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I am starting my search for a new boat (currently have a 16ft alumacraft with a 40hp). I want a family boat...nothing too huge, but comfortable. I actually really like the features, set-up and size of the Tracker Pro Guide V-17 Combo. 96 inch beam and 115hp. Any thoughts on this? Any other recommendations for a boat with similar features and under $30k all in?


As always, thanks in advance.


It's unlikely you'll get much support for tracker boats from the folks on this forum... If you want a family boat, I would check out some of the fish/ski boats, like a SmokerCraft 176 Ultima.


Also I just remembered from when I was boat shopping in the spring -- Crestliner had some excellent boats that would be in the range you are looking for, I think the Hawk models would be suitable for you. But generally speaking you are going to have many many options to choose from and spring is going to be a great time to look. Don't miss the boat show!


PM sent.


I do recommend you do a lot of research before you buy. The "deals" that you think you are getting at the shows might not be as sweet as you think. Invest the time about any issues the manufacturer has, their reputation regarding honouring warranties.


The advantage the shows have is that they allow you to see the options and models first hand. Don't let the sales reps pressure you... many of them are hired just to work the shows.


Remember Caveat Emptor.... Buyer Beware.


There is a reason why Tracker boats are nick named cracker boats.


Look at what the Marinas have in stock right now. I purchased a Princecraft Holiday 16' with 84" beam for less than another marina wanted for a 14.5' Resorter. Mine was a 2008 model purchased in the fall of 2009. Check out some places and you might get lucky.


Pete.... I would avoid Tracker, given the problems talked about on many of the forums in regards to their product.. it might be helpful if you let people know your general location.. so they can put you on dealers in your area of other, more reliable brands.




  On 1/5/2012 at 4:18 AM, Lota lota said:

Also I just remembered from when I was boat shopping in the spring -- Crestliner had some excellent boats that would be in the range you are looking for, I think the Hawk models would be suitable for you.


My last boat was a Crestliner FishHawk and it was excellent in every way. I drove it for about 8 years with no issues and I'd definetely agree Crestliner would be worth looking at.


lund,smokercraft or a crestliner !!!! i have 2 lunds and have owned 3 of them as well as a smokercraft,awesome boats,just get whatever ones suit your options and of course what you can afford !!!! :thumbsup_anim::clapping::Gonefishing:

  On 1/5/2012 at 11:55 AM, Dan Bouck said:

Good Luck

Lund is a top notch. I have owned several and fished out of them for the last 15years.


I currently own 2 Lunds. A 2006 Lund Outfitter 1750ss (which I have for sale) and a 2011 Lund Predator 2010. I love them both, but cannot keep them both.


Thanks for the info so far. I live in Grimsby. I have a year to look, because I would be purchasing (at the earliest) next winter/spring. I have 3 young boys, so want to upgrade to something a bit bigger and more comfortable. Can you get a good size boat with some nice options (bimini top for example) for under 30K?

  On 1/5/2012 at 1:50 PM, sneak_e_pete said:

Can you get a good size boat with some nice options (bimini top for example) for under 30K?




Just goggle Tracker Warranty and just to be fair Crestliner Warranty and Lund.


Picking boats is like picking wife/other. If it trips your switch buy it.


Buying boats at shows 1/ to small trailer

2/ to little HP

3/ cheap electronics

4/ small trolling motor

5/ small battery's


The good thing about shows everybody there. One small pt. When go into a booth it's all scripted. The guy that approaches might be from Thunder Bay so ask. Get somebody from your area, don't waste his or your time.


Check dealer reputations. Some are used car salesman and it shows.


Go used and you can buy anything your heart desires...


Especially if you have a year to wait... Lots of time to find a deal...


You can get a sweet ranger used for that price...


Or top of the line aluminium used...


And used doesn't have to be 10 years old...


My dad and brother bought a 20 foot ranger tiller with a 115 four stroke tiller for 21,000. It was only 3 years old...like 100 hours on the motor... This is like a 50,000 dollar boat new...

  On 1/5/2012 at 4:10 AM, sneak_e_pete said:

I am starting my search for a new boat (currently have a 16ft alumacraft with a 40hp). I want a family boat...nothing too huge, but comfortable. I actually really like the features, set-up and size of the Tracker Pro Guide V-17 Combo. 96 inch beam and 115hp. Any thoughts on this? Any other recommendations for a boat with similar features and under $30k all in?


As always, thanks in advance.


I may get a few replies for this but have you thought of legend boats. Dewalt on the service road has some you could take a look at.



I'd stick to Lund, Alumacraft, Crestliner and Princecraft if you are looking for Aluminum. Furthermore, I'd look in the states, places like Michigan or Wisconsin for something relatively new, $30k can get you a real nice boat. Rent or borrow a pickup truck to go pick it up. Deals abound down there. A 17.5ft'r with a 115 or even better, a 150 would be great. Max out your HP, you will never regret that you did, and your boat will end up with a higher resale. Once you have a few people on board and are trying to do some tubing or skiing, the bigger motor will shine.


Consider the waters you intend to use it on, some boats are well suited to inland waters, but aren`t the best for a great lakes boat. Others can be a viable compromise in good weather on the great lakes. Always have enough horsepower to make a speedy retreat to safe harbor.


Crestliner, Lund, Almacraft make decent boats, I personally wouldn`t own a tracker, just too many friends that had issues with them. No idea on the Canadian models.


Tracker offers a lifetime warranty on all thier welds or 5 years whatever comes first!!!!Believe me we got burned on that one! Just ask Hookerdown. we are currently taking the floor out of a $25,000 boat that is 5.5 years old and the only way they would fix the centre beam weld running from the bow straight back to the transom is if we brought the boat to Missouri which is a hell of a trek from Mississauga. Stick with a trusted brand with longevity like a Lund or Princecraft. Stay away from Tracker. Did I mention the boat was 25K and we are currently taking the floors and floatation material out of it to fix the welds from the inside cause tracker wont help us out cause the warranty is a whopping 5 months out of the 5 year expiry date!


No were not too bitter!!!!


Tracker, sounds like a boat no one should buy. No wonder they were considerably less money when I was searching a few months ago.


What ever the make you go with, February and March are great times to get deals on last years models.I saved 6K on a 2010 Princecraft Starfish DLX SC purchased new last february.clapping.gif


Good luck, and post pics when you buy it!!!




There's been a few reports lately where Canucks have bought boats & motors in the States but then have had problems with warranties on the motors up here.


Just something to check into if your bringing a motor across the border.

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