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Obtaining Roe...tough to do it properly...


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These threads always make me chuckle. You guys all back up how important the wild rainbows are, and how they need to be protected....yada, yada, yada.....then as soon as a fresh run is in, your the first one at the creek/river keeping the hens, so you can kill them. I don't get it. The whole fishery needs to be shut down.


Why is it that the migratory fish are the only fish with an open season during spawning season anyways?? Who's idea was that in the first place?? It makes no sense whatsoever.


Don't get me wrong, I spent decades fishing the tribs, but all more than a decade ago. Back then, there were more fish than fisherman, and people had a little respect for each other, and some ethics. I don't see that any more. I see more fisherman, NO ethics, and FAR LESS fish. I guess like everything else in ON, it will be taken care of when its too late.



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These threads always make me chuckle. You guys all back up how important the wild rainbows are, and how they need to be protected....yada, yada, yada.....then as soon as a fresh run is in, your the first one at the creek/river keeping the hens, so you can kill them. I don't get it. The whole fishery needs to be shut down.


Why is it that the migratory fish are the only fish with an open season during spawning season anyways?? Who's idea was that in the first place?? It makes no sense whatsoever.


Don't get me wrong, I spent decades fishing the tribs, but all more than a decade ago. Back then, there were more fish than fisherman, and people had a little respect for each other, and some ethics. I don't see that any more. I see more fisherman, NO ethics, and FAR LESS fish. I guess like everything else in ON, it will be taken care of when its too late.




Just like the cod fishery.

The cod at the local munger is from ice land. taste like crap.

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You guys all back up how important the wild rainbows are, and how they need to be protected....yada, yada, yada.....then as soon as a fresh run is in, your the first one at the creek/river keeping the hens, so you can kill them.


You're not speaking for me with that statement.

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These threads always make me chuckle. You guys all back up how important the wild rainbows are, and how they need to be protected....yada, yada, yada.....then as soon as a fresh run is in, your the first one at the creek/river keeping the hens, so you can kill them. I don't get it. The whole fishery needs to be shut down.

Why is it that the migratory fish are the only fish with an open season during spawning season anyways?? Who's idea was that in the first place?? It makes no sense whatsoever.

Don't get me wrong, I spent decades fishing the tribs, but all more than a decade ago. Back then, there were more fish than fisherman, and people had a little respect for each other, and some ethics. I don't see that any more. I see more fisherman, NO ethics, and FAR LESS fish. I guess like everything else in ON, it will be taken care of when its too late.


Very closed minded statement.


Mike's comments were simply based on an observation. I for one agree that more education is needed for all river anglers. It's kind of like a shoot first ask questions later mentality most river anglers have.


There is definitely a demographic change in steel heading. A lot more young and uneducated (as it pertains to river dynamics) anglers out on the river.

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You're not speaking for me with that statement.

So, where do you get your 150 roe bags from? You trying to say your not killing fish??


I know you have some ethics Mike, don't get me wrong, but don't say you don't understand where I'm coming from!


The steelhead guys kill fish, to catch more fish. Its a fact.


I'm not saying. Every guy who fishes migratory fish slits them and leaves them on the bank, but I'd wager to bet that a good majority do.



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Just like the cod fishery.

The cod at the local munger is from ice land. taste like crap.

Too little, too late Brian. I was there. I lived it bud. Watched it happen with my own eyes. Its the ONLY reason I'm not still there. My family fought to have something done, but it all fell to deaf ears until it was too late!


Lots of fish there now though. My old man has been taking advantage of the recreation fishing seasons, and trust me, it doesn't take long to catch 15/boat. Some days you drop a jigger down and have one on the first jig every time. Big fish too!


And yeah, you can't compare anything you get in ON to fresh fish!! Not even close!!



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I know you catch lots of bows so was wondering---do you chnge so often because you are getting lots of hits, or because the roe is 'milking out'.? If milking out I assume you're using unured eggs.


I rarely if ever use loose mature eggs. Almost always mature skeined eggs. They're softer and have way more scent. And yes they tend to milk out quickly and require more constant changing.


I use a very light cure as well. If you don't cure them at all they'll turn white almost instantly especially in cold water.


Color is critical at times as well. While I do have my two or three go-to colors, I always have a variety of different colors tied as well, You never know what's going to work best from day to day.

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These threads always make me chuckle. You guys all back up how important the wild rainbows are, and how they need to be protected....yada, yada, yada.....then as soon as a fresh run is in, your the first one at the creek/river keeping the hens, so you can kill them. I don't get it. The whole fishery needs to be shut down.

Why is it that the migratory fish are the only fish with an open season during spawning season anyways?? Who's idea was that in the first place?? It makes no sense whatsoever.

Don't get me wrong, I spent decades fishing the tribs, but all more than a decade ago. Back then, there were more fish than fisherman, and people had a little respect for each other, and some ethics. I don't see that any more. I see more fisherman, NO ethics, and FAR LESS fish. I guess like everything else in ON, it will be taken care of when its too late.


It's not all doom and gloom. I agree that the salmon fishing in many of the tribs is a total s..show and I avoid it at all costs. But there are still a number of ethical anglers out there. Fished a Huron trib. this weekend; 6 guys fishing (3 of us "old" guys and 3 youngsters) a somewhat productive pool; everyone got along, approx. 10 fish - bows- were landed ( all legally hooked), and all but one were released. Just like the good 'oil days, I guess.
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I rarely if ever use loose mature eggs. Almost always mature skeined eggs. They're softer and have way more scent. And yes they tend to milk out quickly and require more constant changing.


I use a very light cure as well. If you don't cure them at all they'll turn white almost instantly especially in cold water.


Color is critical at times as well. While I do have my two or three go-to colors, I always have a variety of different colors tied as well, You never know what's going to work best from day to day.


I try not to hi-jack threads on here but this one seems pretty well played out. So at the risk to sending this thread in a very different direction, can I ask you what you mean by a 'light cure"---borax, salt, or bought mixture of some sort?


It's a bit odd that the eggs turn white faster in cold water. Normally things (e.g roe 'juice'') dissolve faster in warmer water.

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Simply put, if you want to use roe and don't have any, just go online and buy it from centerpin angling. It's a great steelhead/salmon store and the roe is excellent quality. 'Nuff said.



This is a good option for the occasional angler, or someone that uses minimal roe. For a heavy egg user, its expensive, and limits the option to whatever cure is thrown on the eggs by the seller, or the hatchery he is purchasing from. I don't want to be limited to one cure. I want natural uncured, pro-cured eggs, salt cured, boraxed and on and on. They all serve a different purpose to me under different water conditions. I also want some skein, some scraped skein, some loose etc. I make absolutely no bones about harvesting a few salmon and a few trout every year. What I don't do is then go on the internet and gripe about lack of conservation measures by fellow fishermen. I know I'm going to kill some fish to keep fishing, and I won't sugar coat it for anyone. I make sure I take my fish home, and that they get put to use. All trout are consumed. Late salmon might be composted if they are inedible. Fresh ones with skein get smoked. But in reality, those are the only migratory fish I keep all year, and all else are released, so I am probably killing way less fish than the average fellow going out for dinner fish. I will never complain about the guys that want to harvest some trout for food though, as they are the ones that will keep us fishing when the pure catch and release advocates would put us in a position that fishing with no purpose other than enjoyment could be deemed cruel. Further, I seldom release a legal pickeral, unless its into a pan of hot oil, so who the heck am I to judge. Steelhead are put on a pedestal because they are pretty, and will give you a good fight, but make no mistake, they are a fish like all the others. Heck at one time, I knew an old cat that kept every legal musky he caught. Do I understand it, no not really but it was legal, and he ate them, so more power to him. Anyway, my 2 cents!

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On a somewhat related note I fished the Geen yesterday and was appalled at the number of fish being roped. I'll bet 80% of the fish caught on that river are killed, catch and release is almost non existant. One older gent killed a beauty 10lb hen right next to me his only comment being "hope this one has some good eggs".


It's so early in the fall season there's no way the eggs in that fish will be anywhere mature enough. Total waste.


Education is sorely lacking among many of our fellow anglers.



most of the people that come to the geen havent a clue as to what they are doing so alot go home empty handed ...but when it is hot fishing and a novice fisherman does manage to catch a fish...9 times out of ten they are eating that fish just because the caught one ....what really ticks me off is when the semi novice fishermen think they are doing good by releasing the fish after having their fingers up in the gill plates... when i see it i usually sit and shoot the crap with them for a bit ... politely get them at ease and then educate them explaining mortality rates to fish that have been handled in that manner....with the comparison as what it like for a human to run a distance with a hole in their lungs...yes they can run away out of eye shot (which looks like they are swimming away ) ....but they bleed out and die, When i leave them to fish ...not only have i made a new acquaintance to say hello to when i see them again but i also ask them if they could pay the new education forward to someone else. i wont get into all the other issues i see on a daily basis,Every little bit helps when it comes to education of handling with good intentions of releasing...Mike i know you know your stuff as do the guys you fish with ...im just throwing this out there for the people that read the forum because as i said...every little bit helps



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Steelhead are wonderful food. There's nothing wrong with keeping your legal limit of those. If you can stand shoulder to shoulder with 300 guys on the saugeen and still catch them with a worm on bottom, you wont hurt anything by taking a couple home.

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Jeez a bunch of stocked fish being kept for the table, the horror of it all!!


When will the steelhead snobs stop?

There are no steelhead snobs here...there is nothing wrong with catching and eating your limit (which is two fish by the way)...thats why clubs invest themselves into the hatcheries...so all can enjoy the thrill of the activity....its just disheartening at times to see the success of a fish wasted because of unnecessary mishandling...or the guys that come up from where ever and change clothes/waders a couple times a day to over harvest...Yes it goes on and yes there are eyes everywhere on the Saugeen of people that actually care....so ..."snobs"....not so much

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Steelhead are wonderful food. There's nothing wrong with keeping your legal limit of those. If you can stand shoulder to shoulder with 300 guys on the saugeen and still catch them with a worm on bottom, you wont hurt anything by taking a couple home.


Agreed, but selective harvest is key here. It's not hard to distinguish the wild fish from the stockers. Let the wild hens go and keep the stockers for table fare.

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Agreed, but selective harvest is key here. It's not hard to distinguish the wild fish from the stockers. Let the wild hens go and keep the stockers for table fare.

Agreed, but the regs doesn't say "must release wild fish" (it should though).... So the weekend warrior hits up the geen gets his limit and goes home happier than a, you know what... Yet the "purist" frowns on the guy and leaves disgruntled.... Personally as long as its legal and it makes you happy, I could care less. If its such an issue now for which fish to keep within the regs perhaps more detail should be given to educate anglers on this topic b/c I see none of it on any publication.


Plus, that 8lb hen probably has some nice thick steaks too, just sayn'

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I do keep the odd fish every now and again but for the most part I'm a c&r steelheader. I have nothing against someone that wants to keep fish within his or her limits. It is kind of disturbing to me what happens at the Geen or any Gbay or Huron trib. There are too many people with the all fish must die attitude. I believe in selective harvest. We all know the first people who will complain if and when the returning number of fish to these systems are poor.

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