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Weird and rare catches


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Hooked into multiple seagulls. Thankfully they seem to be surprisingly cooperative.


Hooked into many 'logperch' [http://www.nanfa.org/images/convention/1999/logperch.jpg] at the Fenelon locks. Only place I've ever seen them. They look like striped stogies.


ps. if anyone happens to hook into a small plano box full of ice fishing spoons on nipissing shoot me a pm :wallbash:

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Hooked into multiple seagulls. Thankfully they seem to be surprisingly cooperative.


Hooked into many 'logperch' [http://www.nanfa.org/images/convention/1999/logperch.jpg] at the Fenelon locks. Only place I've ever seen them. They look like striped stogies.

Here is the picture for you Joey.



ps. if anyone happens to hook into a small plano box full of ice fishing spoons on nipissing shoot me a pm :wallbash:

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Okay, this was one I hope to never repeat.


Deep water ice fishing on Georgian Bay for Whitefish. Weather was windy and brutally cold with blowing snow and intermitent squalls. But my buddy and I persisted with our fishing efforts, after all we drove for over 2 hours to get there for a days fishing. After a few moves my buddy connects with the first fish and after a spirited battle a big whitey is flopping on the ice. "Beauty" I says, pumped and ready to nail one for myself. Lines back down and I'm working my bait slow and steady, my buddy pipes up "fish on".....another big whitey on the ice! Now I'm really stoked as I know it's only a matter of time and I'll be connected.


Well the story continues in my buddies favour, more whities and a few small lakers, I'm fishless, cold and pissed off! But I persisit.

A change of baits and down goes a small light silver spoon into 100 feet of cold Georgian Bay blue. Jig, jig, pause, jig "BAMN" fish on! My spirits lifted, the chills subside as adrenalin fuels me but something ain't right, it ain't fighting like a whitey nor a laker, I'm thinking big ling but hoping I'm wrong. Coming up steady but without battle, up, up and up, finally the head comes into the hole and I can see my lure tucked firmly into the top jaw of a big ole ling, Bah! Spirit deflated my buddy laughing I haul it onto the ice. That's when it really went sour, my buddy is on the ice howling, I'm just standing there dumbfounded! My spoon as I said is firmly locked into it's upper jaw, it's length would suggest a fish of over 8lbs, but it lays there motionless. Why, because this particular ling has been caught already and had the fillets removed! I had just legally landed a dead filletless fish.....


It was to be my only fish of the day..... jerry.gif





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One autum many years ago, at the Bronte Creek river mouth, a friend of mine hooked into a Chinook salmon. That in itself wasn't unusual. But, after what my friend said was a half-hearted fight, we saw that he was, in fact, reeling in a decayed and very dead fish! It was the current that fooled him into thinking he had a running fish on his hands.


Anyhow, after reeling it closer, he had to unhook the glotesquely decayed fish. And that's when we noticed the fish wasn't snagged or anything. Just nicely hooked, fair and square, right in the mouth!!!

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I caught a pop can and when I drained the water out I found it was inhabited by a 2 1/2" small mouth.

I was trolling for musky with a mepps and snagged the corner of a waterlogged 1/4" 4x6 ft. sheet of plywood. It must have blown off somebodies boat house. When it was gliding through the water I thought I had a monster.

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glens' BEST catch ever ! I netted it and didn't let it get away!





adult content language..so please over 18 only

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LOL sorry

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Caught many odd things in my day, here's 3;

1. A Giant gold fish from lake Aquataine - Didn't want to kill it, so it was released.

2. A black boot (standard issue black rubber type) caught again in lake Aquataine, this was thrown up on the bank.

3. Large fresh water clam from nippissing, don't ask me how, but the hook somehow got stuck in the clam while pounding the mud.

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Caught many odd things in my day, here's 3;

1. A Giant gold fish from lake Aquataine - Didn't want to kill it, so it was released.

2. A black boot (standard issue black rubber type) caught again in lake Aquataine, this was thrown up on the bank.

3. Large fresh water clam from nippissing, don't ask me how, but the hook somehow got stuck in the clam while pounding the mud.



hahahahaha sounded wayyy to dirty to let it not be reposted.


I caught a wallet when I was really young. I stopped fishing for the day because I was so terrified that I was going to catch the man who owned it...

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I caught an underwater power line with the anchor once, man was a scared! Also caught a 8" sunfish in 32fow trolling for walleye.

But the worst was a pair of sweatpants, I was worried that there was going to be something else coming up with them as it was shortly after a couple of people disappeared on the lake!

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Muddler that was a mud puppy you caught did it look like this





Sorry for the corpse pic only pic I have of a mudpuppy and that one was huge .



My weird catch was a 22" Black Pacu someone dumped into a pond that thing fought hard and was mean looking.




Yup, something like that. Scared the stuffings out of me. Pitch balck at night and the thing had legs. YUK!



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Drock, fun thread.


In the early eighties my brother had a new rod/reel slip out of his hand while trolling in fairly deep water on the Upper French. He helplessly watched it sink to the depths. The water was very choppy and it was near dark so he decided to accept his loss and we headed back to the cabin. That night he and I called our mother to say hello and check on her. My brother mention that he had lost his rod. My mother, being a strong Chistian woman, said that she would pray to Saint Anthony (patron saint of lost causes) that we find the rod. We both chuckled and explained to her that it was long gone. She insisted that we have faith and she would pray.


Several days later we were coming back in near sunset and the river was like glass. As we passed the area were the rod was lost I asked my brother if he wanted to cast for it with heavy spoons and he said no. Back in the cabin I brought up the rod again and my brother and our two fishing buddies all agreed it was long gone. Although I agreed, I mentioned to my brother that we owed it to mom because there was no doubt she was doing her part. We grabbed a high powered light and headed back out. Our two buddies had a good laugh and gave us a "gooood luck" wish.


Back at the sight we cast heavy spoons and after 5 minutes snagged a line. My brother pulled of all the line and brought in the rod that he lost. He was estatic. On the other end of the line was his FLOATING lure. We did not even consider the lure which would have enabled us to locate the rod. Back at the cabin there were two stunned buddies when we came through the door. It was safe to say that St. Anthony gained 4 new fans that day.


When we called mom and told her the good news, she said she knew we would find it. Great memories.

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