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virginia school shooting kills 22...

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:angry::dunno: ITS TO BAD THAT THEY DIDNT GET HIME BEFORE HE KILLED HIMSELF...IT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE TO SEE HIM FRY IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR...thats just a dam horrible thing that has happened,and all those inocent people that were killed,its a shame,my heart goes out to all the families and freinds that have lost someone in this trajedy,and i hope this never happens again,its becoming all to familiar,and is happening to many times...its just very sad when all those students still had almost their whole life ahead of them ,and to have their lives ended by this insane sick sot.....
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this is a very sad day not only for virginia tech, but for the entire u.s. and the world even. this is such a senseless crime for all of humanity. you can throw race,religion, political beliefs out the window, this wacko did nothing for the world. there is no point, or agenda for such a rampage. boo hoo your girl broke up with ya, go have a few beers and find another one. what is wrong with people these days? i have been screwed over by countless women, and the thought of killing a bunch of strangers would be the farthest thing from my mind.


i have spent a little time on the v-tech campus, i even thought of going to vt for awhile, but then decided on a college closer to home. i have some friends that went to school there,(graduated) it seems like a great place for college, and excells in many different majors. i wish all of the students and especially the families of all the victims the strength to get through this horrible time. it is truly a sad day for the human race.



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I would like to send out my prayers to everyone directly affected by this senseless waste. In the coming days and weeks there will be lots said as to what could, why didn't, may be if, well it's too late.


What it is, is time to understand that today is not yesterday and yesterday will never happen again. Change is what is required and it is the type of change that affects everyone. This too is not new, may be some day it will be understood and the action(s) required to stop these terrible things from taking place will come to pass.


Bless all those gone; hopefully the strength to shoulder the burden given them will be given, to the many that now desperately need it.

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Heard on the news on the way into the office that there may have been two separate gun men....unrelated incidents. A possible murder/suicide in a dorm room (domestic in nature)...and then a few hours later another gunman stormed the campus which resulted in the remainder of the killings/injuries.


Very sad none-the-less.....

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I heard different, The Gunman was Asian in decent, a Chinese National, and this happened after his GirlFriend left him.





Gerritt...yeah...that's the problem when no real info is available yet....I heard it on 680 news this morning and I just checked their website and this is part of their story....


"The two attacks associated with the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history that killed 33 people and wounded 15 came two hours apart, with the second one leaving 31 dead, including the gunman.


The motives for both shootings are yet known; however, earlier reports indicated that the first shooting incident at West Ambler Johnston, a co-ed dormitory, in which two people were killed, may be a separate, domestic incident.


It has been reported that he may have been an ex-boyfriend of the first victim, a woman who was killed in the dorm, but police have not confirmed that information.


Steger has said it is still unclear if there were two shooters, as the investigation is still unfolding."



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Sad that people can be taken from us in such a way. Disease, accidents, those we lose in fighting for our country, all tend to be regarded as facts of life that all of us face daily, right or wrong. But when the young, healthy, and innocent are taken in a senseless act there can be very few answers as to why. Our freedom and the cost of it will be questioned. Reactionary questions about security and policing will be thrown about but in the end how can you secure yourself from an act such as this and still live in a truly free society ? I know one thing for certain. Here is proof of the importance of every single day we spend alive on this planet. Family and friends can be gone in the blink of an eye.

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I know one thing for certain. Here is proof of the importance of every single day we spend alive on this planet. Family and friends can be gone in the blink of an eye.


That sums it up right there Hookset, well said !!


Cherish your friends and family while you have the chance....you just never know.

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Yesterday was a tough day. My nephew is an engineering major at Virginia Tech. Our family had a rough couple of hours yesterday. Communication was virtually shut off for some time. We have counted our blessings. He's safe.

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Yesterday was a tough day. My nephew is an engineering major at Virginia Tech. Our family had a rough couple of hours yesterday. Communication was virtually shut off for some time. We have counted our blessings. He's safe.


Happy to hear your nephew is safe and sound...and I was wondering if anyone on this board had any ties to students at that school. Very sad for all students, staff, friends and family that have to work through this.

Edited by ccmtcanada
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Yesterday was a tough day. My nephew is an engineering major at Virginia Tech. Our family had a rough couple of hours yesterday. Communication was virtually shut off for some time. We have counted our blessings. He's safe.


I am very glad to hear that he is safe! Please give him our best wishes and prayers to his schoolmates.

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