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Back from a classic car show


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Been listening to adverts about a car show in Barrie and thought WTH lets go.


Love the old and improved looks.


Enjoy,we did.






































That Gremlin was there too.Got to see what was under the hood. Had a great talk with the owner and got invited out to thier place.






When buddy started this up,I thought of our late friend JohnF. :angel:




<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvidmg.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fv731%2Fmisfish%2Fold%2520rides%2F6059.mp4">

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clapping.gif I had a 76 Gremlin i bought brand new.258 ci straight 6, 4 speed manual tranny. I could burn a trail in all 4 gears.It was one of the fastest cars i have ever owned.That and the AMC Javelin, were a blast to drive.
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LOL... my days are long over of frazzled nerves from letting people scratch my cars at cruise night!


Give it to me Wayne for a couple of shows. Didnt see to many frazzled owners tonight. Guess they know how to park. :whistling:

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Nice. When was this? I am a car junkie. I never even heard about it. I have a few friends wth some classic. I am not a ford guy but that fairlane or galaxie with the 427 is beast. I had a neighbour with an originalfalcon with a 427 and that teardrop hood. It was a serious ride. That dart is clean but what is up with the vinyl top and flowers. I have never seen that before.


I hear you Wayne. When my kids are at the shows I take them aside and tell them 30 tims not to touch anything. Do not even go near the cars. If they want to look inside I lift each one up so they can have a look.

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It was rarely the kids cudz...although I did have one ambitious little bugger that pulled himself up to the window to look in and then back down.. with a zipper on his jacket. In general it was usually some jealous zelot with a janitors chain of keys on his belt that would intentional drag them over each corner of every car. I think one of such individuals is still lying unconscious between the trees in Little Lake Park in Midland.... He did about 15 cars before he was dragged into the woods by most of the Georgian Bay car club..

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It was rarely the kids cudz...although I did have one ambitious little bugger that pulled himself up to the window to look in and then back down.. with a zipper on his jacket. In general it was usually some jealous zelot with a janitors chain of keys on his belt that would intentional drag them over each corner of every car. I think one of such individuals is still lying unconscious between the trees in Little Lake Park in Midland.... He did about 15 cars before he was dragged into the woods by most of the Georgian Bay car club..

That is insane! I don't even own a car like that and I would probably sort someone out for doing that to such awesome cars. I can't believe someone would do tht intentionally.


Maybe that is why that Rat Rod fad was so popular. No worries aboutsratching the rusted matt paint jobs.

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It was rarely the kids cudz...although I did have one ambitious little bugger that pulled himself up to the window to look in and then back down.. with a zipper on his jacket. In general it was usually some jealous zelot with a janitors chain of keys on his belt that would intentional drag them over each corner of every car. I think one of such individuals is still lying unconscious between the trees in Little Lake Park in Midland....


Rubbing compound????????


He did about 15 cars before he was dragged into the woods by most of the Georgian Bay car club..



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My pop owned one Cudz. I will get pics when I see them again.

Very cool. Our family car from 1970 - 1978 was a Dart swinger with a 340. My dad used to drag race it on the weekends and my mom would drive it to work. lol. Poor lady. Sold it in 1978 for $1500 :wallbash::wallbash:

Would love to see the pics Brian.

Edited by Cudz
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Hi all Gearheads


I have been to many classic car shows on both sides of the border. This was my love and passion for more years that i care to remember.


On Fathers Day every year Georgetown Ont. has Classics For Cancer at the park.


Great cause and some of the nicest, best restored cars around with something for everyone.


If the wife or girlfriend kicks up a fuss about fishing that day, give it a shot you will not be disappointed.




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