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 What the hell is going on here?

Hit a nerve with one mod,and a thread gets lock. One mod dont like what he,s reading. Lock it.



Keep it real here.


TJ started this board,and knowing the man, he is open minded. Some Mods could use a Roy training. Sorry if I called you out Roy,but you seem to make sense of things and understand some posts that go a stray.


Seems the hired,or what ever they are help these days,seem to pick and choose their dislikes and lock a thread.


Im starting to see what others are saying,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Mods dont like,they lock.













Ya,that cop from Barrie,he will get his just deserve. 




What has this board become??????????????????? NANNY




Let it be.


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Agreed Brian,that was one news report that made my day.The man was wrong,now he has to deal with the consequences.He's no bigger than you and I and should adhere to the rules of employment like anyone else .


Dave,it,s just not that thread but others.




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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

there have been some out of control moderation on here for a long time. since being banned, i find it's a lot easier to take a step back from this place and laugh at those who empower themselves with "internet responsibility"... there's a "real world" out there, and in it, these people have no power over you.

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From where I sit, I think ALL the mods do a great service on the forum. It truly is not an easy UNPAID job! (Been There!)

They are all individuals, and human like the rest of us.

Some of the members here seem to enjoy seeing a guy twisting in the wind, at the end of a rope for his transgressions. This guy in particular is going to pay!

Others think he has been judged and paid the price for it, and decide to move on.

I'm of the latter group.


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Is this a fishing form or a fishing person (being politically correct here)! A fishing form should be limited to fishing (roughly 15% of the threads here). A fishing person form should be open for a wide variety of discussions on a wide variety of topics. We are people, we love, dream, think, discuss and sometimes we disagree but we always respect others opinions.


Sometimes I think threads get locked when they shouldn't but this isn't my board and I have a choice of coming here or not.


If you don't like the way things are run, you have the right to say so and you also have the right to go somewhere else. I know there have been a few times I have taken a break but in the long run I find that for any negitive there are plenty of positives.

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From where I sit, I think ALL the mods do a great service on the forum. It truly is not an easy UNPAID job! (Been There!)

They are all individuals, and human like the rest of us.

Some of the members here seem to enjoy seeing a guy twisting in the wind, at the end of a rope for his transgressions. This guy in particular is going to pay!

Others think he has been judged and paid the price for it, and decide to move on.

I'm of the latter group.



Agreed 100%


The mod's on this board let plenty of conversations continue that I'm quite sure they'd love to lock or delete.


Just like a referee It's a subjective thing and not everyone will agree with the decision, but it's a recipe for disaster to let the inmates run the asylum.


Grow a thicker skin or find a new internet playground.

Edited by Mike Borger
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If you don't like the way things are run, you have the right to say so and you also have the right to go somewhere else. I know there have been a few times I have taken a break but in the long run I find that for any negitive there are plenty of positives.


Let the community decide. After all,isnt that what OFC ,is.? Then again,I find this place more like ONTARIO FISHING FAMILY.

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I don't post much but rarely a day goes by I don't read some threads on here. I agree that all in all the mods do a great job, of what is always a thankless task. It is very easy to get wound up about certain topics for the mods and posters alike, but in the end it is just WORDS.


As for this being a fishing board? That really has not been my experience. The last thing you ever want to do, is discuss anything meaningful or helpful about actual fishing spots or situations. Be foolish enough to include any REAL DETAILS and it will get you internet slaughtered on this site LOL.


I see the site as a spot where people with a somewhat common interest that happens to be fishing, socialize and make cyber friendships that grow into real life friendships....

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Grow a thicker skin or find a new internet playground.



I have a thick skin Mike. Just seems some take the powers that be,to far.


Read the post that was lastest locked. Where is it any wheres near a lock,compared to any others that have been lock for due cause.


Im still looking for mod fishing reports.

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Agreed 100%


The mod's on this board let plenty of conversations continue that I'm quite sure they'd love to lock or delete.


Just like a referee It's a subjective thing and not everyone will agree with the decision, but it's a recipe for disaster to let the inmates run the asylum.


Grow a thicker skin or find a new internet playground.

x2 as Bill and Mike said it is up to the moderators when a thread is locked. It might be getting nasty or going in circles and if we don't agree we don't have to visit.

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Im still looking for mod fishing reports.

I post reports when I can Brian. Sorry that you haven't seen them.


I also want to say that moderating a forum of this size is not easy. Roy and Art do most of the work. And they do a fantastic job imho. Sometimes decisions are discussed in the mods forum. Sometimes not. Never will a decision please everyone. I'm sure that if the decision were up to you Brian, you would have locked a thread or two over the years too. Which ones? And why? Not that easy, is it?

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Canuck2fan said;


"As for this being a fishing board? That really has not been my experience. The last thing you ever want to do, is discuss anything meaningful or helpful about actual fishing spots or situations. Be foolish enough to include any REAL DETAILS and it will get you internet slaughtered on this site LOL."


That has not been my experience here in a little under a year since joining. We have the ability here to give detailed information by personal messaging for someone that asks for specifics. If someone takes the time to ask me via a PM I'm more than willing to help if I can.


I personally don't think politics on a fishing forum is necessary. However if one comes up I tend to follow the thread. If only to gauge the pulse of the everyman here in Ontario and beyond as to how they feel about our government(s). I'm the kind of taxpayer that loves reading Letters to the Editor from the rural weekly newspapers, not the big city rags where everyone is a political pundit. It gives me a feel how the " average taxpayer" really feels.


It's the inconsistencies in threads being locked is what gets people going. What in heavens name does a 20 page thread about hockey, the Maple Leafs have to do with fishing? I'll tell you, people are interested in it. There is a long going thread that a fellow member has about the tragic story of an ailing child. There is plenty of politics in that thread, plenty. The health care or uncare system, our reps in Queens Park and Parliament Hill I believe. I may be mistaken and if I am I apologize.


The common denominator is just that, the common denominator, us and our opinions. Many before us and even today have given their lives in order for us to voice our opinions here or anywhere would be disgusted to know that someone, anyone can arbitrarily censor our opinions


Having said that trollers and those that are vile, disruptive, prejudice, sexist, need not apply here. Even an anus has an opinion, everyone has one.

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