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CO's are normal people too


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I'm sure that conservation officers get labelled as good or bad guys in the course of their on the job dealings with people, so I thought I'd share a story from a couple of weeks ago about a run in with a couple of CO's. My buddy and I had the boat trailered and were leaving the lake after fishing for the day. A few miles from the lake, while driving on a gravel road, we noticed a roughed grouse on ther side of the road with his tail feathers spread out like a miniature turkey. We stopped and I got the camera out for a few shots. As we were stopped, an MNR half ton came from the opposite direction and stopped to check us out. There were two CO's in the vehicle. One went over to talk with my buddy and the other came over to talk with me. The guy that I was chatting with asked a few casual questions. "What did you see that you were taking pictures of?" A Grouse I told him. Were you fishing today? Yup. Are you transporting any fish? Nope, I replied. Can I see your licence? Sure you can. I just renewed my 3 year fishing and small game licence in January and was happy to show him. So all was good between him and I. Since I had my camera right in my hands, I started to show him pics of the fish that we had caught. (My wayyy too long post). We soon got into a conversation about the state of the fishery where I fish. All was good until the CO that was talking to my buddy came over and signalled my CO guy to come away from me for a private conversation. So they walk away and I can see them conversing with their backs to me, with my buddies outdoors card in hand. "Don't tell me that he doesn't have a licence" I said, while laughing. Sure enough, it was expired. He had a 3 year fishing and small game that was done after 2010. Didn't get the renewal form in the mail, was his excuse. So the guy that was talking to me, who was obviously the boss in this situation, asked my bud if he had ice fished this past winter. The answer was no. He hadn`t fished since last fall. The CO then says, The same thing happened to me last winter. I was ice fishing last February and thought about it. Checked my own licence and it was expired. How many CO`s will admit that? Bottom line is that CO`s are real people too. I`ve ran into this same guy a few years ago and spent about an hour with him talking about the fishery, rather than legal issues. So my buddy got a warning and was told not to get caught without a licence the next day. He bought one that evening.

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Good read Dan.

CO's are just guys doing a job that hopefuly helps protect the resources that we all appreciate.Like the rest of us, they have good and bad days, but in general, they are great good people just like us.thumbsup_anim.gif

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The officers are allowed to use discretion. If you are a :asshat:, jerk, blowhard, know-it-all, bozo, I pay your salary; you are not likely to get a break. That said, you could be a nice guy and still end up with a fine if they think you've done something wrong.

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I've seen so many CO's this year and have yet to have even the slightest problem with them. One while ice fishing one came up to me and my friends jumped off his sled asked us how we were doing and then I started to unzip my suit and he quickly told me no no, you don't need to show me your license, don't want you getting cold. Another one at Oshawa creek chatted for a bit, walked away, then came back 15 mins later to chat and watch me fish. Most encounters from years before made me feel like I was being integrated..

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Ya theres JERKS out there on both sides of the fence but I think the proper way to handle any CO is to be honest.

The plain fact is if you are not blatenly breaking any laws you will walk away .


CASE in point.

2 winters ago my cuzz and I were on a mission to catch some nice Lakers.

We hit the jackpot one day .

On the way out we got stopped.

We showed our fish and then the younger Co decided to check every bag we had with us about 4 .

When he decided to check one of my bags (garbage ) I told him that there were old lines and bare hooks as well as tackle that was exposed he needed to be careful rooting around because not only was it full of hooks and empties it was the junk that we didnt leave behind over the past 3 days of hard core ice fishing.


He ended up with 2 hooks in his hand and we walked away...

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I think that's the case in all professions...some get it...some don't don't! Some get the "power trip" and some don't....then you get our by-law officer handing out $40 parking tickets to some of us dropping our 4/5 year old kids off at school this morning cuz we left our cars unattended for 5mins tops.... well outside the bus loading zone to walk the little ones in the school cuz the driver's watch was off by eight minutes and managed to pick up 8 out of thirty kids!!! :wallbash: It was posted no parking...our bad...but come on...a school at 8:15 am??? ON a residential...quiet street??? Our town only has 11k people and none of our streets are busy!? sorry I had to rant! I'll go fishing this weekend...I promise. Sorry for hijacking a thread!

Edited by ctdd2006
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He didn't see your buddy fishing, so had no evidence, and you likely hadnt been given a formal caution before being asked if you had been fishing that day, so those statements where inadmissable. My bet, caught on the water and your buddy would've been handed a PON, can't miss out on a good stat...... lol!!

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I agree Dan, they are just doing a job. I have run into the same CO's in the area several times. Once they get to know you (boat and vehicle), they are OK to deal with. One time, on that same dirt road, they blocked the road with their truck and one guy jumped out and asked if we were fishing and if I had an outdoors card. I said yes were fishing and I didn't need a card. I could tell he was about to get nasty when I reminded him it was the free fishing weekend in July. His CO buddy in the background just laughed, then I showed him my card anyway.

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The officers are allowed to use discretion. If you are a :asshat:, jerk, blowhard, know-it-all, bozo, I pay your salary; you are not likely to get a break. That said, you could be a nice guy and still end up with a fine if they think you've done something wrong.

His friend DID do something wrong, but I guess, if it was his friend, it was OK, everyone else should get a ticket! You make a mistake, pay the fine. Live and learn that rules are not for the OTHER guy.

Edited by fishermccann
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Yep, the only reason he got off, is because you weren't fishing. If you guys were on the water, rods in hand, you can bet he'd get a fine for it.


If your bud had of kept one, he'd prolly be up to his armpits in fines.


How could he fish with no license? I don't get that at all......its one thing to leave it in the truck, but to just not have one?? Come on.......??



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I had the pleasure of meeting my local DNR last Saturday. He pulled up with the bumpers down and I asked him what would he like to see. He said everything you can show me without dropping your pants. He called out 5 items and checked my paperwork and license then we chatted about the fishing for a few minutes. I sent them on the way with a soda and a big thank you for their effort and time. I was glad to see them out on the water and I am happy they are around to keep the peace and enforce the rules.




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I was glad to see them out on the water and I am happy they are around to keep the peace and enforce the rules.





I'm always happy to see them too, but it would be nice if they did, indeed, ENFORCE the rules :wallbash:


Around here anyways........not sure what its like where you are Art.



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I'm always happy to see them too, but it would be nice if they did, indeed, ENFORCE the rules :wallbash:


Around here anyways........not sure what its like where you are Art.




Actually they do a very good job enforcing the rules. I was issued a ticket a few years ago because my fire Extinguisher was in the red zone. I could complain that they should have let me slide because it was on the boat. The truth is though if I had needed it and it was flat what good is it? It was my fault for not checking it before the season so I believe it or not was happy I got the ticket. When they show up in an area they go from boat to boat and check everyone for compliance of the rules if you are not correct out comes the book. I wish they were not spread so thin we see them on average 4 times a year in the places I fish but the helicopters are always near by for a rescue if it is needed.


On a side note I have been checked up North at Nipissing a few times and found the MNR to be just as professional as I expect them to be. Visiting all of the boats in the area and even cautioning me while not a ticketing offense my U.S. approved life jackets were not legal because the did not have the Canadian approval on them.




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