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Someone Fishing Out Of Season


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Well I was out today taking the dog for a little run in the bush and on my way home I wanted to check out a local river (small trib.) and see if there were still any salmon around . The spot I go to is close to the road and last week there was about 10 salmon darting around in this pool , well any way as I approach the river I see a truck parked there and this is not uncommon due to people stopping to watch the salmon do there thing or even maybe a turkey hunter so as I slowly drive by I see this guy come out of the bush with a fishing rod in hand and a backpack and he seemed to be in a hurry !

Well I put the truck in reverse and backed up , when I got up to him I advised him that this river was closed to fishing and of course he gives me the "Really ,not even for salmon. I had no idea" remark <_< So I advised him to brush up on his reading skills and check out the regulations , I also told him that the MNR patrol this area quite frequently(which they do) and he is lucky I seen him and not them .

Anyways that is my good deed for the day even though this turkey will probably be at it again in a couple days .

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Thats really all we can do....Educate.I am a member of a local Facebook Fishing group, and shortly after i joined, i noticed many of the members posting OOS fish and poor handleing. They now call me Ranger Paul, and no longer do that any more.ninja.gif

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Ooh the stories, Sunday I told a guy there is a sign , you can't fish 60 yrd from the dam... He game me the ooh , really? And didn't move on, plus the other 6 guys at the dam, and the guy in the middle of the river with a dip net and no rod, the guys with the flashlights... Etc... It makes me sick, we need more CO,s ESP on the weekends how is this still an issue in 2012 hire more freakin officers or train toronto police/ Durham/peel etc to enforce and ticked the losers!!!!!!!! :angry:ooh and the guy with the compound bow on the H shooting salmon. And the guy who cuts open hens and takes their entire skein and leaves the fish to lay there alive with her roe cut out, I had to cut the grills myself With I could cut the guys gills who is doing this...

Edited by azebra
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And what about the person who cuts open hens takes their skiens and leaves then to die? Why can't there be more conservation officers? I've had to put down two hens this year that I walked up on that we're alive with their gut sliced open so the a hole angler can keep ALL her roe,,, and not even cut her gills open, so they were just trying to swim, I'm sure it must be hard with no functioning internals and a gaping hole in your belly... Where are the Co's?

I might start taking legalities in my own hands, I.e break poachers rods. Find the fish slasher and slash him and leave him to swim for as long as they can before a good person comes and puts them outta their misery, where are the CO's?..... If there is a CO on here come out and talk about the lack of you people esp on the weekends when the majority of the goof offs come out and play\poach does any one read these posts? Does any one care? Maybe fishing should be banned in ontario maybe just southern ontario because we have all these arse hole poacher snaggers flashlight fishers gut slashing murderers and roe stealers so they can snag another....... If you want roe. ,gently rub the belly of the hen and she'll squirt eggs! Don't cut her skein out nd leave her alive cut her gills and take her meat too......... Cut off prt of your fat ass fisherman belly and see how you feel! "Every bad word in the world" :devil:

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Ban all roe angling and make all anglers wear their current fishing licence on the outside of their clothing (the first regulation would follow the rest of Canada and the second is the law is some US states). With those two new rules that would be implemented with zero cost there would be lots of "self policing" among anglers and the major reason for poaching would be gone. Loogans and their bait fishing ways have always been a plague especially around Bronte and the Humber but nothing is ever done to address it. It not only looks bad it IS bad. Time river anglers to stop being hackers and learn to fish with alternative baits even if it's just for the optics (which it is not).

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Ban all roe angling and make all anglers wear their current fishing licence on the outside of their clothing (the first regulation would follow the rest of Canada and the second is the law is some US states). With those two new rules that would be implemented with zero cost there would be lots of "self policing" among anglers and the major reason for poaching would be gone. Loogans and their bait fishing ways have always been a plague especially around Bronte and the Humber but nothing is ever done to address it. It not only looks bad it IS bad. Time river anglers to stop being hackers and learn to fish with alternative baits even if it's just for the optics (which it is not).


Same drivel over and over again. At least it's good for a laugh!

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Thats really all we can do....Educate.I am a member of a local Facebook Fishing group, and shortly after i joined, i noticed many of the members posting OOS fish and poor handleing. They now call me Ranger Paul, and no longer do that any more.ninja.gif



Every spring whenever I go onto my facebook and one of my friends has a pic of a big OOS bass he caught off it's spawning bed, it ticks me off soo much, and really, I have no choice but to keep my mouth shut about it.. Theres one guy I know who had a picture of a steelie he "speared under a bridge!" I talked to him about that one..

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And what about the person who cuts open hens takes their skiens and leaves then to die? Why can't there be more conservation officers? I've had to put down two hens this year that I walked up on that we're alive with their gut sliced open so the a hole angler can keep ALL her roe,,, and not even cut her gills open, so they were just trying to swim, I'm sure it must be hard with no functioning internals and a gaping hole in your belly... Where are the Co's?

I might start taking legalities in my own hands, I.e break poachers rods. Find the fish slasher and slash him and leave him to swim for as long as they can before a good person comes and puts them outta their misery, where are the CO's?..... If there is a CO on here come out and talk about the lack of you people esp on the weekends when the majority of the goof offs come out and play\poach does any one read these posts? Does any one care? Maybe fishing should be banned in ontario maybe just southern ontario because we have all these arse hole poacher snaggers flashlight fishers gut slashing murderers and roe stealers so they can snag another....... If you want roe. ,gently rub the belly of the hen and she'll squirt eggs! Don't cut her skein out nd leave her alive cut her gills and take her meat too......... Cut off prt of your fat ass fisherman belly and see how you feel! "Every bad word in the world" :devil:



If you want roe. ,gently rub the belly of the hen and she'll release eggs!


Milking Fish is illegal in Ontario. :)

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And if we all kept all our mouths shut nothing would ever ever ever happen! where's the CO?

I could have given 15+ tickets besides the indefinite confiscation of rod and reel and tackle to those non law biding shouldn't be legal should be dead poacher SNAGGER roe cutting flashlight dip Ned bow fishing for salmon poacher anglers.... Dot dot dot dot dot :devil: :devil: :devil::angry: :angry: :angry::wub::angry::asshat: :asshat: :asshat::worthy: :worthy: :worthy::wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash::blahblah1: :blahblah1: :blahblah1: Happy fishing for all who care to fish not poach :Gonefishing:

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Every spring whenever I go onto my facebook and one of my friends has a pic of a big OOS bass he caught off it's spawning bed, it ticks me off soo much, and really, I have no choice but to keep my mouth shut about it.. Theres one guy I know who had a picture of a steelie he "speared under a bridge!" I talked to him about that one..


Ya i hear you....It was crazy.....Most had no cluewallbash.gif But they DO NOWdevil.gif .

The whole place has been cleared up, and now the members know the regs and police themselves.

My work is doneangel.png

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If you want roe. ,gently rub the belly of the hen and she'll cum eggs!


Milking Fish is illegal in Ontario. :)



Great I don't use roe,, so I don't know how to take it all I know is when the NMR takes it they milk them not gut them.. I use artificial bait and have the utmost success, all I know is what I saw was illegal and inhuman e inanimalmane

And let's put figures out there say..... 3 out of 15 anglers were legit float spinning fly anglers the others with bows dip nets machetes treble hooks 80lb braid and a tuna rod..... Aaahhhhi wanna scream and some of you still have the tenacity to giggle at this... S c r e w y o u

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For bill m and Daley b sure you both have heard this argument/outrage before, but bill, I'm sure you have heard it a million times being a seasoned angler and it makes you laugh, but like Dave's said, let it be heard in other words. The loudest... I don't want to be the loudest buti sure will make a comment on what goes on, considering there is approximately a 3 percent reply rate to the views, hopefully some people out there will have a little more conservation, fish friendly, people friendly state of mind. Sure the poachers will poach and the sun will rise.. But we need to be a group, a family of happy law biding anglers who enjoy the fishing just as equal as the catching and leave it at that... If you have to snag or net a salmon any where in the river by the dam or else where..your a loser who should be fined.

My girlfriend was using a dry fly of all and had a chinook rise and eat that bugger, I rolled my eyes when she took it outta my box, but she said "you never use it" " only in the summer" Literally a few drifts later.... Gulp! She lost it because the hook bent, it's had one to many Brooke's on it.... Slowish that, you can catch fish with out doing it illegally... :)

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I think the lack of entusiasm IS because we have heard it all before.We cant do a thing about what YOU saw. Educate first. Then call the MNR hotline. Then you have done all that you can do. Simple as that.

In the mean time, neither you nor anyone of us will lose any sleep because of what you saw.dunno.gif

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Milking Fish is illegal in Ontario. :)


No it's not... If you milk a fish and release it, those eggs count towards 1 fish of your daily limit..


azebra: I'm done listening to people that make it their goal in life to bash anyone that fishes roe.. Having some holier then thou attitude all the while hiding behind a computer screen and spewing insults like some keyboard cowboy.. I like fishing with roe, I make sure that when I do gather roe I'm doing it from systems that won't be impacted by my actions (hence the reason I go stateside and gather roe from a bunch of Lake O stockers)... As far as conservation is concerned, you'll be hard pressed to ever find a fish in my freezer. I think last year I kept a total of 2 small shakers from a Lake Huron trib for the old man.. Other then that, I'm 100% catch and release. I can't even eat the wrong word things (I'm allergic).. I'm strictly in this for the love of the sport, nothing else.

Edited by BillM
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Fishing should never be made more difficult.


If you choose to use beads , fly's, plastic I'm happy for you.


What I would like to know from you "Is how many people you seen harvesting a salmon for eating and future fishing". I really have no interest in that small percentage with low morals.

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Milking a fish is legal but it not only counts for your daily limit it counts toward your possession limit. This is where the poaching issue raises it's ugly head. This means that if you carry brown roe and steelhead roe, or the roe from 2 browns or 2 rainbows or you have roe from 2 trout in the freezer and you then milk a trout or keep a trout you are over your limit and are a poacher. I would say this issue applies to about 99% of the roe anglers out there and they are over most of the time. Naturally there is no enforcement so its a case of being ethical which means that the roe crowd can break the law with impunity and slap each other on the back while they strip out the future for one form of bait. Or like Bill M go to another jurisdiction such as Pennsylvania or New York and strip out their future. Well done Bill well done.

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Milking a fish is legal but it not only counts for your daily limit it counts toward your possession limit. This is where the poaching issue raises it's ugly head. This means that if you carry brown roe and steelhead roe, or the roe from 2 browns or 2 rainbows or you have roe from 2 trout in the freezer and you then milk a trout or keep a trout you are over your limit and are a poacher. I would say this issue applies to about 99% of the roe anglers out there and they are over most of the time. Naturally there is no enforcement so its a case of being ethical which means that the roe crowd can break the law with impunity and slap each other on the back while they strip out the future for one form of bait. Or like Bill M go to another jurisdiction such as Pennsylvania or New York and strip out their future. Well done Bill well done.


I would love to see the statistics on natural reproduction in the river that Bill is talking about... I would wager that something 1-3 percent actually spawn.


There is a reason they dump millions of fish into NY tribs, they built dams a mile from the lake on all of them.


Fish with roe, don't fish with roe, eat salmons, don't eat salmons...


As long as everyone stays within their limit then that's that. If you're looking to harass anyone head up north and watch the "locals" stringer their limit every single day.


If Bill is a poacher for keeping one or two fish a year, I guess I'm a poacher too...

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Or like Bill M go to another jurisdiction such as Pennsylvania or New York and strip out their future. Well done Bill well done.


You're not stupid enough to think those fish actually successfully reproduce do you? Or perhaps I'm giving you too much credit.

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Reproduction on the US side is not as good as here, but, being among the most adaptable fish, those trout do reproduce AND as any smart person knows trout spawn multiple times not just once like Pacific Salmon. So by killing them you eliminate their life and the opportunity to be caught multiple times on multiple runs, all so the angler has free bait. In addition the collection of roe becomes the basis for virtually all the loogan behavior you see on the river.


Every bait angler has their own particular spin on why it's ethical for them to collect hens for the eggs but everyone else is a jerk for the way they collect their stringer of fish for food, trophies whatever. Bottom line is that roe fishing is part of the traditional methodologies like trot lines, jug fishing, spearing, snatching, bleaching etc. They are all very effective at getting the stringer filled up but are also unsustainable and unsporting. They are also methods that are illegal in all of Canada except Ontario.

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