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Unexplainable Weather


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Just wondering of anyone else i wondering WHY we are having such a great winter....do you think its the elnio/ninya effect??? is there any truth the the earth tilting on its axis from the Japan quake last year???? or maybe the radiation from the meltdown of the Japan Nuke Plants..... :dunno: What i do know is Im absolutley LOVING it....it feels like spring everyday....Its really hard to believe its Feb!!!!!








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I don't think anyone included all the scientists actually has the answers. All I know is i am stocking up on Zombie Max ammo just in case the appocolypse is near....





rofl2.gifrofl2.gifrofl2.gif too funny!!















is there a dealer in my area? Just in case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!w00t.gif

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While at the bank today I looked into the field & the gosslings have hatched!!!!


interesting...if the weather does turn back to "normal" for this time of year and all the prematures dont make it ....i wonder if this will lead to a cancelation of a hunt in the near future...doubtful though ....cuz there are still way too many geese around

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Funny you ask this. We have an oldtimer close to retirement and I asked him this question. He has lived in Coldwater his whole life and has never seen this. His words were,"Im liking this,my bones are to old" LOL


my neighbour is 89 years old and he has never seen anything like this in his lifetime for this area...

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Being a weather guy these things are cyclical. I can show you similar snowfall amounts and mild temps from eons ago.


Don't think El Nino is a factor this year. More of an El Nada this year. Neutral on that front.


I believe Mr. Rice is correct in that we're being heavily influenced by the jet stream.


My personal opinion is we'll pay for this winter next year. Warmer surface temps in the great lakes will spawn some vicious lake effect snow. Enjoy it while it lasts LOL!


People that live in traditional snowbelt areas that don't own a snowblower yet, consider grabbing one now, it's a buyers market. ;)

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Being a weather guy these things are cyclical. I can show you similar snowfall amounts and mild temps from eons ago.


Don't think El Nino is a factor this year. More of an El Nada this year. Neutral on that front.


I believe Mr. Rice is correct in that we're being heavily influenced by the jet stream.


My personal opinion is we'll pay for this winter next year. Warmer surface temps in the great lakes will spawn some vicious lake effect snow. Enjoy it while it lasts LOL!


People that live in traditional snowbelt areas that don't own a snowblower yet, consider grabbing one now, it's a buyers market. ;)


i was thinking mother nature was paying us back with this for the last two years...showing a little mercy....i could definatly get used to this type of winter...

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Whatever's causing this weather, I like it.


I was out in the driveway this afternoon and was actually standing in mud, and that's lots better than snow & ice :thumbsup_anim:


Still complaining eh Lew. :rofl2: :rofl2:


My personal opinion is we'll pay for this winter next year. Warmer surface temps in the great lakes will spawn some vicious lake effect snow. Enjoy it while it lasts LOL!


Mike how do you explain GBAY being wide open and nothing? Usually when it,s wide open,we get nailed.

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Still complaining eh Lew. :rofl2: :rofl2:




Mike how do you explain GBAY being wide open and nothing? Usually when it,s wide open,we get nailed.

Lake Horon @ the mouth of the Saugeen ....pic was taken about 40 minutes ago....the only thing missing is tourists and sail boats...._DSC0411.jpg

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You guys who think this weather is great, are going to eat those words at some point. Its supposed to be winter, not spring. The sap is running in our sugar bush every day. I gotta get my ass in gear and get the gear out before I miss the best part of the run!! Its crazy! Geese are migrating, and some are sitting on nests....whats going to happen when the temps turn cold?? Its gotta have a negative effect on wildlife somehow. I don't like it, and I hope this nice weather goes away and doesn't come back till mid april!!!


I pray every night for -20 temps and 3 ft of snow!!!!




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You guys who think this weather is great, are going to eat those words at some point. Its supposed to be winter, not spring. The sap is running in our sugar bush every day. I gotta get my ass in gear and get the gear out before I miss the best part of the run!! Its crazy! Geese are migrating, and some are sitting on nests....whats going to happen when the temps turn cold?? Its gotta have a negative effect on wildlife somehow. I don't like it, and I hope this nice weather goes away and doesn't come back till mid april!!!


I pray every night for -20 temps and 3 ft of snow!!!!




i read an article the other day about the low yeild of syrup that is expected because of this weather...syrup is going to skyrocket in price....Alberta is already preparing for losses for the farmers due to the lack of snow out there...i wonder if the vegetarians are going to be forced to eat meat with no veggies to be had...of course im joking ....

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Warm winters like this happen. In the early 80's we had a few wimp winters. No snow til February, very little safe ice, 1/2 the HCSA trails were closed. A Minden dogsled derby, or 2, that trucked snow in from Quebec. 65F on XMas 83 in the Sault,..... I also remember freak snowstorms in May. Most recent was 2 years back in Orillia.

Extremes happen, what is different is the severity and extended time frames.

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