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Finding Bigfoot


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Really? ever heard of carbon dating?

Yes, ive heard of carbon dating. It was invented in 1949. The theory that the earth is billions of years old has been around since the 1830s ( only based on evolution in the 1830s, with no technology or science backing it.

So why in the 1830s did they think billions of years was no carbon dating to support the theory? Because they needed billions of years to hide behind or the theory of evolution would sound ridiculous...

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^^Is sand or air not physical? building is still there, just in a different form.

So if we leave the pile of rebar , cement and windows long enough, eventually it can rebuild itself, or turn into something better even.

Ya, that seems logical and theres evidence of it happening all the time.,

Cmon.. Really? You cant actually admit that thats possible can you?

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So if we leave the pile of rebar , cement and windows long enough, eventually it can rebuild itself, or turn into something better even.

Ya, that seems logical and theres evidence of it happening all the time.,

Cmon.. Really? You cant actually admit that thats possible can you?


Well, over millions of years the windows would get ground up, the cement would crumble and even the rebar over time would deteriorate, it may take billions of years but eventually it would get turned into the centre of the earth again, melt and maybe come back up as new rock. No it would not become a building again, but WE made that building, it never just appeared.

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There was this show I saw a few times, something about what happens to civilizations and buildings esp, if man were out of the picture and time and nature had at the structures man had made. Like Christopher said, EVERYTHING would eventually return to the earth. The timeline would make our lives seem like a speck of dirt but it would happen.


All this will be pointless after Dec 21 ;)

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So if we leave the pile of rebar , cement and windows long enough, eventually it can rebuild itself, or turn into something better even.

Ya, that seems logical and theres evidence of it happening all the time.,

Cmon.. Really? You cant actually admit that thats possible can you?

I have seen "I Dream of Jeannie" and am confused. I thought everyone knew the creation of the universe stemmed from magic and witchcraft.


That sounds ludicrous.


I will self impose punishment for adding to the ridiculousness of winternet. Off the the garage!

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Actually I believe that it's religion that says that things "appear". Evolution says that things change as they need to, just as if you need a pencil you'll go get one, right?

So things change as they need to all on their own? Why is it that these days, the average life expectancy is far less than what it used to be? If natural selection only lets the strong survive, then we should all live to be hundreds if not thoasands of years old. Why arent we adapting to be superhumans?

Still no scientific evidence supporting the theory.

1. The universe could not create itself out of nothing. ( logically speaking, from nothing comes nothing)

2. The law of thermodynamics tells us that a system will ALWAYS go from order to disorder unless there is a plan or outside intelligence to organize it.

3. Living things NEVER arise from non - living things. Evolution requires living things to come from nonliving, and this has never even been observed.

4.Complex systems do not evolve "bit by bit". " Its absurd to think that a complex organ like the human eye could be formed through natural processes." Charles Darwin ( even he realized how ridiculous the theory was.

5. Missing links are still missing. If evolution were true, there should be millions of intermediate fossil organisms present in the earth and the fossil record. For some odd reason, not one has ever been found ( or proven)

6. Mutations are contrary to Evolution. Natural selection cannot produce evolution, because its impossible to produce new genetic material.

7. Probability facts are contrary to Evolution. " the chance that life forms might have emerged this way ( time and chance) is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junkyard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therin". (Evolutionist Sir Fred Hoyle)


With all of todays technology, scientist cant find any crossover DNA? Eg no DNA of a mouse in a rabbit etc.

Even if you dont look at the scientific evidence, the entire theory is insane and absurd, and goes against any sort of logic and order.

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Don't forget Intelligent Design as a way to make Creationism look more palatable.


No disrespect to those who believe we were created by an omnipotent being but I'd sooner believe that earth and it's inhabitants are a petrie dish experiment by another more intelligent form of life.

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Don't forget Intelligent Design as a way to make Creationism look more palatable.


No disrespect to those who believe we were created by an omnipotent being but I'd sooner believe that earth and it's inhabitants are a petrie dish experiment by another more intelligent form of life.


I often imagine that, lol!

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You hid it on the nose Knuguy. Creationism is the most absurd of the explanations, also assuming that your theory is correct, how did everything start? A beam of light shined down and everything appeared?


I respect your opinion. And I also see how it sounds absurd. Im not going to post how I believe it all happened, because you already know the basics. ( i dont really need this to turn into a religion bashing seminar, which is what creationism is based on. Evolution is a theory, not a religion. If there are flaws in the Creation theory, then feel free to point them out. Im not a scientist, or Theologin, but I was given common sense, and the ability to reason. Take one small piece of the human body (eyes, fingers, etc anything) and see how intricate and complex they are. To think that they just became that way on their own as a result of some explosion... Well you know the drill.

Im not expecting you to agree with me ( but I know there are more on the site that do). I think good discussion is healthy, ( and entertaining)

Instead of just chiming in to say that Creationism is absurd, maybe you would like to look at my list of evolution myths, and point out where Im wrong....

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I'm not bashing any religion and really the only reason I'm on here is because I'm bored out of my head, but the whole reason for religion being created is to explain things that were mysterious. For example Zeus was CREATED to explain things like lightning, but we now know the reason for lightning so there is no need for him anymore. One thing religion is exceedingly good at is teaching, not necessarily what it teaches but the methods used to teach are very, very effective.

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