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Weekend at Bernie's - Report!


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Another gathering of the arse-holes, as we have fondly named ourselves! This winter GTG had some of our usual suspects unable to attend, so we opened up our group to include some new blood...Gerritt, Spiel, Bitsmith and Cliff, you were missed... no much, but somewhat!

Bernie put the invite out to Wayne, as he, more than anyone else I know, could use some time away. Getting an opportuntity to wet a line was exactly what the doctor ordered. With Jen's schedule, it was a last minute decision for Wayne and we were all glad to see him.

As usual, we met up with FishnSled (Will)at his place in Oshawa, this time we brought along my buddy Rubin, for his first trek north of Parry Sound. We are nothing, if we aren't creatures of habit, which once again meant that we would gather in Powasson for lunch, before we hit Nip. Intended arrival time for lunch, 12:30 tp 1:00pm... got a call from Wayne, he was 5 minutes behind us.

AFter lunch, we headed to Bernie's shop to pry him away from work and on our way to the island.

Wind was ferocious Friday afternoon, so we decided to hang in the cottage and sample some of the LCBO's finer offerings.

Dinner, stuffed giant pasta shells and chicken cutlets...


Saturday morning arrived with us up at "Bernie" time and on the ice fishing by the crack of 9:00am! LOL

Wayne is into the first fish, not 5 minutes after dropping his line. It was a good day foo all, well except FnS who managed to grab and hold onto that stripped bugger all day. Myself and Rubin each caught 6 for the day, with a couple of nice fish, in the slot released.

Fns prepared a great roast beef dinner for us that night and we enjoyed a quiet evening of Leafs and Wayne stories...

Sunday again, out at the crack of 9:00am, fishing was tougher than Saturday, but FnS busted that stripped bugger and got three, before we had to call it a day at noon...

Rubin brought us many different curries to enjoy, but it was the roti's that were just awesome, that was lunch on Sunday.

I didn't even bring a camera, but who needs to when you have Wayne along! LMAO

I suspect that Wayne and of Will, will add to the report with some pics.

As always Bernie, thanks so much for having us up, always a laugh, great people and a wonderful time.

Biggest regret... I forgot my "my names not Terry" sign!


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LOL Joe! I'll try to get stuff downsized and loaded up later today, just got a call and my laid back and relaxed lasted exactly 24 hours.. I need to be in Toronto tomorrow after lunch. Leah has her truck down there.. Kristal has mine for work each day in Barrie and son is in Toronto 'till Thursday at Queens park. Might be hitchhiking!


My best part... "no Wayne.. don't fish there it's too deep". "no Wayne, you can't catch anything unless you use a minnow". "no Wayne.. don't move your bait.. you'll catch nothing if you move it". Drill two holes.. shovel away the slush.. get the chair comfy... drop the sonar down.. throw a line down and WHAM !!! LMAO !!

Edited by irishfield
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Thanks for the report Joe.

Well done.

It was good to get into a few fish again.

By the way, I caught some too. :)

Great time again!

Glad to have Wayne and Rubin come along this time around.

Never had the time to just sit down and shoot the breeze with Wayne at length before. He really does have some talent. LOL

And Rubin, I threw a bunch of wood on the fire after you left and swept the floor. I think I spotted some dust. :D


I'll enter in a couple pics tonight.

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So much easier unloading on an island when you can drive right to it!! :)




Will so sad to be there...




Looks like we have the lake to ourselves! Don't worry land lovers... 24" of ice !




Less than 5 minutes after putting a line down! Best part.. told.. "no Wayne, don't fish there it's too deep!" and "no Wayne.. you can only catch stuff on minnows"! lol




A shared entry by Joe and Bernie. Bernie's line.. Joe nice enough to grab and reel in!




Biggest blue finned 'eye Bernie has ever seen out there.




Bernie with a little guy.




Big slot Golden for Rubin.



Sorry about the background Will ! Now everyone will be fishing around that white F150!




Joe with a little guy on Sunday.




Bernie and his slick snow plow!



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Thanks for doing up the report Joe, nice recap of the weekend. A great time as always and nice to have a couple of familiar faces join us on this trip. The usual crew was missed....nah. :lol:


Rubin has gone from the title of Goby King to Walleye King as of this weekend, he certainly did very well on Saturday. But than again it doesn't take much to impress a guy that is carrying around a skunk with him. I didn't take many shots at all but here's a couple of Rubin's biggest.






It was great to shake that skunk off on Sunday with a couple of eaters. A very tasty treat.




As always, a great time was had by all. Thank you very much Bernie for having us and putting up with us. Hopefully Rubin's curry dishes cleaned up better than the sophisticated meatballs... :D Wayne, great catching up with you and glad the much need break worked out for you. ;) Rubin and Joe, I hope to see you on the ice soon. Till the next time!!

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Fantastic report guys!!! :good: No matter how many fish were caught....if I was there, I'd have been skunked. LOL


Great seeing all those eyes caught...I cant wait to get there when the soft water opens (and running water and flush toilets! :D )


We were spoiled this trip Cliff, Bernie put a foam seat in the outhouse for us!!! As for the fishing, I think we all agreed it was the best winter trip for numbers and all the fish were walleye. No perch, herring, or pike, although Joe was most likely bit off by a pike. The weather was also very nice and comfortable for a change as well. The spring trip will be here before you know it Cliff. :)



Great pics Wayne!! Bernie, I thought you were going to keep that spot a secret.... :D

Edited by fishnsled
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Rubin set the bar pretty high for you Cliff... biggest fish, most drank and darn if he doesn't grab a broom and dust pan when he has a spare moment... you might have to go hands free with that cell phone in order to work that broom in the spring!

That blue pickereye was a blast to catch on my perch rod! That rod has the back bone of spaghettini cooked el dente! Sure was a cool looking fish.


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Hey Will, on Saturday during your no catch, I remembered a story that my mother read to me when I was a wee tad.

Next time you have a day like that, just go to this link.


Good old Dr.Seuss!! Will certainly keep the one for the next time Bernie....wait a second....I'm hoping there won't be a next time.... :D but I know that there will be, keeps a fishermen humble. ;)

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