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My Day on the Ice


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Mike has been after me since last fall,to go ice fishing with him, so, after much hesitation on my part, i decided to make a go of it.

I met him at his place, had some bacon wrapped walleye smothered in Cattle Boyz BBQ sauce, then got the gear ready and hit the road.

The first place we hit was a small bay with quie a few shacks on it, and carsclapping.gif Cars on the ice make me feel safewhistling.gif

We got set up, and Mike drilled the holes.We had at least 14 inches of ice to support us(I'm a Sissy, I know)

We got into dink perch by the hundredswallbash.gif But what a blast catching them. We packed up after a few hours, went for a bite to eat, and picked up his buddy Trevor,to come out with us for the evening walleye bite.

Mike told me that they had lost about 100 feet of ice,due to wind and waves, but when we got to the spot, and i saw all the open water, everything on me puckered right upohmy.gif We walked about 300 feet onto the ice, and drilled holes.Mike knows this area like the back of his hand, so i put my trust in him.

8 feet from open waters, we set up the gear.Mike drilled, and we were on over 6 inches of ice at this spot.I was wishing i had brought my baitcaster with me though.

I am NOT a big fan of shifting ice and cracking ice under my butt, but i fought back the instinct to flee like a wimp.blush.gif

We caugt a couple of nice walley, and a huge Jumbo perch.Then Trevor hooked into a huge Pike. Mike had to ram his arm into the hole, and man handle it up through the ice. After that big tank,the bite truned off, and by 7.30, we were putting the gear away, and my adventure was oversad.gif

Did i have fun???? I had a blast !!!

Will i do it again????? Hell ya !!!!............................next yearw00t.gif


Thanks Mike, you are a real pleasure to fish with.Thanks for makeing me feel safe in an environment that is completely new to me.














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that perch is a brute! Nice pike too. Amazing that you've got 6 inches of ice that close to the edge. I remember once when we were young and foolish, standing at the edge and casting into open water. That day made me wonder how you can ever break through the ice. We couldn't do it for trying!

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Sounds like a great day, some nice fish boys, hey could you put some names to the pictures, like mercman his real name and who are you in the photo, and nip fisher are you in the photo as well.



I am not in those pictures. Never met any of them (although I will someday). I believe the pictures are of Mike and his friend Trevor. Guess Mercman (Paul) is camera shy.

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Sounds like a great day, some nice fish boys, hey could you put some names to the pictures, like mercman his real name and who are you in the photo, and nip fisher are you in the photo as well.


Musky Mike on the right, Trevor on the left(not and OFC member), and i am the guy with the walleye and the filet knifew00t.gif in his hands.

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That's pretty brave for someone who claims he's not brave on the ice. How did Barb feel about you doing that? Haha

Sounds like a great time though, you got some good eats there!


She freaked out a bit when she saw how close we were to the edgeunsure.gif But i calmed her down a bitwhistling.gif

As for me being brave. PM Mike to find out how i acted when the ice began to crack and groanwhistling.gif It was NOT a pretty sightrofl2.gifblush.gif

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I went for a walk this morning in my bush. Ended up walking across a frozen river (I thought). Took a plunge up to my neck.


Had to walk 1.5km home soaked to the core..


Seeing you that close to open water made me cringe a little.

Edited by N.A.W
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She freaked out a bit when she saw how close we were to the edgeunsure.gif But i calmed her down a bitwhistling.gif

As for me being brave. PM Mike to find out how i acted when the ice began to crack and groanwhistling.gif It was NOT a pretty sightrofl2.gifblush.gif



No PMs on that...lol


Everyone should hear this...


Being close to a hydro dam the water levels change daily... So you can feel the ice drop underneath you as it cracks and shifts...


Multiple times I heard a big sigh come from mercman followed by...


"my balls just jumped into my stomach again"



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Thanks for the report. Glad you all had a great time.



Being close to a hydro dam the water levels change daily... So you can feel the ice drop underneath you as it cracks and shifts...



Ice condition and location is just crazy. A guide's first responsibility is to his guests' safety. But maybe I'm just an old chicken liver with something to live for.

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Great stuff, Paul!! Juli does the "Oh My God" when the ice starts banging too. Had a few of those moments on Quinte, Saturday.


Up until a few years ago, I hadn't been ice fishing since I was "knee high to a grasshopper". Now, I'm hooked big time. Can't believe I was missing out on a whole season of fishing (other than the odd winter steelheading trip)!!!

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No PMs on that...lol


Everyone should hear this...


Being close to a hydro dam the water levels change daily... So you can feel the ice drop underneath you as it cracks and shifts...


Multiple times I heard a big sigh come from mercman followed by...


"my boyz just jumped into my stomach again"




I have to admit though, at no point did i feel ''Unsafe''. Both Mike and Trevor fish this spot daily, and i know that Mike would not have put me in any real danger.Noisy ice is good ice, quiet ice is dangerous.


I learned that on the weekendclapping.gif

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Thanks for the report. Glad you all had a great time.




Ice condition and location is just crazy. A guide's first responsibility is to his guests' safety. But maybe I'm just an old chicken liver with something to live for.


ive never been through the ice and dont ever plan on it roy...


we were on 8 inches of ice where we were... and flat calm conditions... if it had been windy and waves were coming towards the ice... we would not have been that close to the edge... like paul mentioned... i fish this spot a couple times a week and trevor does also... we share information to stay safe and stay on fish.... also first guy out while walking (trevor) was wearing his float suit... and we check the ice every time we go out to be sure its safe...


i dont guide on the ice... the rivers ice conditions are too unpredictable and there isnt enough frozen areas to be consistant enough to make people happy...


saturday was friends hanging out having a good time...

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The spot I fish alot is very similar on our river. The ice edge near the main channel is 20" thick. I don't have to worry too much about wind/waves though, as it's very sheltered. Always feels odd though standing that close to the open water


Great report Mercman, looks like you had a great time!!!! And don't worry about the being the ice crack scaredy cat, lol. It happens to everyone at some point, lol

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Thanks for the report. Glad you all had a great time.




Ice condition and location is just crazy. A guide's first responsibility is to his guests' safety. But maybe I'm just an old chicken liver with something to live for.



I read this the other day and just wanted to come back and remind every one its all about Xstream Sports thease days , you know where that leaves you and me ... lol .

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