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Hydros Peak Saver Plus program

Big Cliff

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I believe it only applies to those with central heating/air conditioning...


As you know...the more energy you save, Hydro will raise the rates so their cash flow will not suffer...in otherwords we will pay more for less energy used...Bandits !!!


Last month my bill was approx $600...even though I used 14 kwh less per day compared to my bill for the same period last year $500...Bandits I say...Bandits

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The government figures they own the country and have a right to control the people in it.


The more we help them by backing all the new laws they are coming out with, the more we just deserve it

Edited by Dara
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Why? Haven't we been doing that with switching to those useless and short lived CFL's, programmable thermostats, home energy renos and such? Not to mention the boondoggle that is solar panels and windmills.


Me thinks they're the one with the issues. They're the ones that have been burning money to try and create energy, not us. Maybe we should cap their salaries, claw back their pensions to reflect reality, cull the workforce and have one person take on the tasks and responsibilities of two or three like we do in the private sector.


I have an idea of which orifice they can insert that thermostat into that way we can program them on how to run in an efficient, cost saving manner. Not for me thanks.

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I just went to the site and read that...that is almost scary....now they want us to hand over control of what temperature we set our thermostats to...and for the low price of just not having to pay for our own programable thermostat.


They even promise not to take control for more than 4 hours at a time and never on a weekend....till they get enough signed up.


Time to smash your smart meters people.


They really must think we are gullible...lets see how many sheeple sign up for this one

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I just went to the site and read that...that is almost scary....now they want us to hand over control of what temperature we set our thermostats to...and for the low price of just not having to pay for our own programable thermostat.


They even promise not to take control for more than 4 hours at a time and never on a weekend....till they get enough signed up.


Time to smash your smart meters people.


They really must think we are gullible...lets see how many sheeple sign up for this one

Sheeple? There are too many out there. Thank goodness Easter is around the corner so we can at least keep the population at bay by culling a few for dinner.

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So, ok, there was nothing in the information that I received telling me that they were going to be able to control the temperature in my home! It all sounded like they were just going to put in a programable thermostat for me so that I could save myself some money! As with so many of these goverment programs, the better they tell you it is going to be for you, the worse it is really going to be. I figured there had to be a catch of some sort.

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So, ok, there was nothing in the information that I received telling me that they were going to be able to control the temperature in my home! It all sounded like they were just going to put in a programable thermostat for me so that I could save myself some money! As with so many of these goverment programs, the better they tell you it is going to be for you, the worse it is really going to be. I figured there had to be a catch of some sort.

There always is Cliff. The days of honesty and integrity passed by a long time ago. The only assurance is that what ever they tell us there is most certainly a screw firmly tapped to most endings. And it usually hits its' mark. :asshat:

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So, ok, there was nothing in the information that I received telling me that they were going to be able to control the temperature in my home! It all sounded like they were just going to put in a programable thermostat for me so that I could save myself some money! As with so many of these goverment programs, the better they tell you it is going to be for you, the worse it is really going to be. I figured there had to be a catch of some sort.


It's not like they've got some guy at a switch say 'Big Cliffs house is at 70, it should be at 68, let's login and change that'.. If demand is high on the grid you're connected to they can limit the amount your section gets. That's all this means.

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I guess it is one of the disadvantages of being old, I still believe a man's word is his bond and a hand shake is better than any written contract. It use to be that was the way things were done, saddly that doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

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No BillM, it does mean that it is remotely controlled and by taking the GIFT of a $250.00 controller you are signing away your right to set the thermostat where you want it.


Please read the fine fine print written in invisible ink by your government.

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No BillM, it does mean that it is remotely controlled and by taking the GIFT of a $250.00 controller you are signing away your right to set the thermostat where you want it.


Please read the fine fine print written in invisible ink by your government.


That's pretty shady, lol.

Edited by BillM
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if you wanna save some money on your hydro bill get the Nest thermostat ($250), or similar, you can control it from your cell phone if you leave home and forget to turn the heating/cooling down/up...




nice idea but the payback on a $250 tstat through energy savings is ridiculously long particularly if you already own a programmable tstat. just program the latter better.


plus it's an apple product i believe.. big negative for me ;)

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I was advised by a friend in the know to stay as far away from that as possible Cliff.

When I bought my current house, the previous owner had the "Peak Saver" installed on the A/C. Well, the A/C bought the farm within a week of us moving in and I had to get it replaced. The tech who installed the A/C removed the "Peak Saver" from the circuit and it is still resting comfortably in my garage! I should just throw the darned thing out!

I was also advised to keep my analog thermostat and it's much less likely to go fubar then the more sophisticated digital ones.


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nice idea but the payback on a $250 tstat through energy savings is ridiculously long particularly if you already own a programmable tstat. just program the latter better.


plus it's an apple product i believe.. big negative for me ;)

Actually it is now owned by Google. It was designed by a former Apple designer.



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We had one. It was always acting up. Got rid of it and set our own programmable one to March up with lower rate times - way better.

it does act strangely if you let it on the "learning" settings, comes from the factory like that :) otherwise in manual mode it's very easy to set up, especially on the web browser. But different ppl have different preferences. It works well for me, I love it ;)


btw, if you still have it I'd be happy to help you set it up ;)

Edited by iFish4real
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Sounds like a half- :asshat: ed way of suggesting to people on how to 'save' on power fees. This must be the result of board-room discussions involving people who make 100x's more than the average trying to brighten the image of their company. Instead of wasting all their expensive time and resources coming up with silly ideas that will have low participation rates, wouldn't their image be better improved with something like a 1% drop in rates and putting police tape in front of that board room?

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