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I may have been grounded, but...


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The cannery has been going full tilt while I was stuck in the house.

A bushel's worth of dil pickles


More salsa


Peaches. Had a hard time keeping the vultures away. They had eaten 4qts of fresh peaches overnight :wallbash:


Will be at least another week before I'm allowed off my leash to go fishing, but I might still need the chauffeur.


Elderberries are ripe now. Time to stock up so I can make some more brandy.

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Probably two weeks before the Elderberries are ready here in Hamilton. (domestic variety, not wild)



I know i see a Monty Python skit in here somewherewhistling.gif

Nice can Bruce. I will be doing tomatoes and Chow Chow in a few weeksclapping.gif

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Very very nice Bruce.


Care to share you mixture as far as ving and water?

PM if you like. Were getting ready to try for the first time. I leave the chow to my pop. :clapping:


Great on fresh bread and potted meat,sliced onion. :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by Misfish
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Never been a fan of dill pickles Bruce... but when's the Brandy gonna be ready??? :blink::D

I usually don't cook up the berries til after picking season is done. That way the brew is ready for Christmas.

I have just a wee bit left to tide me over til then


Edited by bigugli
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I usually don't cook up the berries til after picking season is done. That way the brew is ready for Christmas.

I have just a wee bit left to tide me over til then



So thats what i look like on your screen. It really does add 10 lbsblush.gif

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That, is a lot of hard work and dedication! :clapping: I am astounded :w00t: It has been a good many years since I have seen so many home made canned goods. I remember my mother and father spending hours in the kitchen doing just what you did. Funny how when a kid I became accustomed to home canning and took it for granted, the beats, cucumbers and tomatoes...nothing like canned tomatoes, years later mom would freeze them, easier, but not anywhere near the same.


Went to my wife's friends brother's farm one time years ago. We ended up filling the trunk of my '76 Royal Monaco with pears, all free. Went to mom and dad's and broke out the canning jars. We spent hours preparing them, they were fantastic! Didn't like store bought canned pears before that and still don't, the home canned were fantastic!


For quality and knowing where your food comes from home preparation is a must. Especialy these days. All the grocery store canned fruit are coming from China and many brands of pickles now come from India... neither I will buy. However Bick's still come from Dunnville ON.


Thanks for posting your pictures and the memories.

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That brandy sure looks dee-lish!!! Nothing like some good home brew to put hair on your tongue. I remember as a 3 year old when my granny was busted for making home brew (from the grape skins), the neighbour across the street came to warn us a half hour ahead of the bust (he was a po). The still was broken up and tossed in all the surrounding neighbours yards but they got 2 casks of baba's best. I'm sure it was disposed of one shot at a time.

Those canned peaches look soooo good!!! I too am not a fan of pickles but canned peaches and pears during the winter months are great.

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