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How do I jump off a train?


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Hey all.

Got a buddy that is planning on heading into 18B moose hunting. He is interested in taking the train and and getting off at mile-X. How does one go about making this happen? I know it can be done but for the life of me I have no idea how?

Any help?

They would want to get on somewhere around Hearst is my guess.


He really stumped me on this one so its open to those in the know.

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You should be able to just let the conductor know where you want off. Know the schedule well and don't forget to flag the train down for the ride back. Can't remember if people use a coloured flag or not to give the engineer a visual heads up. Never done this myself yet but know several who do this in the winter.

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It's been 15 years, but the ontario northland to moosonee you just told the conducter what mile mark or river you wanted off at, and they would have the engineer stop the train. I don't recall us having to use a specific color of flag to stop them when we wanted to come back, I believe we just tied a cloth to a stick or something like that! I went up the cheepash river, it was quite the interesting experience, lots of fun!!

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So basically you just get on and tell the conducter where you want off?

That's what I thought but it seems way to easy .... Must be something else?

Oh .... And not that I have tried but the old tuck and roll does sound like the best exiting option!

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So basically you just get on and tell the conducter where you want off?

That's what I thought but it seems way to easy .... Must be something else?

Oh .... And not that I have tried but the old tuck and roll does sound like the best exiting option!

I assume your going Ontario Northland, as I believe it's the last flag stop train out there. If so, that was my experience, but as I say it's been 15 years. Give them a call and they will spell it out for you, I doubt it's changed much!

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