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An Evening with Dave Mercer


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As part of the fifth annual Water Gathering, a yearly event presented by community partners to promote the protection and preservation of our natural waterways, the city had Dave over to give a FREE seminar.





He was proceeded by an Ecology / Fisheries Professor who outlined a bit about what species we have up here and why they are here. It was pretty interesting but very "lecture" like lol.


Here's Dave thanking the professor....




I've only seen Dave speak at the Subway Venues, which have alot of "production" but I have to say, having Dave up there and alone "unplugged" was really really funny. And even I, as great a fisherman as I am, learned a couple of things.




Dave was very interactive with the crowd, and I tell ya he knows how to handle heckler... lol.


This lady's husband couldn't make it to the seminar, so he sent her .. she took notes for him all night long... Dave had fun with her.




Dave was showing the audience a proper jigging technique.. using this gentleman as a .. well.. backboard.. lol...




Afterwards, he signed autographs with the fans and waited until he spoke with everyone. There was this one girl there, who was quite vocal.. very interested in Tourney fishing and she was from Field. Now not alot of people know this but Field is indeed the name of a small town just north of Sturgeon Falls. I think the best quote of the night was when he asked her where she was from and she said "Field" ... Dumfounded Dave looked at her and said.. wow... "I'm from House!" It was pretty funny at the time!


I tired to get a good picture of her, but she wouldn't stop talking lol..





Before he ended, he threw out ton's of tackle and hats to the crowd, lol.. even calling out a guy who grabbed two lures.




Like I said afterwards he spent time with everyone who wanted to talk, including this very last guy who shared his secret weapon rig with Dave. Dave's telling him to put it away as I was snapping pictures!




I had a bit of a laugh, when the guy waited till every one was gone, came up and said I'm so and so from Onaping and have a present for you and proceeded to pull out this ziplock bag... for a minute there.... well you know...


We had brought Randy with us and got his pic with Dave before we came home with sore sides from laughing so much.




I have to give out Kudos to the City of Greater Sudbury and especially Stehen Monet who is the Manager of Environmental Planning Initiatives, Growth and Development for getting Dave up here and making the connection between Anglers and Conservation. I know most anglers are conservation minded, but ill bet that not many in that audience would be at the gathering with out Dave having brought them in.

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Dave put on a great & very funny show ! He was pretty patient with an older man , this guy would disagree with almost everything Dave said and was kinda getting on my nerves, some lady was actually taking notes for her husband , Dave poked clean fun at her all night .....he took time to listen to all questions and answer them clearly... he gave special attention to a few little 5 yr old girls , all I have to say about Dave is that once again he's a class act..... and a class act that is 80 lbs lighter , congrats Dave!


A special Thank You to two more class acts T.J. and Monique for letting me hitch a ride to Sudbury.


I had a great time .



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LOL.. for a change I WASNT the belligerent one!!



Ya RIGHT,,,, :rofl2:


Good on Dave for making the trip up north. He is one funny guy.

To add.He has lost some major weight. Those hog smallies, are going to be setting the hook on him.Hope you can swim Dave.LOL

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I wish he would do a seminar down here I would even drive 3 or 4 hours to get some lessons from Dave. If he is heading down State side make sure you give us a heads up please.





i think i read in the National Enquirer Dave is banned from the states for beating up on a bass hole....but i could be wrong....looked like a good night :thumbsup_anim:

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Hats off to Dave for participating in an event like that !! And if he keeps on loosing weight at this pace we better all hurry to see him - there won't be much left of him soon ! An inspiration to us all ! Thanks for sharing.

Edited by Rob V
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I wish he would do a seminar down here I would even drive 3 or 4 hours to get some lessons from Dave. If he is heading down State side make sure you give us a heads up please.




Great fishing show and one of my favorites! He's a class act. I went on his website and here's a schedule of tournaments, events and seminars stateside.





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