a few of us go on what's called the Booze Bus. You get on a bus that takes us across the boarded into New York State and to a bonded warehouse.

We pay the bus operator for the booze that we want to buy. It's a minimum of 1 case and a maximum of 4 cases of 60 pounders; 6 bottles per case.

We then head back to the boarded and declare the booze and pay the taxes and duty on the stuff. It works out to be approx 16-18 bucks a bottle cheaper compared to the LCBO store.

Like most times there is a line up waiting for one of the custom officers to calculate what you owe. When I get to the wicket, there's an argument between the bus operator and one of the other custom's guys; won't go into what it was about.

The lady looking after me was so interested in what was going on between the two arguing; that she only charged me the duty on 4 bottles, instead of 4 cases. I asked her, are you sure this amount is correct? She turns to me and says in her most official voice; yes that's the amount please move on to the the pay window.


So instead of paying something like 430. bucks, she only charged me something like $75.00; who am I to argue with a Canadian official?





No wonder my taxes are so high... ROFL

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I'm thinking Ms Border Lady liked your looks and wanted more from you than your money.


Maybe looking for a rematch in a venue of her choice.


No she was just being nosy and forgot or didn't care what she was doing.

Plus have you ever really looked at a 60's plus square pants older lady in an official uniform?

It would make you want to polish off a jug before getting anywhere close; free booze or not.. LOL



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No she was just being nosy and forgot or didn't care what she was doing.

Plus have you ever really looked at a 60's plus square pants older lady in an official uniform?

It would make you want to polish off a jug before getting anywhere close; free booze or not.. LOL



That wasn't a very nice remark! I use to think having sex with a 60 something lady would be gross, now that I am 68, I think it's fantastic! :whistling:

Edited by Big Cliff
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Last week, as my co worker filled the company truck in Dryden, I grabbed a jug of windshield washer fluid and threw it in the truck. Just as we were pulling out, I realized that I didn't tell the clerk about the fluid. NP. we'll be back next week and I'll tell her then. Today was next week. Filled up again today and it was on my mind, but spaced it again. Problem is that I won't be back any time soon. I feel so bad about this. And it's not even my money. It's the company credit card.

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Last week, as my co worker filled the company truck in Dryden, I grabbed a jug of windshield washer fluid and threw it in the truck. Just as we were pulling out, I realized that I didn't tell the clerk about the fluid. NP. we'll be back next week and I'll tell her then. Today was next week. Filled up again today and it was on my mind, but spaced it again. Problem is that I won't be back any time soon. I feel so bad about this. And it's not even my money. It's the company credit card.

You always have had a good morality guide Dan if it bothers you to much you can call them and they can charge it over the phone or as likely they will just thank you for your honesty.




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I once bought a hamper from walmart and when I got home I found that it was actually two hampers inside of each other. I brought it back and the lady at the returns counter looked at me like I had four eyes for bringing it back. Just goes to show how rare it is for people to do the right thing.


My mom would have slapped me silly if she found out I "stole" a hamper, even at my age.


Doesn't matter that it's a huge chain store that could undoubtedly handle the kick back from it, you did the right thing and can sleep easy knowing it! Imagine if everybody did this. Maybe they could afford to sell that fishing lure for $1 cheaper, or give that dude who's been stocking shelves for 12 years his long overdue $0.12/hr raise.

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