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A fall from grace (the Duck Dynasty)


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First off this isn't just "some hillbilly" he is a well educated man that was quite successful way before A&E signed him. A&E knew exactly what they were getting with Phil Robertson. Just a little while back he took issue with the producers of the show because of them editing out some of his biblical beliefs and prayer and the end of each show, they supposedly consided on that note.

Phil spoke his mine in what he believes. You must not believe in the bible or a religion.


Secondly your post is no different than what he did, only difference is you weren't being interviewed on GQ.


Success as you declare has no bearing on whether an individual is a compassionate understanding being. He can speak all he wants to his beliefs. But he's not going to do it on A&E's dime or their viewing audience.

How is this seriously up for debate?


We are doomed indeed

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If he's a recovering addict, good for him.

Do I care, NO!

Not in the even least amount.



Thats so sad.


Guess some have to deal with the pain,to understand.


Sometimes faith,is the only way. Not saying it,s for all.


I,ll leave you with your faith. I,ll deal with mine,and the pain.

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^ you forgot to mention the part were he compares homosexuals to terrorists and those who rape animals

So you think homosexuals, beastiality and terrorists aren't sinners...he also include those sleeping around, drunks etc but the media doesn't like that part, it doesn't gather as much indignation. what he considered sin is the question he was asked .




Actually, i was raised catholic.


So i feel comfortable telling you to keep your pseudo-religious psycho babble to yourself.

None of it is relevant here as it pertains to one man pissing on the lifestyle and choices of individuals as it pertains to their sexual interests.


Ah Catholic... no wonder the hostility, I hope you find true Christianity someday is all I will say on that.....


He also "pissed" on those sleeping around and other but the media doesn't care about that.


So many seem to be excited about the opprtunity of pissing on his viewpoint and rather intollerent as compared to his views on life "in adherence to his Christian faith while pointing out that he “would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me.” ...“I myself am a product of the ’60s” who indulged in sex and drugs until hitting bottom and accepting Jesus as his saviour, he said in a statement. Although his mission is to teach people that men and women are meant to be together, Robertson said he “would never treat anyone with disrespect” because they are different.


Sadly so many show his views and beliefs no respect it seems so they can dismiss what he has done with his life.


Seems to me he spoke truth though but then those slandering him don't like the full truth......

GQ said he then paraphrases a biblical reference: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”




Interesting statement I just read on the National Post.


The Robertson family, meanwhile, has released a statement responding to the controversy, in which the Duck Dynasty stars thank fans for their “prayers and support,” and reiterates that Phil Robertson’s “beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible.”

“Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart’ and “Love your neighbor as yourself,’ ” the statement reads. “Phil would never incite or encourage hate. We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right.”

“We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty,” the family continues. “Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.”



I think I will add a DD "Happy Happy Happy" shirt to my wish list.

Edited by mosquito
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3 pages in one day. I bet merchandise sales are up a good 20-30% already. Brilliant. Funny how some try to argue this, one way or another. This is EXACTLY why he said what he said. Lol, simple me, complicated simple me...


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... And when it could lead to young minds and people in general developing intolerance or even encourage hate or hate crimes, then it's just wrong.



again, ^^ this.


Russia is a great example of the intolerance the LGBT community deals with and the systemic challenges they face.


My uncle is Christian (only one in our family…) and he's got a pretty fair head on his shoulders and understands and makes sure EVERYONE is deserving of love and respect. Not hate.

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So you think homosexuals, beastiality and terrorists aren't sinners...he also include those sleeping around, drunks etc but the media doesn't like that part, it doesn't gather as much indignation. what he considered sin is the question he was asked .





Ah Catholic... no wonder the hostility, I hope you find true Christianity someday is all I will say on that.....



Actually i don't consider homosexuals as sinners.

I just consider them as people. Like you. Like me.


If 'christianity' is as close minded and crazy as you make it out to be, i consider myself to be truly blessed in having nothing to do with it.

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that sheep looks familiar lol. But i cant point out why? They all looks so similar??? Lol. Misfish, i dont wanna be rude or anything, but these are simple business practices. If i sell 200 units at 5.99, or 2000 at 3.99, whats better for profits? That and whatever chain was selling "sippy cups" at a discounted price, believe me, they are well aware. In one hand they offer a product thats normally highly inflated, for a "discount" and fans of the show eat it up and buy whatever they believe they are saving on. At the same time, to consumers upset by his comments, it appears that x chain store is against what he said, and "appears" they are trying to rid the store of product. Everyone wins
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