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Hi Everyone,

With the new Microsoft Vista now available, does anyone have any feedback regarding it.

At work, I am hearing all negative things about it, system freezing up, non- compatability issues, etc.

What is your opinion if you have Vista as your Operating System??

Thanks in advance,


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I've been using Vista Home Premium for a couple of months now and have mixed feelings about it. The performance of the OS has been great, but I am finding that there are a lot of programs that I used with XP that are not compatible with Vista yet. Also I have heard that unless your CPU has at least 1gig of ram Vista is terribly slow. I'm using a new Toshiba Laptop 3.0 GHZ Dou Core, 1 gig Ram, 160 gig HD, and Vista itself has been running just fine, but I wouldn't say that it is a great improvement over XP. My advice would be if you have XP keep using it for a few months until they get all the kinks worked out of Vista then if you would still like to upgrade have at it. Hope this helps.

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MY parents recently got a new computer with it. Spent abotu an hour mucking around with no troubles to speak of. That said, I ddint like the feel of it. Items seemed out of place, and doing basic navigatiosn and tweaks that I do with new installs were difficult to figure out. I'd stick with XP for now.


XP can run on a slower machine and is overall less demanding.


If you want a computer for gaming, many new games will only run with Vista.

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Beware when upgrading your existing XP system. I heard that Vista is a hog when it comes to graphics, so if your graphics card isn't up to snuff, then you'll be replacing some hardware....as well as what others have posted...more ram, faster processor etc...


Vista will not see my computer!!

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I'm just really glad that Microsoft doesn't make jumbo jets as they would be falling from the sky on a regular basis! It never ceases to amaze me how one of the worlds richest companies can continue to deliver marginal at best products and still maintain such a huge advantage over it's rivals.


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Guest lundboy
Just wondering what would be the disadvantages of owning a Mac instead?


There is no real disadvantage, only a perceived fear of change. If anyone is thinking of buying a new computer take a good look at MAC, you will not be sorry. Go to an Apple store, play with one for an hour, and you will see what you have been missing.


And if you really really really want to run Windows XP on it, you can!


They only cost a little more, but you get a divorce from Bill Gates.

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It's been the same in the past. From 3.1 to Win 95, 95 to 98, 98 to ME(HORRIBLE), and on to XP. Each time required faster processors,memory and hardware upgrades. O yes, bigger hard drives. Stick with XP for minimum a year. They should have at least some of the bugs worked out and the new DVD will have the updates installed on it. This process will repeat itself again in 5 or 6 years if history indicates.

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I've been a MAC guy for years, but I use both Mac's and PC's at work. I thought I might change my mind about PC's once I started this job and was forced to use one, but NOPE - it's been a year and I still can't stand window's. It's completely un-reliable, and the computer is SLLLLOOOWWWW compared to the mac I use at the other end of the room. As far as networking goes,my mac fits right into our mostly PC based network without a hitch.... i'm sorry guys, but plain and simple - once you go Mac, you never go back! hehe The ONLY reason I could see somebdoy wanting to use a PC these days is if they're a hard core gamer - but I would think that if you can run windows on a mac now (god forbid) you could also play your games on mac?




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I wouldn't touch anything out of Micromess that isn't at least at an SP 1 release.


If they were making anything but their software they would have been sued out of existance long ago.


And to think Bill Gates is worth 86 Billion Dollars.

Imagine what kind of interest ($) that must be accumulating. :worthy:

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