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Rob Ford being grilled this morning by TO city council

Old Ironmaker

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This thread should just be locked, no sense in letting personal opinion on hearsay from people not even living in Toronto. It's like asking a dog to meow, it'll try but all it ever does is bark, and bark, and bark.

some days..............





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This is just too awesome, and every day some new special kind of awesome comes to light! It gives us poor country bumpkins something else to goof on Toronto for!


:lol: yup, I'm enjoying this as well.

This thread should just be locked, no sense in letting personal opinion on hearsay from people not even living in Toronto. It's like asking a dog to meow, it'll try but all it ever does is bark, and bark, and bark.

:lol::lol::lol: ah c'mon, don't you like being the center of the universe AND the center of bad attention?

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The only reason children would know about this, is if adults are talking about it in front of them. This is an adult situation that children don't need to be exposed to or concerned with. They will only see Santa and the other floats when watching the parade, just don't bring up this topic in front of them.

BINGO!!!! My seven year old doesn't watch CP 24 or read the STAR.

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I am loathe to defend this provincial government, or any other for that matter. Having said that, we don't elect our premiers or the prime minister. As the leader of the party with the most seats they become the prime minister or premier.



You've lost me here? How does the other messes relate to this mess.

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You've lost me here? How does the other messes relate to this mess.


A comment was made about the "unelected" premier getting involved. (The media has at various times also used this label)


The premier of Ontario is not elected as such. The party winning the most seats forms the government and the leader of that party becomes the premier. Same goes for our Prime Minister.

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This thread should just be locked, no sense in letting personal opinion on hearsay from people not even living in Toronto. It's like asking a dog to meow, it'll try but all it ever does is bark, and bark, and bark.

Speaking of cats...



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The allegations are nothing more than hearsay, not admissable in court. They were a result police interviews with ex-staffers, used as a basis to obtain a search warrant. ie. reasonable grounds to obtain one. They were not made under oath.

Just some clarity on a legal point, the allegations by ex-staffers provided to the police as requested of these individuals as part of an investigation is not hearsay as the staffers were giving their personal accounts of the mayor's activity and not accounts they heard from others. Interviews conducted in assistance of a police investigation are protected under qualified privilege. These statements were made to an authority, not the media; we found out about them because the record was unsealed by the Court and reported in the media. Thus, any defamation lawsuit against these individuals, as was suggested by Mr. Ford, would have no standing before the Court.


Now, my personal opinion on the politics, as a resident and taxpayer of the City, is that this is a distraction from the issues our government should be engaged in...from crumbling infrastructure, improving our transportation systems, fixing pot-holes, improving our way of life and making investments for future generations. Our votes and tax money are being spent on nothing more than political jockeying/branding and media outlets selling headlines. We've lost sight that we elect officials to conduct the business of the city and not perpetually score political points or hide/mislead when things go awry. We elect and hold elected officials to higher standards than our own, to conduct business bigger than our own; They should conduct themselves accordingly. The chaos ensuing down at city hall, the passionate arguments here and on the street, conclude that the public trust has been broken. The unfortunate reality is those that broke it are in charge of fixing it and politics has prevailed over governance.


But it makes for great water cooler talk.



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They all look like a bunch of school kids. It's not the kind of world I want to live in, have none of them learned what can happen when they attack someone the way they have in the public spotlight. This is not in defense of Ford, rather disgusted at how they all treat each other.

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Saw Rob's wife on the tube last night and the poor girl looked like she was shell shocked.


She's just tired of running around trying to protect her poor cats from hungry old Rod all the friggen time!


In all seriousness though, she did look pretty rough.

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Looks like the real criminals in all of this have taken the reins back now that the Mayor has been neutered. Always hoping against hope the nearly 400,000 little guys that voted for him and more importantly his message 3+ years ago, march down there and make their own voices heard. Only they can clean up the unwashed stinkin up the old York barn. Criminal Blair included.

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And that was always a key flaw in the ford nation bull. The mayor, no matter how big a bully, is only one vote. It is not the same as a Premier or Prime Minister. A mayor has to build a consensus and ford has never shown the ability to ever do that… except for now when he has unified all of city hall, except his brother, against him, and that is almost unprecedented.

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Fair enough N.A.W.


Begin acting like every other politician would do it for me. I refuse to seperate the man from the message till we wake the F up and take these MOFOS to task once and for all at every level. I truly believe if one house falls others will follow. Simple enough?

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