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Buck & Bingwood Lodge And White Owl Outpost Camp: An Amazing Family Fly In Adventure!


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Last winter while researching possible destinations for a summer family fly in trip, my wife Joanne had only one request. “I don't care where we go, but it has to have indoor plumbing and actual beds...no bunk beds!”


In general I'm more partial to the outpost camp experience, but it's hard to find a camp with those kinds of amenities. In addition my very good friend Joe expressed an interest in joining us with his own little clan; wife Nancy, and two young kids Cameron and Kathleen.


Obviously with two families involved this would not be the normal kind of fly in trip, so I expanded my search to include lodges.


Key factors for me in choosing a lodge was the quality of the accomodations, a large and varied lake with good fishing, and most importantly price. It simply couldn't be over the top expensive when bringing the whole family along.


Even with those criteria there's an almost overwhelming number of camps to choose from in northern Ontario. Price quickly became the key element.


With that in mind I soon zeroed in on Buck and Bingwood Lodge, located a 10 minute flight west of the jump off point in Hornepayne on sprawling Obakamiga lake. It's an impressive body of water, well over 7000 acres in size. In addition there's direct access to Granitehill lake which is almost as big via a short connecting river.








Talking with the owners John and Shannon Moffat, a young couple from the Midland area, it was clear they truly love what they're doing. Since acquiring the lodge 4 years ago they've poured their heart and soul into it completing numerous renovations and improvements. The cabins are now finished to a never before seen standard. They've also acquired an impressive new fleet of boats. Large, wide Mirrocraft's with full vinyl floors, casting decks, live wells, rod lockers, graphs, and brand new 4 stroke Nissan outboards.


The clincher for me was price. Trust me, you can do your own research, but considering what you're getting and the level of comfort involved, their prices are a bargain. They are in fact substantially cheaper than most remote outpost camps I've been to.


The coup de grace however was yet to come. Talking to John he mentioned that they'd recently acquired four new outpost camps which had been vacant and unused for a number of years. “Would you be interested in flying into our outpost camp on White Owl lake for a night while you're up here?” “We can only accommodate 4 people, but we should be able to squeeze you in at the end of the week.”


Would I?


In some instances you actually can have your cake and eat it too!


It was an easy decision for both myself and Joe to book with them. John and Shannon operate two separate housekeeping locations on Obakamiga, Bingwood which sits at the mouth of the Buck river where it enters the big lake, and Buck located on a wooded peninsula several kilometers away.


We were penciled into the Buck location, 2 large cabins side by side for late August. White Owl was scheduled for the last night of our stay. The anticipation was killing all of us...


To say that Hornepayne is off the beaten track is an understatement. It's a rail town carved out of the bush located precisely in the middle of nowhere. Highway 631 is a small secondary route that connects hwy 17 to the south and 11 to the north and Hornepayne lies smack dab in the middle. There's virtually no traffic on this sleepy little two lane road. Once you turn off the busy Trans Canada it's like entering another world. The trees seem denser and push closer to the road , the route winds it's way through the landscape around lakes and crossing numerous rivers. It's a scenic last leg to the jump off point and we enjoyed every minute of it.



We were slated to fly into camp with Forde Lake Air Service located just outside town. Having never flown with them before I was curious as to how they'd stack up against some of the others I've used and I came away impressed. They were incredibly friendly, fast and efficient and in no time at all they had our gear weighed and packed into the plane. Our group of eight would fly in two separate Beaver aircraft, flights being just minutes apart. Joanne, myself and our kids Riley and Brendan were up first...









It's a short flight, maybe 15 minutes, and once in the air I was amazed at the terrain, it seemed much more pristine. Very little logging activity mars the landscape and the terrain is dotted with sparkling lakes and rolling forested hills.




I shot this short video of our landing as we arrived at Buck cabins.




Upon landing we were greeted at the dock like old friends, and with military precision our gear was packed into a small trailer and hauled with an ATV to our cabin. Joe and his family arrived less than 10 minutes after us and we soon began the task of unpacking and settling in.






The nice thing about the cabins at Buck is they're well spaced out and private each having their own dock. Even better the perfectly manicured grounds offered plenty of room for the kids to run and play.











Joe and his family were directly behind us on the other side of the point, their cabin located in a shady grove of cedars.





John and Shannon's youngest boy Joseph (everyone calls him Jofish) is the same age as my little guy Brendan and they instantly hit it off. The two of them along with Cameron, Joe's young son, raced around camp in a fever pitch playing like long lost friends.


I could tell right away this was going to be a special family vacation...




Visions of Lord Of The Flies sprang to mind as they scrambled about camp mostly barefoot, poking sticks at various different creatures trying to capture them.


Sometimes they even succeeded...




Fishing was the top priority and it didn't take long to establish a pattern. Surprisingly at least to me was the amount of finesse it took to catch the walleye. Normally my go to lure on a fly in is a 1/4oz jig tipped with a twister and worm, but those Obakamiga walleye weren't interested.


Top producer was a simple live bait rig. Lindy sinker, long 3-4' leader and a floating jig head with either and a nose hooked crawler or minnow. John traps minnows on the lake and has a huge supply on hand for his guests to use. Utilizing the wind and drifting slowly across likely structure we put plenty of fat walleye in the boat.

I'm also partial to pulling bottom bouncers and worm harnesses, especially when prospecting for concentrations of fish. This proved deadly at times as well and I was able to find pods of aggressive fish all over this vast watershed. Pretty much every rocky point and windblown shoreline held active fish. There were also several notable mid lake humps and saddles between islands that produced large numbers of fish. All textbook walleye spots.


Even fishing there for a week I barely scratched the surface though, there's just so much water to cover it would take several seasons to learn it all.



One item that's an absolute must in my opinion and one that helped put a lot of fish in the boat was a drift sock. Used either to slow the boat down while drifting, or to slow the boat's trolling speed, it proved invaluable!



























One of the truly nice things about the Buck location was that the point right out in front was a walleye hotspot. Almost every morning I'd head out by myself super early, coffee in hand for an hour or two of bliss. That spot never failed to produce fish.



Here's a short video I shot of my daughter Riley landing a nice fish right in front of the camp in that same spot:






Blessed with almost perfect weather, no bugs and a full moon, most evenings were spent around the campfire. Lots of laughter and a whole lot of roasted marshmallows.



There was a bit of a twist though. With the kids in mind Joe had brought along a massive screen and some kind of new fangled gizmo that hooked up to his ipad to play movies. I think he had 30 movies downloaded for the trip and most every night he'd set it up for the kids. A northern Ontario version of a drive-in!



I shot a short video of the proceedings. The kids LOVED it, and best of all it allowed the adults to relax in peace, enjoy a few drinks and socialize kid free for a couple of hours.


I'm nominating Joe for a Nobel prize, the man is a genius.



Most nights the camp dog Marshall, an affable old Saint Bernard, would trundle over to our campfire to sniff out treats and lounge around. A noble beast to be sure although at times he showed no modesty.



I've titled this picture “Even when we're asleep we're still available”






Twice during our stay we took the trip over to explore Granitehill lake navigating the placid Buck river to get there.





It was a fun trip and the Granitehill walleye proved to be cooperative as well...















Of course we ate a lot of walleye, on a trip like this that's one of the highlights.

Sometimes wrapped in bacon on the bbq...





Other times deep fried to crispy perfection...




Both John and Shannon went out of their way throughout the week to make our trip extra special. Little touches like freshly baked bread delivered to our cabin one morning. Drinking water in a large jug delivered every day, and best of all the community shore lunch.


Once during the week they host a massive get together at nearby Loon island for anyone who'd like to partake. It's not very often I get catered to like that so it was an absolute treat.











Here's a short video of the gathering:




I've yet to mention pike, but there are some brutes in Obakamiga. It stands to reason as it's such a huge structure filled lake with tons of feed...


While most of our efforts were spent chasing walleye, the pike were, if anything, even more cooperative.


With Joe and Nancy relaxing at camp one afternoon they graciously offered to watch the kids for us. Joanne and I seized the opportunity and raced to a large bay at the north end of the lake to cast for pike.


There's a vast 10-12' flat up there loaded with vegetation, and as we quickly found out, pike.

Problem was they were all small to middling. Fun as it was catching them I was more interested in targeting larger fish.


At the entrance to the bay there was a well defined drop off, almost like a wall into 20' of water. I threw out a handful of markers and began to troll this edge in a crisscross fashion with oversized spinnerbaits.


I struck first with a fat 38” fish that hammered a Northland Magnum Reed Runner.







I was pretty happy with that, because honestly I wasn't really expecting big fish. It was a bit of a surprise.


Not long after I landed my fish, just as I turned the boat and our baits sped up, Joanne says “Oops, I think I'm snagged!” We were trolling in 20' of water so not too likely. Almost immediately her line started ripping diagonally through the water away from the boat. “That”, I said, “Is definitely not a snag!”

Excited as she was she played that fish like a pro and we soon had it in the cradle. 43” long and easily the largest fish she's ever caught. She was incredibly proud catching this fish, and I have to say I was pretty proud too.





We fished for a bit longer just enjoying the afternoon. I knew we weren't likely to top that catch, but it was still fun nonetheless.





With the success we had pike fishing in such a brief amount of time I'm curious to know just how good that fishery is. I suspect if you timed your trip accordingly and put your time in the results would be pretty good. For that reason alone I'd return to Buck and Bingwood.

There was also a pronounced evening bite on this lake. I havn't mentioned it yet because frankly I never took advantage of it. Evenings were spent relaxing, barbequing, playing with the kids and stoking the camp fire. However a couple of other groups did fish the witching hour with huge success.


I shot this short clip of one evenings haul in the fish cleaning shack, what a great bunch of guys!




I had heard rumors that John Moffat is an absolute master at cleaning walleye. With a little bit of prodding we dragged him over to the cleaning shack for a demonstration.

He was definitely impressive, no doubt about that!




With our flight into White Owl scheduled for the next morning my time at Buck cabins was quickly coming to an end. For those that are interested I shot this short video tour of the Buck camp:



As I mentioned John is constantly busy renovating and working on the camp. His current project is a brand new 4 bedroom cabin that he just started constructing. I'm sure it'll be spectacular when it's finished!





While at Buck I was curious to check out the Bingwood location as well, just in case a future trip is ever on tap. It's honestly stunning, just an absolutely gorgeous camp!





















Since I could only bring 4 into White Owl a decision had to be made. After much discussion it was finally decided that I would bring Brendan and joining us would be my friend Joe and his lovely daughter Kathleen. Kathleen as you'll see is a natural and the camera just loves her...



The wives, God love them, would stay behind with the other two kids and relax for a day.



The whole lot of us gathered on the dock early the next morning, gear for white Owl piled high and ready. Right on cue the Beaver arrived and before loading Shannon snapped this picture of the entire crew:



It was just a short hop over to White Owl and spirits were soaring as we approached the lake. As we'd been told the lake hadn't been fished in a number of years...







With less than one full day to fish and explore the lake we quickly scrambled to ready our tackle and get the boats in the water.


With most of the work done I took the time to shoot this short video tour of the camp. And a darned nice camp it is!















Once on the water it didn't take us long to get into fish. Right away we managed a few little pike and walleye to break the ice and start things off properly.







Then we hit the mother lode. In a neck down area right around the corner from camp the walleyes were stacked like cord wood, fat, sassy and hungry! It didn't really matter what we used either, we caught fish on everything we tried.


















At one point Brendan and I pulled ourselves away from the fast action to explore for a bit and found a log choked creek entering the lake. Looking at the map it seemed as though it was only a short distance to another large lake of substance, this one unnamed. I live for this kind of stuff!





With a little bit of difficulty we made it to the lake, and it was a





Almost 2km in diameter and surprisingly deep. There were a couple of basins that hit 60' and overall it probably averaged 20-30.

I knew it wasn't true, but it felt like we were the first persons to fish this lake. After poking around for a bit with the finder I stumbled onto a small hump and it was game on. Literally one

fish after another...









Wanting to get back to Joe and Kathleen we didn't devote nearly enough time to this amazing little body of water. It wasn't easy but we tore ourselves away from our hotspot and began our descent down the little creek back to White Owl.



This time I shot a complete video of the journey:



Back on White Owl, Joe and especially Kathleen were doing just fine!










Before calling it a night we sped over to a large, very obvious back bay to cast for pike, it just looked too good! The bay was loaded with smaller fish, but it was one of those times when you almost expect a big fish at any time...

Brendan was hooking fish left and right on a Williams Wabler and I turned on the camera for this one. It turned out to be a pretty decent fish, way bigger than I initially thought. I'm guessing 35-36” range anyway. I think if I'd have been more on the ball helping him he might have actually landed it, but alas she got unbuttoned. Great story though, the kid's now telling his mom that the fish he lost was waaay bigger than hers, 44” at LEAST! He's evolving into an angler right before my eyes.




Back at camp we'd planned on fish for dinner and had kept a few. While I busied myself with the chore of cleaning them, Joe

and the kids relaxed savoring our great day.









It was fully dark by the time I fired up the fish cooker. Drink in hand I marveled at the scene in front of me and the end of a truly fantastic fly in trip.





The next morning our plane came right on time to whisk us back to Hornepayne and civilization.




The rest of our families were already at the dock waiting and we soon had the vehicles packed and were on the road home.


This trip was a benchmark a number of reasons. First off it was an incredibly fun venture, with just as much socializing as fishing. The kids had a blast playing together and we all enjoyed exploring the lake. Fishing wise it was consistently good at Buck, and Joanne DID catch her largest fish ever. The camp itself exceeded all of our expectations, and the most telling evidence was that everyone wants to go back next year. In my daughters words “This was the best trip ever daddy, even better than Cuba!”

The capper was White Owl. There's no doubt I'll be fishing this lake again! I can't even begin to imagine what a full week would be like at this location. About the only thing the White Owl camp needs to make it perfect is running water a large deck to lounge on and according to John Moffat both will be done soon.


A big thanks to both John and Shannon Moffat, their two great kids, and all of the staff. You guys made the trip a memorable one and for that I thank you.




I'll definitely be back!



Hope you enjoyed,



Cheers, Mike





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Thanks guys, a lot of effort went into this one, really glad you enjoyed. I'm still struggling with some of the picture codes, hopefully I can get it sorted out.




All I can say is awesome! Personal question? Do u ever work? Or you just go fishing??


Oh I do work, but I'm very fortunate to have the time to do what I love and most importantly an understanding wife.

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My most enjoyable trips as a kid were the ones we took with another family. Your kids will remember this one for a long time. Quite a unique family vacation. I think if more lodges catered to the woman in our lives(comfort) they might see a few more couples out on the lake instead of a sausage fest. Also the only time I was up in Hornepayne was at Nagagamisis PP BEARS EVERYWHERE.

Edited by Musky or Specks
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Thanks guys, it's always gratifying to hear a positive response after you've put so much effort into a post. Glad you liked!



Quite a unique family vacation. I think if more lodges catered to the woman in our lives(comfort) they might see a few more couples out on the lake instead of a sausage fest.

I agree 100% Brad, and imo this trip was maybe the perfect family vacation.


Great Report Mike!! Awesome.. Are you not headed to Hearst this month? Lucky man!



Thanks! I'm actually headed to Nakina next Thursday, new water on the Attawapiskat awaits!

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Thanks guys, it's always gratifying to hear a positive response after you've put so much effort into a post. Glad you liked!



I agree 100% Brad, and imo this trip was maybe the perfect family vacation.




Thanks! I'm actually headed to Nakina next Thursday, new water on the Attawapiskat awaits!


Oh, man... I bet the BIG pike will be biting! Best time of the year for BIG fish.... We sent our deposit in to Martin. Our gang is really looking forward to Anjigaming next June!

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