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Cottage Rental reviews - site needed


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I have rented cottages for many, many years. I have been fortunate to run across only two duds throughout the years and it would have been great to have a site to go to for posting reviews of places I have been or reading of places I plan to go. Not only will this build a database of places, it will also hold accountable those people who are renting their place out. A site that allows one to post pics would also be helpful.


Tripadvisor only has a select few cottages on the site but these appear to be cottages that are there on the initiation of the cottage owner. I, as a renter, cannot add a cottage to the site for my review. In many cases, the cottages that I have rented are not posted on Tripadvisor.


Not sure about the demand for this but I think this is definitely a good idea - kind of like the tripadvisor of cottage rentals.


I think maybe even OFC could create a topic on this site devoted to this topic. Admin, any interest in taking up the cause and likely driving up membership/hits?


Here are my two dud stories:


1) I just stayed at a place on Simcoe that had much to be desired.


It advertised for up to 10 people, but the stove they had was more appropriate for a bachelor apartment. We could not fit any of our pans in the oven. Making bacon for 10 people on the stove was a chore. Putting it the oven would have been more efficient. The space for a proper stove was there but it appeared the replacement stove was a spare leftover stove from someone or something that was picked up at a garage ssale. This was apparent since the white stove didn't match the other applicances which were stainless steel in colour.


The place was really dirty. Microwave had spills and stains throughout. The dishwasher needed to be washed. Cupboards were damaged. Dried up soap everywhere, caked on food around the door. There was mould in both bathrooms. The bathrooms smelled like urine and needed a good airing daily. The fridge had the last peoples left overs still in it (ie. old lettuce, half milk jug, old butter, etc...). The outside screen door had a hole in it, so someone decided to use a bandaid plug it....The floors were full of crumbs, dirt that stuck to your feet when you walked on it.


The owner advertised one of the ammenities as being a propane barbecue but apparently it did not include the propane...so if you were the unfortunate person who had the propane run out during your stay, you had to fill it at your own expense (this happened to us in the middle of steaks,). When we contacted the owner to find out where the spare tank was, he said he did not include the propane and that we would have to fill at our expense! My argument was if he provided an electric stove, etc...did I need to bring my own generator to power it?? Of course, not, so why would I have to fill a propane tank that was likely going to last the remainder of the summer. There was no use arguing with the guy.


The air conditioning did not work until the 2nd last day of our stay. It was hot during the day throughout our stay and a/c would have made the place a bit more enjoyable. The owner did finally come out after a few days of us trying to diagnose and fix the issue ourself with his guidance via text messages back and forth. Finally on the Thursday, a repair guy came out and found that a switch was turned off in the furnace room! I was not happy.


The garage had 10 garbage bags from previous renter that the owner asked us to put out on garbage day. These were oversized large black bags that smelled and were dirty. I am on vacation, I hate takling out the garbage at home and he expects me to take out someone else's garbage (10 bags to boot)!


With just some work and a change in the owner's perception of what a renter's resposibilities were, this place could be worth the money but until then the nice looking pictures on the net will continue to mask the real issues with the place. This is the reason a site to post a review would be helpful.


Nonetheless, when we left the cottage, the guy in his defence did return us $125 against the cost of the rental due to the above issues but this was only after he initially offered $50 and after a long discussion as to why I was still not satisfied. By the way, we rented the place for $1700/week.


2) The other place I had an issue with was a place on Scugog that I rented which was run down and actually condemned by the city (which we came to learn only a two weeks before our rental period). It had a pool, looked awesome on the net and the owner and I conversed thought the four months that lead up to the rental date. Luckily we realized the problem beforehand when someone from our party had a strange feeling about the place and insisted on seeing the place beforehand. After a month of constant delays by the owner to meet up there, we finally put our foot down and headed up now only 2 weeks before our rental date and found a place that was not fit for rodents, let alone people. The neighbour actually came out to warn us of the place and told us to stay away. Told us people have been getting sick from the mould, and that the city shut the place down. Sure enough there was a posted sign on the property. When we looked inside, the place was in disarray, broken furniture, and just very dirty and unfinished! The pool was dirty, and obviously not taken care of or used for a long time. I did get most of my deposit back when I confronted the owner, but had we headed up without seeing the place, we would have already had paid the last installment of our rental a week earlier and more importantly, ruined the vacation of all eight of us. Despite our confrontation, the owner insisted that he would have had the property up to snuff by the time of our rental - this may have been an attempt to avoid any future action on our part.


Now despite the places above, we stayed in many places that were great. A place on Nipissing, a place on Scugog, on Buckhorn, in Collingwood, etc...Unfortunately, we enjoy exploring new places so finding new rentals is something we will always do. Hopefully there will be a site that can capture these reviews and make the lives of cottage rental seekers easier.


If admin gives me the okay to post the property locations, I will update the thread so people will be aware.


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You know what? I think you have a fantastic idea here!


We ended up using a website to book all our motel rooms on our receient trip to the East Coast. It was fantastic! We could read reviews, find out prices, check out locations and features and once more we knew our reservation was guarenteed so it didn't matter if we were a bit late or not getting in. Each evening we would sit down, figure out where we wanted to spend the next night and just book it.


I think you have hit on a really good extension of the Motel/Hotel/B&B market (if it isn't already there).


I frequently post reviews on a couple of review sites (don't want to mention names here to avoid any problems) If you want names PM me.


Super idea, fantastic post!

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A web site dedicated to this would be a great idea, lots of people trying to scam you these days. Your descripton of the 2 places you mentioned would drive me up the wall - I guess if helps to see recent pictures, and when speaking to the owner, before a dollar is even exchanged, that you re-confirm what the advertisment is offering.


There would be nothing worse than driving all that way, especially with a bunch of people, and find out the place is a legit hole.

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I for one would like to know which places to avoid in the future. In the age of the internets/web, businesses that use it to advertise (and fail to deliver or deliberately mislead) should fall on the sword via the web. Unless it causes legal grief for TJ and crew.


My first visits to Totem Point and Lakair for example, were based on their web presence and these are two good examples of being honest and delivering what they show on their page (and more).

Edited by woodenboater
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Yea this is a great idea; I’m stuck renting and I like trying different places; but most times all I have to go on, is their web site’s propaganda or the owner’s word. I feel most places are honest and you get what’s advertized; but I have also been totally lied to on a couple of occasions.

So if there were a new forum started for lodge and camp reviews; I know I would post the good, the bad and the ugly.

Here’s a taste of one owner lying about his “ice fishing operation” and whether he could accommodate our group of 16 people. All this guy wanted to accommodate was the lump sum fee from 16 people.


“Yea big groups are not a problem I have all the equipment and I got a great place to take your group; minutes away”.

On the first morning all 16 of us are out of the shacks that he called cottages waiting for daybreak. Then this argo pulls up, pulling a sled that would maybe hold 5 or 6 guys and their gear. Well OK he’s going to make a couple of trips, not a big deal; but we had no idea of where his fishing grounds were and he wasn't offering it up?

The first group leaves and the rest of us wait and wait and wait; 2 ½ hours later he returns; we’re pissed and let him know.

He turns to us and says what you guys expect; it takes that long to get to the mouth of the French and back?


What in the hell are we doing at the tip of Sandy Island; if we wanted to fish the South shore we would have rented a place on the South shore, not sled across the lake!!!!!

There’s a lot more to this story, as in the self appointed guides; that got so drunk on our booze that they both passed out in the only four man warm up shack for the 16 of us. Plus why would we need guides ice fishing with a lodge that plucked us down in this one spot with no intension of moving?

That was one of the ugly and there’s a bunch more to add to this one; I’m just happy that I would also have a quite a few good reviews to post as well.




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Get a head start, why aren't you all naming these places? Defamation can only be proven in court if you say something that is not true, so I am told.


Naming them here would be the same as giving a bad review wouldn't it?


Names please.


I've never rented and been disappointed, we've been lucky, but I've never rented without recommendations before either. Probably why we always went back to the same camps and still do.


I recommend Bear Creek Cottages, Nippissing.


Cedar Grove, Westmeath Ottawa river.


Cosy Cove, Nippissing.


Waltonian Inn, Nippissing.


Genes Camp, Theresa NY.


All others have been private residences and since sold.

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Yea this is a great idea; I’m stuck renting and I like trying different places; but most times all I have to go on, is their web site’s propaganda or the owner’s word. I feel most places are honest and you get what’s advertized; but I have also been totally lied to on a couple of occasions.

So if there were a new forum started for lodge and camp reviews; I know I would post the good, the bad and the ugly.

Here’s a taste of one owner lying about his “ice fishing operation” and whether he could accommodate our group of 16 people. All this guy wanted to accommodate was the lump sum fee from 16 people.


“Yea big groups are not a problem I have all the equipment and I got a great place to take your group; minutes away”.

On the first morning all 16 of us are out of the shacks that he called cottages waiting for daybreak. Then this argo pulls up, pulling a sled that would maybe hold 5 or 6 guys and their gear. Well OK he’s going to make a couple of trips, not a big deal; but we had no idea of where his fishing grounds were and he wasn't offering it up?

The first group leaves and the rest of us wait and wait and wait; 2 ½ hours later he returns; we’re pissed and let him know.

He turns to us and says what you guys expect; it takes that long to get to the mouth of the French and back?


What in the hell are we doing at the tip of Sandy Island; if we wanted to fish the South shore we would have rented a place on the South shore, not sled across the lake!!!!!

There’s a lot more to this story, as in the self appointed guides; that got so drunk on our booze that they both passed out in the only four man warm up shack for the 16 of us. Plus why would we need guides ice fishing with a lodge that plucked us down in this one spot with no intension of moving?

That was one of the ugly and there’s a bunch more to add to this one; I’m just happy that I would also have a quite a few good reviews to post as well.




Thats just disgusting. I'd love to know who this guy is.

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I was kicking around a business idea a few years back.

There are many families trying to hang on to their cottages for obvious reasons. Most would welcome having some rent money but how can you if your in the smoke through the week? Everyone has heard of property management but what if you applied it to cottage renting?

It would start by working with the owners and accessing their property and if criteria is met make it rentable by removing unneccesary things and adding what customers would expect. Come up with a rate with damage deposit and work out availability. Creating an inventory list of all items. Meeting customers when they arrive and give them instructions on a particular cottage. Come by once they left to access the condition of the place, have a maid service clean it, and check inventory. Now it's ready for the next renters or owners. Have a web site listing all potential properties and perspective rental periods and guarantee a certain standard. Have a review section where ppl could read about previous experiences.

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There are many websites that have listings and reviews. For example, here is one site for private cottages. They have a review section for each listing.


Problem is, most people don't post reviews and many of the sites are dated or not very well put together. However, I think the biggest issue is that most people don't know about them so they are not popular. They require active users to be successful and that's a big challenge.


I've been working on a Fly-In Fishing Outpost directory myself just for that reason.

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I have been cottaging the same place the last 6 years. Winter,great walking trails,yarding deer to see. Spring,amazing new nature life to see,,Summer,ahhhh, the fishing is awesome,the pool is refreshing too. BBQ is always full of propane,fridge full of refreshments. ;) Fall,well,it,s been hit and miss for the deer hunting,but it,s always nice to have that home family feeling.


Yup. Mudder and pops place is the best. :D:canadian::D:lol:


I give this place,100 stars.

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Cottagecountry.com, cottagelink.com are two of my favorates to book with and I have for many, many years. The only time I have been burned was before these sites were around and I found the place in the paper. Never book a place without lots of pictures on the site. You want to know what all the bedrooms, kitchen, living and outdoor spaces look like and how close you are to the neighbours, what the water entry is like( for swimming) pictures rarely lie and avoid as many surprises as possible. Dealing with the rental agency's avoids problems with crazy renters as you have a contract.

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I was kicking around a business idea a few years back.

There are many families trying to hang on to their cottages for obvious reasons. Most would welcome having some rent money but how can you if your in the smoke through the week? Everyone has heard of property management but what if you applied it to cottage renting?

It would start by working with the owners and accessing their property and if criteria is met make it rentable by removing unneccesary things and adding what customers would expect. Come up with a rate with damage deposit and work out availability. Creating an inventory list of all items. Meeting customers when they arrive and give them instructions on a particular cottage. Come by once they left to access the condition of the place, have a maid service clean it, and check inventory. Now it's ready for the next renters or owners. Have a web site listing all potential properties and perspective rental periods and guarantee a certain standard. Have a review section where ppl could read about previous experiences.


Yes I agree that there are many property management sites and a few rags that do what you suggest, which doesn't mean that it can't be improved upon. I'm always a bit leery when I read a review from a property to a restaurant on the internet. There is nothing from stopping the owners from writing a great review for themselves as well the property management company raving about a place, it's done all the time. Actually know a guy that does it for his bar in Hammerton. Lots to gain, nothing to lose until word of mouth catches up to them. He even spells the same words incorrectly on all his posts.


One question renegade, how do you make money? You would have many places to be on a Saturday check in, as well as check out, many hundreds of miles apart, or hire local folks to do it for you. Not all people have the same standards, something else to think about. I have had friends rave about an all inclusive on the Islands and found they served dog food without air conditioned rooms.

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I would base an area around my cottage. Try to keep to properties within 100 miles. Ppl are getting $1500 or more for a relatively basic waterfront property for a week. I think a 1/3 cut would justiied, especially when the place would be cleaned and inspected and otherwise lay dormant. Being in multiple places wold not bee much of an issue either. I would just use lock boxes on the more remote front doors like real estate agents use. That way clients can get in and start unpacking and as long as you get there somewhat early on the first day I don't think there would be any issues. I wouldn't generally meet for check outs unless I got a bad feeling about a renter.....

Getting reviews could be difficult. I know when I get asked to review places I've been and enjoyed I would treat it like a good fishing spot. lol. Perhaps have the review like a questionare so you just have to pick a, b, c, d for say 20 questions and if they do it send them a electronic voucher good for a couple points off their next booking. Once the kinks have been worked out you could potentially expand with other area's using your proven methods. Just some thoughts.

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