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stolen iphone 5 please help


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I was out fishing today - didn't catch squat. Stopped at the beer store on my way home - (why would a fisherman buy beer)??

In the beer store 3 -4 minutes, come back to my truck my iphone 5 is gone!! Disaster - I guard that phone with my life!!

I search everywhere in the truck - no phone!

I go to my buddy newfie Don's house to use his phone - he lives nearby. I called my cell phone on his land line twice - no luck

1st call is to Bell to cancel my phone.

2nd call to Niagara Regional Police to file a report - yah like they're gonna send out the K9 unit to apprehend the cocaine freak who stole my phone??

Now comes the expensive part

I just purchased the phone (stolen phone) May of 2013 (it's 1 year old) with a 3 year contract - 90.40 per month -unlimited local calling, Canada wide long distance, 2 gigs data

I call the Bell store on my wife's phone

If I purchase a new iphone 5s $800.00 no contract - why would I buy a phone without a monthly contract -I'm confoozed!

If I cancel Bell altogether $346.00 -they're service is not that great, cuz I recently purchased a plan for my wife with Rogers for $70.00 includes unlimited local calling & Canada wide long distance & 1 gig data

If I purchase an i phone $230.00 with a 2 year contract & an early upgrade fee $361.00 = $591.00


I just found out that I can remotely "find my phone" with the appropriate app installed -I didn't have it! Also "remotely erase my info" - very interesting!!

My major concern is now I have lost all of my contacts, photos, apps & probably other valuable info I haven't even thought of.


If you could advise me on which way to go - monthly plan, phone type (maybe Galaxy) I would really appreciate your comments. Thanx


I never really realized how much I relied on my phone till now.






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Virgin mobile, hands down! They are owned by bell, on the bell network, but service is superior. I owned my iphone 5 outright, so when I switched over from Rogers, I got a promo with unlimited Canada wide calling, unlimited text/picture messaging, 2 gigs of data call display and voicemail and it costs me $54 per month because I owned my phone. It would've been $60 a month if they gave me the phone. I was a Rogers cellular customer for 20 years, and honestly they tried to screw me every month. Virgin hasn't tried to screw me once. I am very happy and all of our cell phones are now with virgin! I would go iphone all the way again, I had a galaxy and frankly it sucked in comparison. I would buy out from bell in a second. I bought out my wife's phone when I wanted to switch it over! Best of luck, and sorry to hear about your phone!

Edited by porkpie
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That really sucks! Was it password protected? Mine is set up that after 10 failed attempts it wipes the phone clean and renders it useless. I also have the "find my phone" set up on mine just in case (I know, hind sight is 20/20).


Bell should be able to find your phone though if it is turned on but I'm not sure they would even bother to do it. A friend of mine had her phone stollen, her dad used the "find my phone" found out where it was and called the police, they wouldn't even go to the house were it was.


Sorry for your luck, I hope it all works out ok for you!

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Did you ever "sync" your phone with a computer??? if you did you may still have some of your info....most phones that are stolen are used for the hardware, but personal info is still a concern. If theres a chance any of your banking, or personal info is in the phone make sure you notify your bank and watch your bank accounts and credit cards for any unusal activity.


It sucks but be diligent for awhile to make sure your protected.


Hope things turn out ok

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I think you should stick with the plan that you have right now and buy a cheap smartphone until you can afford a better one. I say this because the $346 cancellation fee that you said is absolutely ridiculous! In that much money you should think about getting a Motorola Moto G which is only $150 at Virgin Mobile. Of course then you would have to unlock the Moto G to be able to use it with Bell. The unlock code can be bought from ebay.ca for less than $5. If you do end up buying the Moto G, then let me know and I can give you the link of the ebay seller from which I bought the unlock code from. I hope I helped you out a bit.

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Keep in mind that the Moto G does not support LTE. Also, the Moto G sold by Virgin is the 8gb model (for $150), but you can also get a 16gb model from Wind Mobile for $229. The phone does not have an SD card slot so I think the 16gb version would be better for you.

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Thanx for your replies. I am greatfull for the members of this board for offering advice in a time of need. I will definitely be looking into some of the security features mentioned above such as 10 failed attempts wipes my phone clean & for sure have the lock feature with a password. I'll probably purchase a new iphone today. I appreciate the suggestions of another brand of phone but learning a new phone is not what I want to do. I've had iphone 4, 4s now an iphone 5 which I am comfortable with. I'm also going to look at the 5s & 5c which are newer versions.


I'm pretty sure I synced my phone with my lap top & ipad. Please explain how I would retrieve my contacts via lap top or ipad. Thanx guys

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Not being a luddite here or anything but I survived the first 40 years of my life without a cellphone and then had to have one when I was on call 24/7. The first thing I did when I left that position was crush my cell to death and haven't bought one since. Your going to pay that much money to a company for what? To communicate? You have a home phone for that. To take pics? I have a camera for that. To play games? I have a console for that. To surf the internet? I have both a laptop and desktop for that. Mobile data? Nothing including OFC is important enough that it can't wait till I get home.

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I have used a PC very sparingly for almost 3 years, other than a work computer Now that I can print from my phone or iPad, I haven't turned on the PC for almost a year. Why should I, when I have a computer in my pocket that can get my email, web browse, act as a gps, a phone, store all my contacts, do all my banking, remind me of coming events, store topo maps, and also run navionics when I'm fishing on the ice or in my kayak (GPS in my boat already). And it takes great pictures! All in the size of a kit kat bar. Perhaps they aren't for everyone, but the benefits far outstrips the negatives, of which there are very few!

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Thanx again guys. No I did not have the app "find my iphone". You can bet a 7lb walleye my new phone will have such security features! Leaving shortly to spend 600 bux GRRRRR!


I'd buy a used phone if I were you.. $600 for a cellphone is crazy!

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I was out fishing today - didn't catch squat. Stopped at the beer store on my way home - (why would a fisherman buy beer)??

In the beer store 3 -4 minutes, come back to my truck my iphone 5 is gone!! Disaster - I guard that phone with my life!!

So you are saying that you guard that phone with your life... :whistling: . Are we to understand your being held hostage in the Jolly Green Giants overalls, or, you make a lousy guard. Sorry coudn't resist. Was the window smashed in or...

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WD, that' just sucks. I'd call my insurance agent. I would think it might be covered under comp for the car or the home. It costs nothing to ask.


Then go the route I do for a cell phone, $25.00 a month Koodo, then use my computer for computer stuff. But I do understand how valuable they can be for doing business today, a necessary evil. I would never leave my $800.00 anything unlocked and know you won't in the future either, I've done it, more than a few times.


Ever wonder why one seldom see's a Sr. with a $800.00 I phone? We can't see the screen.


Call the insurance company, can't hurt.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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