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Hello all new profile but I've been visiting the forums for a while, so I know everybody can be pretty helpful .

Me and my dad do a week long trip every year usually in sept and our target is pickerel but the places Ive picked don't seem to be pannining out . This year for the opener 3-4 days in week or weekend doesn't matter, we would like to produce some decent numbers any and all suggestions welcome. We have a 18.5 bow rider with 115 hp motor with down riggers ( although I'm not crazy about down rigging fishing ). Because its only for a few days 4-5 hr drive

From Hamilton is preferred .


Has anybody been to marten river


Love Marten river but the fishing can be very tough... The back lakes are best but not great for access or launching.


Wicksteed lake might be a good option. Big lake, lotsa walleye.

  On 4/25/2012 at 12:26 AM, Rod Caster said:

Love Marten river but the fishing can be very tough... The back lakes are best but not great for access or launching.


Wicksteed lake might be a good option. Big lake, lotsa walleye.



Chad, is there any way ot get on Wicksteed from Marten lake with the boat? If not what other way is good?


  On 4/25/2012 at 12:26 AM, Rod Caster said:

Love Marten river but the fishing can be very tough... The back lakes are best but not great for access or launching.


Wicksteed lake might be a good option. Big lake, lotsa walleye.



Chad, is there any way ot get on Wicksteed from Marten lake with the boat? If not what other way is good?



To get from Marten Lk into Wicksteed you need a running start to jump the dam ..... Or the other option would be to trailer your boat to the launch above the dam .... Watch for rocks, sandbars and deadheads.... Wicksteed is notorious for wrecking lower units .


I didn't realize that there was so much interest in fishing for pickerel, seeing as they are closely related to pike. You should try walleye, I hear they are very tasty.


Now now Fishgreg, a lot of Hosers still call them Pickerel. My father in law who was a hardcore jigger and rigger never, ever calls them walleye. He's from the 'Peg and nobody calls them walleye up that way. I'd agree with Rice Lake, easy 2hr and a bit drive from the Hammer, lots of places to stay and tons of fish.

That said, I'll be up in Honey Harbour visiting my fave spots for pike and 'eyes.


I won't be fishing for walleye or pickeral on opening day...I will be at the crappie derby in Binbrook helping some underprivlidged kids learn to fish....tons of fun right there....

  On 4/25/2012 at 12:26 AM, Rod Caster said:

Love Marten river but the fishing can be very tough... The back lakes are best but not great for access or launching.


Wicksteed lake might be a good option. Big lake, lotsa walleye.

A Marten River local tells me the natives Have been netting Wickstead during the spawn so who knows how the fishing will be.


That would be interesting. That lake is closed to the public jan 1st to mid may. I didn't even know there was a local band of natives out there, or that it was treaty land.

You sure your sources are reliable?

  On 4/25/2012 at 5:29 PM, Sinclair said:

Pickerel, Walleye, or both?

The lake I intend to fish has both....walleye and "CHAIN Pickerel"


The pickerel makes great smokers while the Walleye makes a great fryer....not as good as perch and no where as good as crappies.

  On 4/25/2012 at 12:25 PM, fishgreg said:

I didn't realize that there was so much interest in fishing for pickerel, seeing as they are closely related to pike. You should try walleye, I hear they are very tasty.


Pike taste better. :)

  On 4/25/2012 at 1:50 PM, Rod Caster said:

<br /><br /><br />


based on your experiences? :D:P



I have fished Nippissing since I was a kid and the walleye fishing has been on a significant decline for well over a decade now. They are a hard fish to come by in the areas of the lake where I fish traditionally. I have been experiementing with different approaches the last couple seasons but it has not improved my catch rate much. Lots of factors playing in here and not sure which is the main cause. Native netting, cormorants, chemcials in the lake??? Who knows. All I know is, it used to be a walleye factory and a much more productive lake to fish. Heck when I was a kid, there was a commercial fishery on the lake and we still caught large numbers of fish. I wish more was being done to restore it to its former glory. Last year on a walleye fishing trip, we caught a number of drum (sheepshead) and not one walleye. Still fun but disappointing to see the walleye fishing still at a low point. Its doesnt seem like the slot system has helped too much...


I was mostly teasing Nipfisher, but ya, it sure looks like Nip has been on a steady decline for recreational anglers (maye others too), who are apparently the least important people when it comes to nipissing fishing, as the courts see it.

I've done relatively well in the past three years, but I do not have the overal experience on nipissing to actually see a trend... Other than winter, I do most of my walleye fishing on back lakes surrounding nbay... Much less pressure and nicer scenery.


Millhouse, I was being sarcastic.


I still find walleye in Nipissing.


The biggest reasons for the decline are 1) continued netting and spearing by NFN. Tons of walleye harvested each year.


2) pressure by recreational anglers. There are 100s of ice bungalows and 1000s of ice huts on Nipissing all year. Figure each bungalow catches 100 walleye in every season and every hut catches 20 walleye per season. That is ALOT of walleye. I would guess that my #s are VERY conservative.

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