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10th anniversary trip to Italy


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Married for 10 years and together for 16, my wife really wanted a big trip to celebrate. My suggestion of a remote fly-in for some fins and feathers was only half in jest but I don't even think it made the long list, let alone the short one. I knew our October wedding was going to cause some conflicts for me and the fall fishing and hunting but the thought of stewing in my own juices inside a tux for a summer wedding was even less attractive 10 years ago.


AirMiles account cleaned out, kids off to the grandparents' and we're heading to Pearson for our 9 hour, 6 time zone flight to Rome. A few days there and then a <2 hour train ride (Trains are the cat's behind in Europe) to Florence. A few more days and then another train to Venice before flying home and some sleep before Ryan's first ever organized hockey practice this morning.



10 of the 2000 odd photos I took since any guide/tourist book will have better ones, but these are some I liked the first time through:


















Ambulance. Things only move via boat, handcart or foot.







The little fish market ^above^ is on the middle/bottom right and the we had a great seafood meal at the restaurant with the little oval yellow sign just above the market's tarp. The black and red boat in the middle of the canal is a bus.



The trip was incredible. The food was awesome. The only real language issue was when I tried to use my very limited italian (One waiter actually turned is head like a dog and said "What?" in perfect English.


Boy they smoke over there like it's an Olympic sport though.


Now time to get some birds and fish of my own.



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That's for sure. The time change is one thing but the 8-9pm start time for dinner (and you can't eat out in less then 2 hours, because the staff expect you to linger, have a conversation and savour the food) really doesn't suit me normally. It was great for a vacation without little kids but at home I like to be done dinner by 6pm. I'm getting kinda set in my ways as I get older. :whistling:

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