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I'm Stupefied by the Number 13 - NF


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Well guys and gals been report less so far on hard water and I can't explain why :wallbash: only thing I can say is that, been seeing number 13 a lot and just not sure what to make of it :blink:


Is this bad or good?? :dunno: your thoughts on it please.


I feel like the fishes wants me :P




Edited by Leechman
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w00t.gif you ok Jacquesangel.png 13.

sounds13 like you my be13 getting a13 little cabin13 fever.13Maybe you13 should get out13 on the 13ice soon13.


No worries Paul.... I'm fine and thanks for asking :thumbsup_anim:

Fever yes.... about mother nature playing it's sick sense of humor temp wise :wallbash:

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Well, since you ask, here's one of those stupid factoids I learned during my insanity years (those between 16 and 21 - individuals actual duration may vary, and some question whether or not mine have actually ever ended....)

not sure how much this has to do with the common feeling that this number is somewhat "jinxed",

Tarot - #13 card

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Well, since you ask, here's one of those stupid factoids I learned during my insanity years (those between 16 and 21 - individuals actual duration may vary, and some question whether or not mine have actually ever ended....)

not sure how much this has to do with the common feeling that this number is somewhat "jinxed",

Tarot - #13 card

Thanks spincast!!! I'm still stupefied by seeing it on a daily basis :w00t:

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Thanks spincast!!! I'm still stupefied by seeing it on a daily basis w00t.gif



- My pleasure - like most factoids - completely useless after you get married and can no longer use them as an excuse to get the other sex's attention at the bar....whistling.gif

Plus - Joey put that ridiculous piece of nonsense to rest in a hurry - just look at that musky she has in her avatar !

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My dad was born on 03,13,1939

Passed away 30 days before his 69nth bday


#13 was his lucky(favorite lotto) number



Ordered a dozen minnows yesterday, and received a bakers dozen.


rofl2.gif the other day we were chatting about the nudist resort in flamborough, a driver came in half way through the conversation. Asked us where it was exactly, we told him it was on the 13nth conc and 6. Its actually on the 14nth. No, 13 conc there.oops.gif

Drove him nuts for a day or two, looking for it.rofl2.gif

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A number 13 walks into a bar and asks the barman for a pint of beer.


"Sorry I can't serve you," states the barman.


"Why not?!" asks the number 13 with anger showing in its voice.


"You're under 18," replies the barman

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It's been my lucky Number since I was 10 yrs old, I went in my 1st 24hr skate-a-thon to raise money for a local group, I was told I was to young but I was stubborn & my parents let me go in it thinking I'd quit early, I ended up with the #13 & then they tried to take it back but I said I wanted it, that was the 1st of 3 successful 24 hr skate-a-thon's & the 4th year they made me quit at 21 hrs because I was throwing up, so I think bring it on #13 rocks


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According to Smithsonian Magazine "fear of the #13 costs American a billion dollars per year in absenteeism, train and plane cancellations, and reduced commerce on the 13th of the month."


Fear of Friday the 13th dates back to Nordic Mythology. Many of their thirteenth Gods met with violent deaths, such as Loki, the trickster.


Ancient Romans regarded the number 13 as a symbol of death, destruction and misfortune.


There were 13 original colonies.


A witches coven consists of 13 members.


Tarot Card number 13 is the Death Card, depicting the Grim Reaper (although it is read as transition or change and not literal death).


Hotels rarely have a room number 13. Usually it is called 12a or 14. Same with floors of buildings and the elevators without a #13 button. Highways sometimes will skip exit 13 altogether also.


There are 13 steps leading to the gallows.


13 knots in a hangman's noose.


Lizzy Borden uttered a total of 13 words at her trial.


13 feet which the guillotine blade falls.


The driver of Princess Diana hit pillar #13 at Place de l'Alma when she was killed in Paris, France.


13 people, Christ and his 12 disciples, were in attendance at the last supper. This is where the Christian belief ties in, making Friday a believed unlucky day, as the crucifixtion occurred on a Friday. Beware naming your children with 13 letters in their name, they may be cursed for example, Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson.


Certain ocean liners will be held in dock until after midnight to appease passenger's fears on Friday the 13th.


British study concluded that even though there were less cars on the road on Friday the 13th (as compared with other Fridays) more accidents were reported.


Trisadekaphobia is the technical name for fear of Friday the 13th.


E Pluribus Unum has 13 letters.


The US Seal has 13 stars, bars, feathers in the eagle's tail, 13 bars in one claw, 13 olive branches in the other.


On the USA Dollar Bill, there are 13 steps on the pyramid, 13 bars on the shield, and 13 leaves on the olive branch


A "quatrorzieme" is a professional 14th guest hired by the French who had only 13 guests in attendance for dinner, who felt that was unlucky.


A baker's dozen consists of 13 for a reason! So the story goes a witch near Albany, NY demanded 13 items every time she came in to a particular bakery, and one day the old baker could not afford her extra biscuit. She sneered some strange words at the man, and he suffered terrible luck from then on, until he brought her another 13 rolls. After that life was once again easy for the baker and word spread around town. The custom is still sometimes practiced today.


Apollo 13, 1970, the 13th mission launched from pad #39 (13 x 3), mission was aborted, after an explosion occurred in the fuel cell of their service module. The rocket had left launcing pad at 13:13 CST and the date was April 13th.




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