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This insanity has to stop!!!!!

Big Cliff

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PC is just as bad on a larger scale..have you read a newspaper in the last year? ...If political threads tick you off...you still have the right not to click on them....for the time being anyways

Dude, i feel the same way as you. To me PC is worse than Liberal. Re-read my post.

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buddy...calm down. No wonder threads get locked on these boards so quickly.


I see you missed the part where I said, "I don't like the Liberals"...I guess me hiding it right at the very beginning of my post threw you. I didn't "defend" them either. So settle right down, Chum.


Obviously you can't handle hearing anything negative about your beloved Conservatives. Do you really think anyone who feels differently must be a "troll"?


Maybe if your gang's social platform wasn't repugnant to most Canadians, you'd win a few more elections and be able to implement financial policy. Too bad you folks are too busy worrying about stopping abortion and gay marriage.


First of all I missed nothing, secondly, I have seen & read other posts you have made on other subjects & know the trend, thirdly, I won't get this locked one down because I have said my say and I am done.

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good idea...support gambling. Maybe next they can donate millions to drug addicts...or maybe they already do that.

They do, welfare and asking for injection sites!


And I've been working since 1968 and have contributed to these idiots, wish I knew what unemployment insurance was?

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Just a note to all.



They get locked when the Rules get broken to often. Mainly name calling and fake cussing are the culprits.


Be nice and respectful of each others views as you mostly have been and it will be kept open






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good idea...support gambling. Maybe next they can donate millions to drug addicts...or maybe they already do that.

We all pay the drug dealers already. They are labelled as "prescriptions" and handed out by unskilled, underpaid drug dealers guised by the government as "doctors".

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This isn't about ANY political party, the point is no matter who we have elected in the past every one of them has done the same thing in the end. They have all spent our money like there is no tomorrow on things that really don't matter to most of us and when the money is gone they just raise our taxes or create new ones. Every one of them has made sure that their pockets are well lined and that they have lavish pensions. As much as they seem to fight between parties they still make sure that every one of them get taken care of because next year they might not be the one elected.


So please lets not start pointing the finger at any one party, the thing they all have in common is they are politicians.

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What the Liberals did was make the casinos even more profitable.


Horse racing had all the gambling rights locked up in Ontario for decades. The only why to get a casino anywhere but Indian Reserve was to give the horsemen a cut from the casino. And that was 10%.


The # of lost jobs is reported at 50k and #of horses killed is huge.


Most of these jobs are very low paying grooms, hot walkers, ticket handlers.

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Thanks for getting us back on topic Garnet...


Maybe if they (Liberals)had left well enough alone and hadn't stopped the racing industry from receiving a piece of the slots action the racing industry wouldn't need a handout of $400 million over five years...

Sounds like they are taking away with one hand and then giving back with the other...???


Or are they admitting they made a mistake...Heavens forbid !!!

Edited by Beans
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This isn't about ANY political party, the point is no matter who we have elected in the past every one of them has done the same thing in the end. They have all spent our money like there is no tomorrow on things that really don't matter to most of us and when the money is gone they just raise our taxes or create new ones. Every one of them has made sure that their pockets are well lined and that they have lavish pensions. As much as they seem to fight between parties they still make sure that every one of them get taken care of because next year they might not be the one elected.


So please lets not start pointing the finger at any one party, the thing they all have in common is they are politicians.


Yep, it isn't about any political party >

"Just heard on the radio yesterday that Kathleen Wynne has just donated $400,000,000.00 (yes, 400 million) of our tax dollars to the horse racing industry."


If you say so Big Cliff.

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The dying industry you talk about was surviving until the Liberals started interfering with it last year. The Liberals were warned about thousands of jobs being lost and business closures but in their infinite knowledge the Liberals went ahead with their plan as usual and devastated the industry. Now they are wasting 400 million dollars by throwing it into the wind to buy votes in the next election again. Important words for you to study carefully ....... >She caused the JOB LOSSES....She cause THE INDUSTRY TO DIE. Mistakes after mistakes and you defend them.


I can't afford a Liberal Party. They don't care about tax payers. All these mistakes are millions after millions after millions and billions after billions after billions in wasteful spending and cuts. Wynne's Green policy is killing Ontario. I am sorry you don't see that.


The list goes on and on. You certainly do sound like a closet Liberal to me or a troll. Sounds like you don't know that the Liberals are doing the same thing that you mentioned about the Conservatives but are causing much more damage to Ontario with their so called mistakes.

Sorry, horse racing was not self-sustaining. Without slots, subsidies and grants, they (the industry) cannot hope to stay afloat
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I would think the move to save the industry is a self serving political move to generate and promote gambling to the masses so that eventually it will be another source of income to the party once it eventually does turn a profit ( which it will) people get additions easily in time of financial crisis when there is a false hope being slammed in their face on a daily basis...the people lose...government wins

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fake cussing


How do you fake a cuss ? :tease:



would think the move to save the industry is a self serving political move to generate and promote gambling to the masses so that eventually it will be another source of income to the party once it eventually does turn a profit ( which it will) people get additions easily in time of financial crisis when there is a false hope being slammed in their face on a daily basis...the people lose...government wins



I have seen the effects of this Dave. Not a good thing,or a pretty sight.


Thankfully,it,s nothing I got caught up in. I just play online with fake chips. Ya I use real cuss words sometimes.LOL

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I don't agree with the 400 million being given away or the 1.1 Billion that was wasted. What I do agree with though is that both the Liberal and Conservatives were GOING to close those plants to get elected in those ridings. It just so happens the Liberals "won" only to lose big time once the truth came out.


It is complete insanity that about 100 people with money who lived near the proposed plants had the ability to cause this financial fiasco. Another thing I don't understand is how come the people who got the buy out money aren't being put of our business, due to public outrage. They should be boycotted into bankruptcy after gouging us the tax payer for something they didn't even have to deliver? Do those losers, not have a shred of dignity either? I guess when you wine and dine politicans to get those lucrative contracts it like lying down with dogs you get fleas too... Remember the next time you get upset about this, that money went to companies and people who didn't for what ever reason full fill what they promised, but they cashed the cheque anyhow. To me that is just as low as the politics of it. I could see them having there "proven actual" costs covered but anything more is just morally wrong.


As for the horsey deal, the real story isn't about the 400 million being given to horse racing.... The real story is the actuaries at OLG discovered that losing horse racing tracks and popularity will cause the "CASINOS" at the race tracks to lose money from other games. The 400 million is probably revenue neutral if you look at what the OLG makes off other games at the tracks. The press can't mention that though because people might realize they almost always lose more than they win if they keep gambling. The OLG contributes 1.7 to 2 Billion annually in profit to the government and some of those funds do go to food banks and other things mentioned.


The other small upside of horse racing surviving is it will tick P3TA off and that is always a good thing for outdoorsman. If they spend more time and money fighting the sport of kings it is less attention giving to stopping fishing.

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The other small upside of horse racing surviving is it will tick P3TA off and that is always a good thing for outdoorsman. If they spend more time and money fighting the sport of kings it is less attention giving to stopping fishing.

Without getting too deep into P3TA they are anything but animal rights activists....essentially a front to killing dogs and cats for profit....its horrific the ongoings in that corrupt lobby with the death vans

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For the horse's it's to late. Liberal gave about 5 month lead time, possibly if they phased in cuts the carnage would have been reduced.


Stud fees are payed for live foal on the ground. That's 2k to 50k. With no market no place to race all or most were still born (use your imagination).


All the low to mid grade horses went from valuable to worth nothing.


Basically the Liberals slaughter a few hundred thousand horses and killed 50,000 jobs.

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Without getting too deep into P3TA they are anything but animal rights activists....essentially a front to killing dogs and cats for profit....its horrific the ongoings in that corrupt lobby with the death vans


Yes you are correct!!! But the mainstream media doesn't publish that info willingly either unfortunately.

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So it even gets worst!


90% of the Standard bred are pacers and make poor riding horses. And they can race until 15. So the liberals wiped out 15 generations of horses and turned millions of dollar horses into .50 lb for horse meat.


Now all the riding schools your kids go to had very valuable horses for kids to learn on. That value was also wipe out because all these horse can be replaced for .50 lb.


The Liberals wiped out billions of dollars to save 10% for OLG. Yes this will be election issue.


"Again to late for the horses" owners were force to cut losses.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i have had threads locked and my account priveleges "modified" for speaking ill of the conservative minority. don't upset the old boys club.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

Like my boss told me a few days ago.








To bad,most of us will be here to see the demise.


Stuff like this makes me laugh... Those of us around to see the "demise" view those that came before us as the ones that caused this mess in the first place. The baby boomers have brought the car back dirty and with no fuel in the tank.

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Stuff like this makes me laugh... Those of us around to see the "demise" view those that came before us as the ones that caused this mess in the first place. The baby boomers have brought the car back dirty and with no fuel in the tank.


No argument here.

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i have had threads locked and my account priveleges "modified" for speaking ill of the conservative minority. don't upset the old boys club.

No actually you were "modified" for breaking the rules. I don't have anything vested in Canadian politics so I judge them not for there views but for their content as they apply to the rules.


please keep this civil and fact based and it will continue.





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