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Finding Bigfoot


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So things change as they need to all on their own? Why is it that these days, the average life expectancy is far less than what it used to be? If natural selection only lets the strong survive, then we should all live to be hundreds if not thoasands of years old. Why arent we adapting to be superhumans?

Still no scientific evidence supporting the theory.

1. The universe could not create itself out of nothing. ( logically speaking, from nothing comes nothing)

2. The law of thermodynamics tells us that a system will ALWAYS go from order to disorder unless there is a plan or outside intelligence to organize it.

3. Living things NEVER arise from non - living things. Evolution requires living things to come from nonliving, and this has never even been observed.

4.Complex systems do not evolve "bit by bit". " Its absurd to think that a complex organ like the human eye could be formed through natural processes." Charles Darwin ( even he realized how ridiculous the theory was.

5. Missing links are still missing. If evolution were true, there should be millions of intermediate fossil organisms present in the earth and the fossil record. For some odd reason, not one has ever been found ( or proven)

6. Mutations are contrary to Evolution. Natural selection cannot produce evolution, because its impossible to produce new genetic material.

7. Probability facts are contrary to Evolution. " the chance that life forms might have emerged this way ( time and chance) is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junkyard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therin". (Evolutionist Sir Fred Hoyle)


With all of todays technology, scientist cant find any crossover DNA? Eg no DNA of a mouse in a rabbit etc.

Even if you dont look at the scientific evidence, the entire theory is insane and absurd, and goes against any sort of logic and order.


Once again... If you arent going to address the post, but instead change subject, or the guys that chime in with nothing, then I will assume that Ive made my point, and theres nothin left to say...

I like Rizzos explanation. Take a second to think about it. Make any sense?

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If scientific evidence isn't enough


...I repeat..Piltdown, Nebraska, Lucy etc...this is your evidence. Although I do agree with your statement "that we will agree to disagree" so this is as good a time as any to end it. Good time for me to go get the boat ready for tomorrow!

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I'm trying to conjure arguments, but I fear they will all be met with "ya but why not".


If scientific evidence isn't enough, we will have to agree to disagree.


Nice dodge.... Dont worry about your fear of " ya but why not" I think the points I listed earlier (which you refuse to acknowledge) are scientific enough to prove that your entire theory is flawed. ( its based on science, not creationism, so take a minute to read it.)

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What rod caster? You think all science is flawed?

Dont take my words and try to twist them into something else. I neve once said that it proves that all science is flawed. But thanks for your 2 cents.


Your words:

"I think the points I listed earlier (which you refuse to acknowledge) are scientific enough to prove that your entire theory is flawed"


By suggesting the entire big bang theory is flawed then you are also admitting the same to a large portion of science itself. You either believe in the merit of science or you don't... Otherwise you're just selecting the parts that make you happy or fit your own agenda.

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Correct. Nice of you to change your words. I do believe that a large portion of science is flawed. And you take every piece of science (theory) as hard truth? Than you are extremely gullible. Where is the science proving it happened? And you dont have an answer to my list of points previously mentioned do you?

We are talking about theorys here, not proven facts

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I heard somwhere that the world is round now not flat?

I heard that the universe was started by some big bang?

I also heard that great civilisations were based on progresive science and a basic acceptance of a God or Gods?

I also heard somwhere that Canada is based on the basic princaple of free beliefs and the acceptance of all races regardless of religion?

I also heard somwhere that OFC is a fourm devoted to outdoor activities?



I also managed to pick up a 12'6" shimano convergence because Im intrested in trying my hand at steelheads not becuase a scientist or God told me to ....

Any sudjestions on a decent reel?

Or should I consult a scientist or a God.?


Honestly I think this is by far the most rediculous thread (topic) I have seen on OFC!


I hope it gets locked soon.

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Correct. Nice of you to change your words. I do believe that a large portion of science is flawed. And you take every piece of science (theory) as hard truth? Than you are extremely gullible. Where is the science proving it happened? And you dont have an answer to my list of points previously mentioned do you?

We are talking about theorys here, not proven facts

Go learn what a theory means in science, gravity is a theory do you question it too? you can question evolution all you want but is scientifically proven time and time again, no serious scientist questions evolution those that do are on the fringe and laughed at by the rest of their professions.

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I heard somwhere that the world is round now not flat?

I heard that the universe was started by some big bang?

I also heard that great civilisations were based on progresive science and a basic acceptance of a God or Gods?

I also heard somwhere that Canada is based on the basic princaple of free beliefs and the acceptance of all races regardless of religion?

I also heard somwhere that OFC is a fourm devoted to outdoor activities?



I also managed to pick up a 12'6" shimano convergence because Im intrested in trying my hand at steelheads not becuase a scientist or God told me to ....

Any sudjestions on a decent reel?

Or should I consult a scientist or a God.?


Honestly I think this is by far the most rediculous thread (topic) I have seen on OFC!


I hope it gets locked soon.


You don't have to read it...

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I don't take all science as hard truth, I accept that theories somethimes evolve as research, education and technology advances. You believe the 6000 year old thing and I'm the one who's gullible?


I don't have the time or qualifications to go through your list... Sorry.

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I love the reasoning here. " theres scientific proof" etc. yet no one has posted any concrete evidence to back up their theories. Scientist that dont believe in Creationism have to keep saying that everything is here because of Evolution( even though its proven otherwise) because they refuse to believe the other explanation.

And Saltydawg. Did the person who forced you to read this thread hurt you too? You took the time to write some stuff, then go on about how ridiculous it is.

"I hope it gets locked soon". Heres a suggestion. Dont read the thread.

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And I read them and pointed you to Dawkins. He is all over YouTube.


He speaks on the topic far more eloquently than I.


Dawkins is just another televangelist Sinclair, and if thats the name you want to continue to espouse, then you lose alot of credibility IMO. Hes using the fundamentalist model to "convert" as many people as he can to make a boatload of money. His youtube piece reading hatemail is pretty funny though. I'll give you that. Hitchins was at least an entertaining option if thats your point of view.

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I was wondering which sect of Christianity doesn't take the holy sacrament? I was under the impression that all of the major sects do since they all evolved from the roman catholic church.


Since you say that a large part of science is flawed, how do you differentiate between flawed science and science that works?


Also does the same apply to the bible, or is the bible flawless?

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