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Racially motivated attack on angler


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No one is suggesting we ignore crime.


No one is suggesting we ignore if crimes are being targetted at a specific race.


WE ARE suggesting that popularizing the term was in poor taste and judgement.





Sure am.


This is something that a lot of editors struggle with - do you present the story as honestly and unadorned as possible, or do you dress it up, water it down, sugar-coat it, etc. to make it more palatable to the readership? It's clear that a lot of people don't like that phrase, myself included, and I took great offense to the suggestion that perhaps I do. I probably should have took that comment to mean that I support the use of the phrase in print.


I don't believe that a responsible journalist or media editor would allow that phrase to be published unless it was a significant part of the story. Do I believe that printing it somehow "popularizes" the term? Absolutely not. If it casts a spotlight on the kind of ignorant, hateful lowlifes that commit such actions, than I believe it does far more good than harm. Failing to acknowledge that these attitudes are out in the world does a lot more to encourage this kind of behavior than the mere reporting of the use of an offensive term by people who are commiting far more offensive acts.


Anyway, my bucket is red. But nobody's tipped me in the water yet.

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so you like the term nipper tipping

cause that was the only thing he was referring to

again some young punk that had nothing to do with the crime coined the phrase and the media ran with it..I think what is disgusting is the media repeating this disgusting phrase and making it part or our lives.....


reporting the crime is a good thing, trying to make it look like everyone from Georgina is running around burning crosses and attacking radical groups is silly


I don't think the media was trying to make everyone from the area in question guilt of racism, but there was an investigation conducted by the Ontario Human Rights Commission. I haven't had a chance to find the physical report yet, but here is a snippet I found interesting.


"The commission received more than 30 responses after setting up a hotline to gather information about attacks on anglers in southern and central Ontario.


Most of the submissions came from the Lake Simcoe, Peterborough and Rideau Locks areas.


According to the commission, Asian anglers were subjected to racial slurs and stone throwing. In some cases, their fishing equipment was destroyed and they were physically attacked."


sorry but that is a joke

read a story in the sun then the same story in the star


they make up the news to suit their point of view, well at lest twist it to suit them


The Sun is easily the most ridiculous media corporation in North America. Have you ever watched Sun News TV? It's a joke, it's like Fox News. I often rely on newspaper articles for basic information and then do research myself to form my own opinion.


It's a good thing you blew up the size of your "proof" statement, I may have missed it. I forgot to quote my earlier statement about how are we are sure that 1 of the 2 pushed into the water were white. The video you linked to was about the victim who suffered brain damage. He could have simple been in the car with his friends and may have not been the one pushed into the water. It is my understanding that there were 2 fishermen of Asian heritage fishing with a couple buddies, and 2 of the group were pushed in. There is no mention, to my knowledge who, besides the driver was pushed into the water. But thank you for enlarging the size of your response, it made sure I didn't miss it! :D

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I carry my white buckets in my 20ft fully loaded bass boat. Most of my friends have the same fully rigged bass boats with white buckets.


We all learned the same thing, you repeatably use your live well for crappie perch and it stinks real bad.


I find this whole subject disgusting.

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See I never went the bucket route


My fav method as a young man was break off a willow branch and run the specks through the gills and out the mouth


Easy to carry to the next hole


Ahh nostalgia again---sorry to interrupt---I'll wait my turn :whistling:

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Just out of curiosity, how do you know that one of the 2 guys pushed into the water were white? I know a couple of their names sound caucasian, but I know a few Asian-Canadian friends with "John Smith" type names. I obviously wasn't there, but I for one rely on what I read and critically analyze in situations such as these. Based on the evidence presented in court it was determined that the actions of the convicted demonstrated a racially motivated attack, but not to the level that would cause hate crime legislation to be applied.


I fully agree that no person has the right to attack another person, but I'm not sure how you can determine this situation to be pure propaganda.



I don't think the media was trying to make everyone from the area in question guilt of racism, but there was an investigation conducted by the Ontario Human Rights Commission. I haven't had a chance to find the physical report yet, but here is a snippet I found interesting.


"The commission received more than 30 responses after setting up a hotline to gather information about attacks on anglers in southern and central Ontario.


Most of the submissions came from the Lake Simcoe, Peterborough and Rideau Locks areas.


According to the commission, Asian anglers were subjected to racial slurs and stone throwing. In some cases, their fishing equipment was destroyed and they were physically attacked."




The Sun is easily the most ridiculous media corporation in North America. Have you ever watched Sun News TV? It's a joke, it's like Fox News. I often rely on newspaper articles for basic information and then do research myself to form my own opinion.


It's a good thing you blew up the size of your "proof" statement, I may have missed it. I forgot to quote my earlier statement about how are we are sure that 1 of the 2 pushed into the water were white. The video you linked to was about the victim who suffered brain damage. He could have simple been in the car with his friends and may have not been the one pushed into the water. It is my understanding that there were 2 fishermen of Asian heritage fishing with a couple buddies, and 2 of the group were pushed in. There is no mention, to my knowledge who, besides the driver was pushed into the water. But thank you for enlarging the size of your response, it made sure I didn't miss it! :D


first I was wrong it was an asian with a white name now it's a friend in the car..give me a break..


and if I can find the info, if I remember right. 7 people were pushed into the lake that day and 2 of them were Asian the rest were of other races and yes they did insult each one as they were pushed and did use racial remarks on visible races ..it's what drunken morons do.


but as of yet I can't back up these facts...

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it seems to be pretty carried away here bottom line the guy purposely laid seige on a vehicle severly injuring the other parties not once numerous times you call it whatever you want i call him a menace he deserves a long sentence and i think the family of the severly injured individual needs to sue him into oblivion a most ridiculous sentence in my opinion and nowhere near fits the crime regarless of the situation he is a puke and needs to pay!!!!!



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I have tried not to open this thread BUT!!! . As a friend of the Berwick's , someone who watched Shayne grow from a baby to a man and now sadly back to baby . No Terry I do not get my info from the papers ,T.V. etc. I got it from Shayne , Charlie and Ruohang , when Shayne came to his friends aid that night the first punches were aimed at him as "What's a good white boy doing out with these ,I will use the word asians , not the word that was used that night . Allso forgotten is Middleton is a pro motocycle racer , one who knows how to handle motor vehicals at high speeds Ruohang was just a scared kid who was trying to ecape a further beating , and poor Shayne was just a great guy out for a nights fishing with his asian buddys .. NOW !!!! . To just put this off as some Drunk kids is to just send a message to all the drunk kids , do what you want a few months in jail is nothing , BUT WHAT ABOUT Shayne's jail . OR his parents , his father is/was a pillar of the community , donateing his time teaching , coaching hockey at our local rink etc. etc. now he spends his time careing for Shayne . Im out of here , sorry but this is way to close to home and to think that no one will pay for this night but the GOOD GUYS ... SAD SAD


Im sorry to the op but I am asking the mods before this gets out of hand and further soils the Berwicks pain by just forgetting someone a real PERSON was serious hurt that night and will never be the same , a young life ruined , and making this into a "it wasnt racist" , it was raciest.

Edited by capt bruce
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and it is sad



but all of that does not change the fact that the media hid as much as possible the fact that the main victim was white...made for a better story


and that I was one of maybe 2 or 3 people reading this thread that knew he was white


it was a terrible crime....

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I have tried not to open this thread BUT!!! . As a friend of the Berwick's , someone who watched Shayne grow from a baby to a man and now sadly back to baby . No Terry I do not get my info from the papers ,T.V. etc. I got it from Shayne , Charlie and Ruohang , when Shayne came to his friends aid that night the first punches were aimed at him as "What's a good white boy doing out with these ,I will use the word asians , not the word that was used that night . Allso forgotten is Middleton is a pro motocycle racer , one who knows how to handle motor vehicals at high speeds Ruohang was just a scared kid who was trying to ecape a further beating , and poor Shayne was just a great guy out for a nights fishing with his asian buddys .. NOW !!!! . To just put this off as some Drunk kids is to just send a message to all the drunk kids , do what you want a few months in jail is nothing , BUT WHAT ABOUT Shayne's jail . OR his parents , his father is/was a pillar of the community , donateing his time teaching , coaching hockey at our local rink etc. etc. now he spends his time careing for Shayne . Im out of here , sorry but this is way to close to home and to think that no one will pay for this night but the GOOD GUYS ... SAD SAD


Im sorry to the op but I am asking the mods before this gets out of hand and further soils the Berwicks pain by just forgetting someone a real PERSON was serious hurt that night and will never be the same , a young life ruined , and making this into a "it wasnt racist" , it was raciest.

So sorry for your pain Bruce... as well as the pain being endured by the many victums of this crime...


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and it is sad



but all of that does not change the fact that the media hid as much as possible the fact that the main victim was white...made for a better story


and that I was one of maybe 2 or 3 people reading this thread that knew he was white


it was a terrible crime....



The victim ,shall we say the Casualty of the CAR CHRASH was white , all in the car were hurt but not as bad as Shayne, BUT THE VICTIMS OF THE , AND IT WAS , CUT AND DRIED , racist attack were all asians,the car chase was a result of the RACIST ATTACK ,not the attack . Enough .

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Having fished all my life, have seen a type of racism or whatever you want to call it directed at people of Asian descent. When going by a causeway; folks would be filling buckets with panfish or whatever they caught.

Sometimes they weren't following rules for whatever reason. There would be racist assumptions that is the reality.


The solution is... i dunno?


Maybe better education for all around.



Proper observation of rules for some. Proper channeling of resentment for some others.

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The victim ,shall we say the Casualty of the CAR CHRASH was white , all in the car were hurt but not as bad as Shayne, BUT THE VICTIMS OF THE , AND IT WAS , CUT AND DRIED , racist attack were all asians,the car chase was a result of the RACIST ATTACK ,not the attack . Enough .


And that, to me, is the point.


It's an absolute tragedy that someone was seriously injured and his life forever altered as a result of this ridiculous nonsense (condolences to your friends, Bruce). And yes, the victim in this case was white. But was he the intended target of the attack? Judging by the OP and by Bruce's recount of the event, it seems not.


The fact that it was a Caucasian who was injured in the attack doesn't mitigate or nullify in any way the motivation for the attack in the first place. If it had just been three white guys fishing, who knows if there would have even been an incident to report?

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well it doesn't take away the fact that it was a crime where the punishment was way to soft


but the opinions of family and friends hold very little weight in court..it's known to be bias, emotional and unreliable and that's way the crouwn never puts them on the stand until the sentencing portion of the trial.


who knows maybe it was racially motivated,I know that when I first heard of this crime was outraged and wanted stiffer sentences for hate crimes.



read and watched the news about this story, close to my home stomping grounds.

then I heard the kid who said nipper tipping was just someone a reporter was interviewing for local flavour in the next town, he didn't know any of the people involved , he didn't know anyone that had ever done it

here were no reports in the area of it happening....the story lost some credibility


then someone told me the guy with brain damage was white, I laughed, as if


but after a lot of research I one one report that showed he was in fact white...people here thought I was full of it..but it made me wonder about the story


then I am told there were 7 people pushed into the water only 2 of them asian ..the story was breaking down


a cop at a party was saying they were feeling pressure to go the hate crime route .....

a couple of special interest groups gain creditability and a seat on the police board


so it was the straw that broke the camels back..........why were people lying and omitting things in this case

either to hype the story or to make a case that really wasn't there...




what the truth is, I don't know, but lying does not help their case..

I will say no more

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The motivation for the attack was blatantly racist. This was even echoed in the Appeal to have the sentance lowered. The appeal was turned down in part because of the fact that it was a racially motivated crime.

I have personally seen, heard and have had happen to racism while fishing on the lake and on shore. I have even seen in person people that post on this very forum act out in a racist manour towards asians.

To try and push this off as some good old boys just getting a bit stupid when they got drunk is skirting the facts. The fact that the young man that got seriously injured was white is irrelevant. The motive, and the reason for the attack to have started from the begining was due to the racist punks that did what they did.

As far as terminolgoy being racist or not, people use terms that they don't realize are racist all the time. Like itis. I have heard lots of people say "oh man that was some serious turkey, I got the itis for sure" However it is in fact a racial slur against black people. The term white bucket brigade is clearly a racist insult and jab against asian that fish from shore. So make joke all you want about blck buckets or yellow buckets or whatever rainbow you wish, you can do so now knowing that the majority of decent humans on the earth know that you are just painting yourself as an ignorant racist. Why not use the correct terminolgy and call them shore fisherman? Is that so hard? Does it hurt you? Sometimes being a little bit pollitically correct is the right thing to do.

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"then someone told me the guy with brain damage was white, I laughed, as if ...."


When I was told the "GUY" , his name is SHAYNE, and he was a great person someone you would want to marry your daughter , NOT THE GUY!!!, When I was told it was him ,I CRYED . You do not want to see what is the truth .. The guys had spread out (i know all asians fish in each others laps and cross their lines etc. etc. .but who would have thought these guys spread out . The 2 that were pushed into the water (nipper tiped) were people closest to the parking , BOTH WHERE ASIAN .When Shayne heard a splash and saw his buddys being attacked he reeled in and made his way to the trouble , (why you say 7 people where pushed into lake ?? is this all along the lake shore??not at this location ONLY TWO, Shayne would not have even been involved , I.E as no one approched him , but he was with his friends asian friends , so what, he tryed to help , when punches and kicks came to play he and the GOOD GUYS ran for their lifes , got into the car and tried to get away , Middleton with his driveing skills chased them down and ran them into a tree ..TERRY please this was a bunch of Simcoe kids who have NO RESPECT FOR THE FISH etc. etc. just a bunch of RACIST kids hitting on the NIP***** . You know it dude I expected so much more from you ... And yes TERRY I am bias , but IM not STUPID I call A SPADE A SPADE and this was just out and out Systemic

racist Behavior and must be Punished as SUCH ...

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I emphasize with Shayne's family capt bruce, and all others affected by the attack.


I'm finished discussing this issue as Terry continually shows a lack of compassion or understanding of the issues. He seems to want to believe this was not a racially motivated attack regardless of the facts and it seems he is trying to make excuses for what happened. I for one am surprised at his lack of respect for others in this thread and the underlying racial tone of some of his posts here.


I'm going to ask for this thread to be locked.

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