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did they fight the battle against their own racism, sexism and homophobia too? probably not.


people are focusing on the drugs/booze and forgetting about all the other stuff this man has done.


You'd be surprised at some of the battles that members of this board have had to fight over the years, some still are! IMHO No man has the right to look down on any other man unless they are offering him a hand up.

  On 5/3/2014 at 11:22 AM, Big Cliff said:

You'd be surprised at some of the battles that members of this board have had to fight over the years, some still are! IMHO No man has the right to look down on any other man unless they are offering him a hand up.

x2 Well said Cliff!

  On 5/3/2014 at 12:45 AM, fisher said:

Sad that anyone would even think that he would get re-elected, let alone actually voting for him.


Anyone who thinks he should be re-elected is setting a terrible example for our (your) kids. That is basically saying it is okay to repeatedly lie, openly associate with drug dealers, lie again, smoke crack, lie again, act like a buffoon (see his rants), lie again, have no respect to anyone (Flipping bird to another driver who caught him reading a paper while driving; whispering "b**ch" during a town hall that he hosted to a woman who presented opposing views; having enough to eat comment; and on and on) ....


Pathetic. And so sad. More so to those that still support him.


Brothers are so arrogant; believing they are above the law (even his sister is getting on that with her latest court appearance because she did not complete the community service time that she was sentenced to for stealing toothbrushes). That whole family is the same.


Hope Toronto gets some sense and pushes him out. All I know is that the voter turnout may set some records given how polarizing he is. Should be interesting and something the late night shows will have a field day with for some time to come.

Your right,


But is he really any worse than anyone else in the government who rob the tax payers blind but say and do all the right things publicly? Is that what we should teach our kids? "Put on a good act when your screwing someone over". Look at Fords personal expense bill for the last two years. It's not much, but its something. I think he is actually looking out for the tax payers.... too bad he is a mess of a human being,


The saddest part for Torontonians is that there is really no alternative on the right. And given the city's past experience with left wingers, I wouldn't be overly surprised if he won again.


  On 5/3/2014 at 11:22 AM, Big Cliff said:

You'd be surprised at some of the battles that members of this board have had to fight over the years, some still are! IMHO No man has the right to look down on any other man unless they are offering him a hand up.

this is the best NF post I've ever read i this site

I am amazed anyone would support this tool. He is a disgrace. But whatever - it's hard to find a politician that isn't.

He is verrry entertaining though:)

Posted (edited)

With all due respect, Rob Ford does not deserve a hand up for his conscious, non-alcohol/drug induced behaviour. He is a bully. He believes he is above everyone else and uses the word sorry way too often. He keeps claiming that he isn't perfect but that's no excuse for his behaviour. Not being perfect should not be a free pass to be racist, homophobic, flip off your employer, swear in front children, pee in public, etc..., - even more so as the Mayor of Toronto


He should own up, and preserve what little respect he may have left and just quit. Period. And if he doesn't quit, let's hope Toronto has the sense to make it happen for him.


Here are some of the 42 items that are in a list of Ford's most memorable moments.


11. November 2012: Paying TTC passengers are told to get off a bus in the rain so it can pick up Fords football team after an away game and drive them back to Don Bosco. After the police request the bus, Ford calls the TTCs chief executive officer on his cellphone, then calls him again when the bus does not arrive immediately.


September 2012: City officials acknowledge that Ford personally asked senior civil servants to approve a road and drainage project on the land beside the headquarters of his familys business, Deco Labels and Tags, in time for the companys 50th anniversary party.


August 2010: The Toronto Sun confronts Ford about an arrest in Florida in 1999 for marijuana possession. Ford adamantly denies the charge: Im dead serious. When I say no, I mean never. No question, Now Im getting offended. No means no. He later acknowledges that he had one joint in my back pocket. The next day, he says his memory had been fuzzy because he had been charged with failing to give a breath sample that same night. But even that is not true: he was actually charged with driving under the influence, to which he pleaded no contest.


38. June 2006: During a debate on HIV/AIDS prevention spending, Ford says, according to a National Post transcript, Why are we catering to one group with a disease that's preventable? It's very preventable. If you're not doing needles and you're not gay, you won't get AIDS probably. And I don't know why we're spending $1.5-million on this.




39. April 2006: Ford berates a couple at a Maple Leafs game with such comments as Do you want your little wife to go over to Iran and get raped and shot? When the couple complains, Ford denies even being at the game though he had given them his business card. He eventually concedes and apologizes, saying he had been pretty well acting like an idiot.


40. July 2005: Ford calls Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby, a fellow Etobicoke conservative, a waste of skin.

Edited by fisher

This guy is a mockery. He not only disgraces his own city but the whole freakin' country. He goes on Jimmy Kimmel to what??, promote Toronto? Ya, because the right guy to promote Toronto is the crackhead-bigot mayor. That'll make people want to visit. I'm all about helping a guy when he is down but when you continuously lie to peoples faces, go back your same old ways, Ford doesn't want help. According to him he "doesn't have an addiction". This guy is the mayor of the largest city in Canada. You are supposed to be a role model. I would rather my daughter NOT look up to any politician but if she were to look up to one I would prefer one that lies about money than one that lies about smoking crack and being a bigot.

  On 5/3/2014 at 5:37 PM, landry said:

Where did find those 42 moments. I would like to see them all.

Agreed. Was looking like quite an entertaining list.

  On 5/3/2014 at 5:43 PM, Weeds said:

Agreed. Was looking like quite an entertaining list.

I feel I should add that while it's ok to be human and none of us are prefect, Ford has really played that angle to death. We can, and should, expect our politicians to be both competent at work and role models in their personal/public behaviour. Being a good guy who's lousy at his job or lousy guy who's good at his job just doesn't cut it. I know people who are good at both, they often go hand in hand, most likely everybody does. It's ok to expect more from somebody representing your city, being mayor is a big deal!

Posted (edited)

Seeing as how I don't live in Toronto, or the suburbs of Toronto, I have no opinion on the merits he has produced as mayor of the GTA...


Myself like most of those replying to this post do not reside within his jurisdiction and as such have no real right to comment about his performance as mayor.


Like or dislike the man, you are not affected by his tenure as mayor as you are not living where he governs.


Armchair politics and slander, from outsiders reading their daily rag.


All men have problems, it takes a real man to own up to them. As I believe Mr. Ford is in the process of doing... Everyone's rock bottom is different. Nice to see our membership kicking a man while on his knees.


I don't believe bashing a elected official with an admitted substances problem is conductive here.


I fully expect to take some flack from those that are perfect and do no wrong.



Edited by Gerritt
  On 5/3/2014 at 5:06 PM, Maverick said:

This guy is a mockery. He not only disgraces his own city but the whole freakin' country. He goes on Jimmy Kimmel to what??, promote Toronto? Ya, because the right guy to promote Toronto is the crackhead-bigot mayor. That'll make people want to visit. I'm all about helping a guy when he is down but when you continuously lie to peoples faces, go back your same old ways, Ford doesn't want help. According to him he "doesn't have an addiction". This guy is the mayor of the largest city in Canada. You are supposed to be a role model. I would rather my daughter NOT look up to any politician but if she were to look up to one I would prefer one that lies about money than one that lies about smoking crack and being a bigot.

Most addicts don't have an additction or need help! Most don't have underlying problems to deal with! And those two statments are so far from the truth it hurts!


The fact that he has finally admitted that he has a problem and is seeking help goes a long way in my books. I don't support Rob Ford and I don't like some of the things he has done but I do give him credit for finally admitting that he does have a problem and I do give him credit for trying to get help to deal with it. I truly hope he is successful not only for his sake but for his families sake too!


Now if we could only get Justin Beber to follow the same path, he has all the basics down pat (drugs, drinking, lies, assault) but he is still idolized by so many and refuses to admit that he has a problem!



My post was meant more to ask why go state side for his rehab. There are places in Canada that he could of went to.


As for flack,none here. Many as I have been there,back and on the way back to a happy life again. This is why I can understand comments from those here. Ya you changed,oh there he goes again.

Some are lucky enough to get that 2nd chance right away,others,well,,,,,,,,,,,




As for (Armchair politics and slander, from outsiders reading their daily rag.)


He has made world wide news. So those that wish to quote rags,have the right too. IMO

  On 5/3/2014 at 6:46 PM, Gerritt said:

Seeing as how I don't live in Toronto, or the suburbs of Toronto, I have no opinion on the merits he has produced as mayor of the GTA...


Myself like most of those replying to this post do not reside within his jurisdiction and as such have no real right to comment about his performance as mayor.


Like or dislike the man, you are not affected by his tenure as mayor as you are not living where he governs.


Armchair politics and slander, from outsiders reading their daily rag.


All men have problems, it takes a real man to own up to them. As I believe Mr. Ford is in the process of doing... Everyone's rock bottom is different. Nice to see our membership kicking a man while on his knees.


I don't believe bashing a elected official with an admitted substances problem is conductive here.


I fully expect to take some flack from those that are perfect and do no wrong.



No flack from this old man but then I am so far from perfect that it's almost come full circle LOL. When I look back at all the mistakes I have made in my life it isn't so hard to find tollerance for others especially when I see that they are trying to help themselves.


Brian, my post was not directed towards you. My point was that the second Fords name is mentioned the wolves are on the carcass before it has even bled out and most are not under his jurisdiction! They can only go by what they see on the news and how they sensationalize every small detail, from a kid playing football to crack cocaine.


I have read all sorts of negative about Ford, and honestly I do not support his actions myself. That said who am I to judge? I have not walked a mile in his shoes.. We all have our demons, his are just on tv.


Imagine if all our dirty laundry were to be broadcast....


I am just playing devils advocate here.


The man has faults. We all do. He has hit his rock bottom. He need a hand up, not a foot in the face.



  On 5/3/2014 at 6:46 PM, Gerritt said:

Seeing as how I don't live in Toronto, or the suburbs of Toronto, I have no opinion on the merits he has produced as mayor of the GTA...


Myself like most of those replying to this post do not reside within his jurisdiction and as such have no real right to comment about his performance as mayor.


Like or dislike the man, you are not affected by his tenure as mayor as you are not living where he governs.


Armchair politics and slander, from outsiders reading their daily rag.


All men have problems, it takes a real man to own up to them. As I believe Mr. Ford is in the process of doing... Everyone's rock bottom is different. Nice to see our membership kicking a man while on his knees.


I don't believe bashing a elected official with an admitted substances problem is conductive here.


I fully expect to take some flack from those that are perfect and do no wrong.



I agree,I believe his addiction(s) were running his mouth.He had no control while in his past state IMO.It may be a way bigger problem then we all thought???Just sayin.

Posted (edited)

imo, dude is only stepping away to avoid having to deal with questions about the new video and the comments he made that were in the audio tape the sun posted. he ran the gamut but saying what he did about Stintz was pretty low. His slur against Italians was also beyond the pale. he's also going to have to talk about the report about the security guards and St. Paddys Day.


and if he thinks he can come clean in one, ONE, month, well I have a bridge Deco can buy. the addictions are a manifestation of deeper problems. deep enough that they will require ongoing help and jumping back into the piranha pool will just trigger the problems again.

Edited by woodenboater
  On 5/3/2014 at 11:37 AM, lew said:

His kids, wife & mother are the ones I feel sorry for.


I do as well but they (obviously not the kids)are part of the cycle of enablers who let it get to this point. He's surrounded by enablers and THAT is a major problem.

Posted (edited)


The fact that he has finally admitted that he has a problem and is seeking help goes a long way in my books.


you do realize the only reason he is going to rehab is because he is trying to get re elected and it looks good right?


this should not go far in anyone's books because he is only doing this now because of the ballot.


he got caught and he needs to try and get sympathy. its crap.


if he wasn't running again he wouldn't be in rehab.


he would just be doing the 'im sorry' angle he has done 10000x before..


luckily most people seem smart enough now to see right through the Bull.


he needs to resign.



Edited by 12 Volt Man
  On 5/3/2014 at 6:46 PM, Gerritt said:

Seeing as how I don't live in Toronto, or the suburbs of Toronto, I have no opinion on the merits he has produced as mayor of the GTA...


Myself like most of those replying to this post do not reside within his jurisdiction and as such have no real right to comment about his performance as mayor.


Like or dislike the man, you are not affected by his tenure as mayor as you are not living where he governs.


Armchair politics and slander, from outsiders reading their daily rag.


All men have problems, it takes a real man to own up to them. As I believe Mr. Ford is in the process of doing... Everyone's rock bottom is different. Nice to see our membership kicking a man while on his knees.


I don't believe bashing a elected official with an admitted substances problem is conductive here.


I fully expect to take some flack from those that are perfect and do no wrong.



those that criticize others is usually a result of their own shortcomings as a human being. There are exceptions of course but remember the vast majority of the membership here are absolutely perfect, from birth.
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